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Student Rights & Policies

College of Business Student Academic Rights & Responsibilities

Every student is expected to be thoroughly familiar with the University’s Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities, and Code of Student Conduct.

Every student is responsible for reading the academic policies in the Undergraduate Catalog and official announcements of the College of Business and for abiding by such regulations.

Specifically, every student is responsible for knowing the grade point average and program requirements needed for graduation. Students are encouraged to see a College of Business academic advisor to clarify any questions or concerns.

Along with preparing for and attending class, each student has the responsibility to promote high academic standards.

Students are expected to cooperate in all classes with faculty members to achieve an optimal learning environment.

Inappropriate classroom behavior may result in the student being withdrawn from the course and potentially assigned academic penalties. Inappropriate classroom behavior will be dealt with in the same manner as academic dishonesty.

Students who wish to pursue grievances of any kind may consult with the Student Grievance Officer or the Associate Dean of the College of Business (see Administrative Officers) who will apprise the student of the policies and procedures regarding grievances.

The College of Business will not tolerate academic dishonesty. The College of Business has a strong policy of academic discipline for action against students who commit academic dishonesty or conduct themselves inappropriately in the classroom. A proven case of academic dishonesty will normally result in the student being denied admission to or dismissed from the College of Business.

College of Business Policy on Academic Dishonesty

The College of Business will not tolerate academic dishonesty. The College of Business has a strong policy of academic discipline for action against students who commit academic dishonesty or conduct themselves inappropriately in the classroom. A proven case of academic dishonesty will normally result in the student being denied admission to or dismissed from the College of Business.

Academic dishonesty is defined by the Code of Student Conduct in the Undergraduate Catalog. Its definition pertains to but is not limited to cheating, fabrication, falsification, multiple submission, plagiarism, and complicity. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain high standards of ethical conduct, intellectual integrity and to be familiar with the definition of academic dishonesty.

As evidence of the seriousness with which the College of Business regards these matters, academic dishonesty allegations are handled in accordance with the College of Business Procedures for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty.

Procedures for Dealing with Academic Dishonesty

  1. When an academically dishonest event is discovered, it is the faculty member’s responsibility to determine the appropriate course of action, the associated academic penalty, and to inform the student in a timely fashion of the academic dishonesty allegation. Academic penalties are imposed by the faculty member and include penalties such as i) Resubmission of an alternative assignment or test; ii) F on the assignment/test; iii) F for the course grade;   The severity of the academic penalty is commensurate with the academically dishonest event. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to determine the academic penalty and if an informal or a formal course of action is required.
  2. In cases where an academically dishonest event is deemed inadvertent or inconsequential, the faculty member may choose to resolve the academically dishonest event informally with the student. The informal discourse between the faculty member and the student should address the seriousness in how the College of Business views academic dishonesty, inform the student that it is their responsibility to know what constitutes academic dishonesty and inform the student that any future academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Academic penalties, in this case, should not have a material impact on the student’s final grade in the class.
  3. In cases where an academically dishonest event requires a material academic penalty, such as assigning an F for a major assignment/test, the faculty member may resolve the matter directly with the student. In this case, within a timely and reasonable period, the faculty member must inform the student of the academic dishonesty allegation and present to the student a letter stating the allegation, documenting any associated evidence, and detailing the academic penalty. The faculty member must inform the student that the letter will be placed on permanent file in the College of Business Dean’s Office and that any subsequent academic dishonesty will likely result in administrative penalties, (see 4f). If the student agrees to the terms of the letter as evidenced by the student’s signature on the letter, the faculty member shall forward a copy of the letter to the Department Chair. The Department Chair shall deliver the letter to the Dean’s Office and review the academic dishonesty file to determine if the student has committed any previous acts that may require further administrative penalties. The Department Chair shall report to the Dean of the College of Business if further action is needed.
  4. When procedures outlined in paragraph 3 are inappropriate, insufficient or unacceptable to either the faculty member or the student the following formal procedures provide due process. a)  Except under extraordinary circumstances, within ten school days of informing the student of the alleged academic dishonesty event, the faculty member will prepare a written statement that describes and documents the academic dishonesty allegation. The statement must include all supporting evidence, and the faculty member’s recommended academic penalties. The faculty member’s statement is to be submitted to the Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, (hereafter referred to as Chair).b)  Except under extraordinary circumstances, within fifteen school days of receiving the faculty member’s statement, the Chair will provide to the student through registered mail a letter detailing the academic dishonesty allegation. This correspondence will include a notice that a hearing to investigate the academic dishonesty allegation is to be scheduled at the earliest possible convenience for all persons involved.c)  The hearing will be organized and administered by the Chair. The Chair will appoint a hearing committee, which will consist of the Chair plus two College of Business faculty members that are currently serving on the Undergraduate Studies Committee.d)  The student may be assisted at the hearing by an academic student advisor of his/her choosing. A request for student advisor assistance must be made through written communication to the Chair. The student may waive the right to the hearing by admitting to the charge of academic dishonesty in a signed written statement delivered to the Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee prior to the date of the hearing.e)  At the hearing, the faculty member and the student will each be provided an opportunity to present oral testimony, written evidence, and any other evidence. The burden of establishing the student’s guilt is the responsibility of the faculty member making the allegation.f)  Except under extraordinary circumstances, within fifteen school days of the hearing, the hearing committee will render a decision on the academic dishonesty allegation and produce a written report of its findings. The Chair will notify the student and faculty member in writing of the hearing committee’s findings. If the student is found to be guilty of the allegation, academic penalties will be imposed, and if appropriate, administrative penalties will be recommended. The hearing committee’s decisions on academic penalties are final. All guilty findings will be placed on file under academic dishonesty events with the College of Business Dean’s Office. In the case of a guilty finding the Chair will review the file of academic dishonesty events to determine if this is a first or a repeat offense. A repeat offense will likely result in a recommendation for administrative penalties.  Administrative penalties in the case of suspension or expulsion from the College of Business are imposed by the Dean of the College of Business, or by the Provost in the case of suspension or expulsion from the University.g)  In the case of recommended administrative penalties, the Dean of the College of Business shall review the hearing committee’s report and issue a decision regarding imposing College of Business administrative penalties and whether any University-wide penalties will be recommended to the Provost. Except under extraordinary circumstances, within 15 school days of receiving the hearing committee’s report, the Dean of the College of Business shall notify the student, the faculty member originating the academic dishonesty allegation, and the Chair of the hearing committee of its decision. The Dean of the College of Business shall forward any recommended University-wide penalties to the Provost.h)  If the student fails to appear before the hearing committee, the hearing will be held in the student’s absence and a final decision rendered. If the faculty member making the allegation of academic dishonesty fails to appear, the charges will be dropped. Unforeseen and uncontrollable events that prevent an individual’s appearance at the hearing will be considered prior to making a final decision.i)  In the case where multiple students are involved with the academic dishonesty allegation, each student will be dealt with individually, but the composition of the hearing committee will remain the same for all students involved with the alleged event.j)  Any student who believes the processing or final disposition of a charge of academic dishonesty was unfair may initiate a grievance under the Academic Grievance Procedure as defined in the Academic Policies and Procedures of the Undergraduate Catalog.