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College of Business Class of 2020 Graduate Degree Candidate List

Dean’s Citation is the highest honor awarded. Recipients’ final cumulative GPA ranks in the top 10% of the graduating class.  

Students completing the MBA program with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher are honored as graduating “With Distinction.” 

KEY:  *    Franchise Management Certificate

          ++ Distilled Spirits Certificate

Graduate Candidates for Degree

Entrepreneurship MBA Cohort – Dean’s Citations

Carter Hudson

Joshua Kotter                                        

Professional MBA Cohort – Dean’s Citations

Daniel Kapp

Hamidreza Kazemi

William Morgan

Kelley Spillson

Entrepreneurship MBA Cohort

Henry R. Alston, Jr.

Kerry Robert Baumann, With Distinction

Chiraag Hemant Bhimani, With Distinction

Robert R. Bramer

Brock Ramsey Burton

Phillip Steven Cupp, With Distinction

Patrick Davis Glanz

Carter Thomas Hudson, With Distinction

Conner William Kopp

Joshua Howard Kotter, With Distinction

Ashley Katherine Krems

Archana Kumari

Benjamin Elijah Raymond

Elizabeth Sherzer, With Distinction ++

Connor Patrick Welch                             

Professional MBA Cohort

Hamit Afiyet, With Distinction

Ashley Marie Alexander *

Alexa Rose Anderson, With Distinction

William Perry Anderson Jr., With Distinction

Arabo Bey

Sarah Luckett Bhatia ++

Caryle Blondell

Alexis Bianca Cano, With Distinction ++

Kudaira Leslie Charasika *

Shanna Marie Clark, With Distinction

Ellen Ross Davison

Jeremy Dorning ++

Caleb Daniel Garza, With Distinction

William Haydon Hale, With Distinction ++

Leviticus Ryker Calvert Hamner

Achmad Nur Hidayatullah, With Distinction

Shermiah Janice Holland “

Gregory Rajan James ++

Manish Kumar Jha

Daniel Joseph Kapp, With Distinction

Hamidreza Kazemi, With Distinction

John Michael Kelley, With Distinction

Tiffany Mala Lakhwani, With Distinction

David Park Lambert, Jr., With Distinction

Brent M. Lasher

Brian Wesley Lewis

Ra’Shann A Martin

Jonathan Douglas Means, With Distinction ++

Farouk Vincent Migliore

William Steven Morgan, With Distinction

Kevin L. Potts, M.D., With Distinction

Renee Elizabeth Poullott

Betty Mae Sallengs

Kelley Jayne Spillson, With Distinction ++

Cornelius Marquet Sturghill Jr.

Narmathadevi Sundaramoorthy

Matthew Dillain Thompson, With Distinction

Ashley A Withers

Nicole Marie Yerton ++

Executive MBA Cohort

Samuel Edward Brown

Ricardo Alberto Delgado Ramos

Mikki Womack Eldridge

Lesli Kathleen Lawrence

Benjamin Lepage

Mark Whitley Mozingo

Jim Quiggins

Asia Latrece Rivers

Dana Renae Royse

Nathan Alexander Stone

Frank Hunter Strickler

Matthew J. Wyatt