1. This COB Flex Work Arrangement and Equipment Maintenance Agreement (“Agreement”) between [Department Name] (“department”) and [Employee’s Name] (“employee”) of the College of Business ar the University of Louisville (“College”) to establish the terms and conditions for performing work at an alternate work site on a regular basis (e.g., on the same day every week, or on some routine basis).
2. This Agreement begins on [Date] and continues until [Date] and may be renewed if determined beneficial to the College. This Agreement may be modified or canceled in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Telecommuting policy.
3. The following conditions apply:
a. The employee has read and acknowledged the COB Flex work policy document.
b. The employee agrees to have supervisor approval, on a weekly basis, to work one of the following options:
• Three – two: Employees may work remotely for two days per week
• Four – one: Employees may work remotely one day per week
• Forty in four: Employees may work a full 40-hour workweek in four days
• All remote: Employees may, in extreme circumstances, with approval from the Dean, work on an entirely remote basis. Again, this is to be used infrequently, as circumstances necessitate.
c. The employee’s regular remote work site phone number is to be provided below.
4. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure that the Employee’s work quality, efficiency, and productivity are not compromised by the remote work arrangement.