Knowledge Online Submission Form
Knowledge Online is a service of the College of Business PR/Marketing Department for UofL faculty and staff. It is the primary medium for faculty and staff news and announcements, streamlining the flow of announcements to inbox.
The deadline to submit events or news items is Thursday at 2:00 p.m. for inclusion in the following Monday’s issue. In order to ensure announcements are timely and accurate, submissions will only be considered through this form.
Announcements will be edited for overall consistency so they adhere to the editorial guidelines put forth by the University OCM.
- Only university employees may submit announcements.
- Announcements must be written by the requester in one paragraph of no more than 250 characters including spaces. Do not indent the first line of your description text. Please review all the information before submitting it for accuracy.
- Requester’s information will not be included in the announcement.
- Before clicking on “Submit,” double-check the accuracy of the information.
- In order to maximize the impact and readability of Knowledge Online for our readers, features to be repeated need to be resubmitted and will appear at the bottom of the newsletter.
- Please direct questions about KO to the PR/Marketing Department.
Knowledge Online Submission
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