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Faculty Directory

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Peter Aghimien
Associate Professor of Practice, Accountancy
Manju Ahuja, PhD
Frazier Family Professor of Computer Information Systems, Entrepreneurship PhD
Xi Ai, PhD
Assistant Professor, Accountancy
Sergey Anokhin
Director, Entrepreneurship
Michael Araki
Free Enterprise PhD Fellow; Doctoral Candidate, Entrepreneurship
Robert M. Barker, PhD
Associate Dean of Operations and Administration, Dean's Office
Aaron Barnes, PhD
LaDonna and Charlie Johnson Assistant Professor of Marketing, Marketing
Michael J. Barone, PhD
Department Chair of Marketing and Brown-Forman Professor of Marketing, Marketing
Dereck Barr-Pulliam, PhD
Assistant Professor, Accountancy
Derek Bell, CPA
Lecturer, Accountancy
Daniel Bennett, PhD
Assistant Professor, Director of the Entrepreneurship PhD program, and Assistant Director of the Center for Free Enterprise, Center for Free Enterprise
Juliana Binhote
PhD Candidate, Management & Entrepreneurship
Lisa M. Blum, LLM
Assistant Professor of Practice, Accountancy
Isabel Botero, PhD
Assistant Professor & George E. and Mary Lee Fischer Chair, Entrepreneurship PhD
Jay T. Brandi, PhD, CVA
Professor, Finance
Marcus Burke
Assistant Professor of Practice, Accountancy
Carolyn M. Callahan, MACC,PhD
Brown-Forman Endowed Chair, Professor, Accountancy
Melissa A. Campbell, EdD
Assistant Professor of Practice, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Hilda E. Carrillo, PhD
Assistant Professor, Accountancy
Saurav Chakraborty, PhD
Assistant Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Yong Chao, PhD
Professor, Economics
Raymond Chastain
Associate Professor Term, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Nan-Ting Chou, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
J. David Chrisman, PhD
Assistant Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Matthew Cushing
Lecturer, Accountancy
Fabian P. Diaz, PhD
Assistant Professor, Center for Free Enterprise
Farooq Durrani, PhD
Assistant Professor of Practice, Finance
Imad A. Elhaj, PhD
Associate Professor of Practice, Finance
David J. Faulds, PhD
Associate Professor, Marketing
William Ferko
Part-time Instructor, Equine Industry Program
Jose Manuel Fernandez, PhD
Department Chair and Associate Professor, Economics
James Fiet, PhD
Brown-Forman Chair in Entrepreneurship and Professor of Management, Entrepreneurship PhD
Cindy Forgie
Assistant Professor Term, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Benjamin P. Foster, PhD
Professor, Accountancy
Alfred Frager
Assistant Professor of Practice, Management & Entrepreneurship
Per G. Fredriksson, PhD
Professor, Economics
Xudong Fu, PhD
Associate Professor, Finance
Richard Germain, PhD
Challenge for Excellence Chair in Supply Chain Management, Marketing
Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD
Director of the Center for Free Enterprise; Truist Distinguished Professor of Free Enterprise; Professor of Economics, Center for Free Enterprise
Zachary W. Goldman, PhD
Director of Online Teaching and Learning, Program Director, Online MBA and Associate Professor of Practice, Management & Entrepreneurship
Kathy Gosser, PhD
YUM! Assistant Professor of Franchise Management Practice and Director, Management & Entrepreneurship
Sandeep Goyal, PhD
Professor and Brown & Williamson Chair, Director MSBA Programs, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Brittany Green, PhD
Assistant Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Jian (Jeff) Guan, PhD
Interim Dean and Professor, Dean's Office
Mahesh C. Gupta, PhD
Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Brandon Hardy, PhD
Assistant Professor of Practice, Management & Entrepreneurship
Kenneth Hartung, MBA
Instructor, Marketing
Zahra Hatami
Assistant Professor of Practice, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Robert Hausladen, MBA
Executive-in-Residence, Marketing
Barry M. Haworth, PhD
Assistant Professor, Economics
Charles Hill
Lecturer, Finance
Kathleen Hoye
Lecturer, Family Business Center
Julie (Ying) Huang, PhD
Associate Professor, Accountancy
Minjie Huang, PhD
Associate Professor, Finance
Ghiyoung Im, PhD
Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Alexei I. Izyumov, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Audrey D. Kline, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Jeff Koleba
Executive in Residence and Instructor, Marketing
Katina Kulow, PhD
Associate Professor, Program Director for Undergraduate Certificate in Sales, Marketing
Mina Kwon, PhD
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Thomas E. Lambert, PhD
Assistant Professor of Practice, Equine Industry Program
K. Amy Lawyer, PhD
Department Chair, Equine Administration, Equine Industry Program
Jacqueline Lewis
Lecturer, Accountancy
Kristen Lucas, PhD
Associate Professor, Management & Entrepreneurship
Carl Maertz, PhD
Professor, Entrepreneurship PhD
Andrew S. Manikas, PhD
Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Anthony J. Manni, MBA
Instructor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Jack Manzella
Instructor, Management & Entrepreneurship
Sean McCarty
Lecturer/CLAW, Accountancy
Warren (Dale) McIntosh, MS
Instructor and Director of BBA Program, Business Administration
R. Charles Moyer, PhD
Professor, Finance
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Babu Nahata, PhD
Professor, Economics
John P. Nelson, PhD
Professor, Economics
Patrick Nessenthaler
Instructor, Finance
Anthony Okafor, PhD
Assistant Professor of Practice, Finance
Henrietta Pepper, MBA
Instructor, Marketing
Joshua C. Pinkston, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Dianna C. Preece, DBA
Professor, Finance
Ryan W. Quinn, PhD
Department Chair for Management and Entrepreneurship, Academic Director, Project on Positive Leadership, Assistant Dean of Innovation & Strategy, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship PhD
P.S. Raju, PhD
Professor, Marketing
Greg Reinhardt, MEng
Executive-in-Residence and Instructor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Ralph Rolen
Instructor, Accountancy
Linda Ruffenach
Instructor, Management & Entrepreneurship
Kim Schneider Malek
Adjunct Professor, Management
Vaughan Scott, MBA
Director, Family Business Management and Advising Certificate
, Management & Entrepreneurship
Sadek Showkat
Free Enterprise PhD Fellow; Doctoral Candidate, Entrepreneurship
Vitaliy Skorodziyevskiy
Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship PhD
Christopher T. Stivers, PhD
Chair, Department of Finance and PNC Professor of Banking & Finance, Finance
Rui Sundrup, PhD
Assistant Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Tian (Lori) Tang, PhD
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Graduate Programs and Professor, Dean's Office
Sait Tarhan
Lecturer/CLAW, Accountancy
Kai Cher Tay
PhD Student, Management & Entrepreneurship
Harald Unkelbach, Dr sc.
Professor (Gratis), Management
Michael F. Wade, MAC, CPA
Director of the School of Accountancy and Instructor, Accountancy
Jiao Wang
Instructor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Jay Wang, PhD
Associate Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Cory Williams
Associate Professor of Practice, Management & Entrepreneurship
Russell Williamson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Accountancy
Andrew L. Wright, PhD
Assistant Professor and Chair, Director of Learning Initiatives, Digital Transformation Center, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Weihua Zhao, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Jozef M. Zurada, PhD
Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas
Associate Professor of Practice, Director MBA, Management & Entrepreneurship