Virtual Desktop
The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) gives College of Business students 24×7 access to Microsoft Windows 10 and compatible software needed for academic endeavors. College of Business students, faculty and staff can use these virtual machines from anywhere, from any computer from practically any device with a secure internet connection. The College of Business moved its computer labs to a virtual environment in 2013 for rooms 045, 059, 054 and Davidson Hall 304. This service is available to all College of Business faculty, staff and students from both on and off campus.
As a College of Business student, the benefit is that you can access these software programs without having to purchase and install them on your personal computer. Just install a simple client and off you go. To log in you MUST have a secure internet connection – ulsecure or Eduroam if on campus
STEP 1: Install the Virtual Desktop Software
iPhones & iPads: Install the VMware View client from the Apple App store.
Android: Install the VMware View client from the Google Play store.
- Follow this link to the download page for the Omnissa Horizon Client (formerly VMware). To the right of Omnissa Client for Windows, click on Go to Downloads, and then Download Now.
- Run the downloaded installer.
- If the installer exits with the message “installation failed,” there can be several possible causes. Download and install both the latest .NET Framework and the latest Visual C++ Redistributables from Microsoft.
- If the Horizon Client still fails to install after updating the .NET Framework and Visual C++ Redistributables, your antivirus software may be interfering with the installer. Troubleshooting this problem varies from one antivirus program to another, and is not as simple as disabling virus scans – sometimes the easiest way is to temporarily uninstall the antivirus software, until the Horizon Client is successfully configured.
- Launch the Omnissa Horizon Client from the desktop shortcut or from the Start Menu.
- Click on the Settings menu at the top right corner of the screen, then Security on the left. In the first dropdown menu, choose “do not verify server identity certificates.” Then close the menu screen.
- Click Add Server and type in virtualcob.louisville.edu then click Connect.
- Enter your Ulink/Blackboard username (not the full email) and password.
- If prompted, select either Virtual Lab or Instant MBA/MSBA, depending on which courses you are enrolled in.
- On first run, the client will ask for storage permissions. It is recommended but not required to grant those permissions. This will make your laptop or desktop local storage visible within the virtual desktop, mapped as the Z: drive.
- When you are finished working in the virtual desktop, be sure to sign out by clicking on the Start Menu at the bottom left corner of the screen, then clicking on the little person icon on the left side, and choosing Sign out. If you close the Horizon Client without signing out, the server will think that you disconnected accidentally, and this may cause problems the next time you login.
- Follow this link to the download page for the Omnissa Horizon Client (formerly VMware). To the right of Omnissa Client for macOS, click Go to Downloads, and then Download Now.
- Double click the installer file in your downloads to run it.
- After installation, find and launch the Omnissa Horizon Client from your Launchpad, or your Applications folder.
- In the top left corner of the screen, next to the Apple icon, open the Omnissa Horizon Client menu and go to Settings, then the Security tab. Select “do not verify server identity certificates,” then close the menu screen.
- Click Add Server and type in virtualcob.louisville.edu then click Connect.
- Enter your Ulink/Blackboard username (not the full email) and password.
- If prompted, select either Virtual Lab or Instant MBA/MSBA, depending on which courses you are enrolled in.
- On first run, the client will ask for storage permissions. It is recommended but not required to grant those permissions. This will make your laptop or desktop local storage visible within the virtual desktop, mapped as the Z: drive.
- When you are finished working in the virtual desktop, be sure to sign out by clicking on the Start Menu at the bottom left corner of the screen, then clicking on the little person icon on the left side, and choosing Sign out. If you close the Horizon Client without signing out, the server will think that you disconnected accidentally, and this may cause problems the next time you login.
Chromebook/Web Client: (less stable, not recommended)
- Open a web browser – Chrome, Firefox, and Safari should all work. Navigate to https://virtualcob.louisville.edu/portal/webclient/#/home
- Enter your Ulink/Blackboard username (not the full email) and password.
- If prompted, select either Virtual Lab or Instant MBA/MSBA, depending on which courses you are enrolled in.
- When you are finished working in the virtual desktop, be sure to sign out by clicking on the Start Menu at the bottom left corner of the screen, then clicking on the little person icon on the left side, and choosing Sign out. If you close the Horizon Client without signing out, the server will think that you disconnected accidentally, and this may cause problems the next time you login.
STEP 2: Launch the Virtual Desktop Application
- Ensure you have a secure internet connection
- Launch the VMware Client
- Select Open/Add Server from the icons presented
- Connection Server is virtualcob.louisville.edu
- Username is your ULINK user-id
- Password is your ULINK password
- Domain should always be AD (if prompted)
STEP 3: Select the Desktop
- COB Virtual Lab – Desktop for ALL College of Business Students or MBA/MSBA for graduate school students
- Persona MBA SAS – By request only. This was designed to host the 64-bit version of SAS Enterprise Miner
- Stopping your session
- Click the Start button on your Windows 10 Virtual image and then click shutdown