Theory of Constraints (TOC) Resource Center
UofL’s Theory of Constraints (TOC) resource center has been specially designed to create TOC enthusiasts to further solidify their understanding of TOC concepts, principles and tools. It is our desire to create a TOC learning community by sharing our knowledge and creating partnerships to further TOC knowledgebase.
We offer the following materials:
Acknowledgement: This center is dedicated to Dr. Eli Goldratt, founder of the Theory of Constraints. We acknowledge the contributions of several other TOC experts such as Bernard, Cox, Dettmer, Holt, Scheinkopf, Youngman, which have shaped our understanding of TOC. We also acknowledge a number of graduate students and TOC enthusiasts (Andersen, Chahal, Kaur) with whom we have exchanged our understanding and coauthored several publications.
TOC People

Mahesh Gupta, Ph.D., Professor,
University of Louisville