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BUMP Mentoring Program

The Ulmer Career Management Center is always looking for extraordinary professionals to help our students reach their potential.

Mentors provide students with real-life professional connections that go beyond classroom experiences.  Our programs match exceptional students with extraordinary working professionals who dedicate time and expertise in helping students reach their potential. Together they troubleshoot issues, explore opportunities, and launch careers. Mentoring relationships are focused but flexible; many result in long-term professional connections shaped by trust and mutual respect.

Mentor Benefits:

  • Put expertise to good use
  • Discover where the next generation of business leaders is headed
  • Grow as a leader and experienced professional

Student Benefits:

  • Explore professional objectives and learn more about chosen field of study.
  • Learn how course work and co-curricular activities relate to jobs in the real world
  • Acquire firsthand, up-to-date information about career options
  • Discuss career goals with knowledgeable individuals who have similar backgrounds
  • Discover career paths you may not have previously considered
  • Grow as a leader and learn from experienced professionals

The Ulmer Career Management Center is always looking for extraordinary professionals to help our students reach their potential.

Interested in being a Mentor?

B. U. M. P. – Business Undergraduate Mentoring Program

Provided by the Ulmer Career Center, B.U.M.P. is an application based one year program which gives students an opportunity to broaden their learning experience through several meetings with professionals in the business community.

Why should I be a mentor?

Becoming a mentor is both professionally and personally fulfilling. Not only do you have the opportunity to serve your field and community, you have the ability to teach the next generation of leaders. Your mentee is a unique source for fresh perspectives and new ideas. Support the change you want to see.

Time commitment:

Mentors and mentees will commit to monthly meetings from September through April. The agenda for these meetings will be determined by each mentor and mentee, and might include attending company meetings, discussing mentee career goals, discussion of a case study or attending other relevant meetings or events.

Interested in volunteering or learning more?

Contact the Ulmer Career Center at 502-852-7756 or

Interested in being a mentee?