CFE Research & Publications
Guest editorial: Cultivating a broader paradigm to understand family business brands and the branding process
Isabel Botero, Pedeliento, G., Bettinelli, C., & Centeno-Velázquez, E., Journal of Product & Brand Management, 32(5), 673-680. doi:10.1108/JPBM-07-2023-022
The Interdependence of coordination and cooperation in information technology outsourcing
Ghiyoung Im, PhD, Manju Ahuja, PhD
Informations Systems Research. March 2023
How morality and efficiency shape public support for minimum wages
Lennon, C., Teltser, K., Jose Fernandez, & Steve Gohmann. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization). Vol 205, pp. 618-637. January 2023
Taking mental models seriously: institutions, entrepreneurship, and the mediating role of socio-cognitive traits
Daniel Bennett, PhD, Christopher J. Boudreaux, David S. Lucas, Boris N. Nikolaev
Springer. December 2022
Does the family matter? Improving compensation practices in family firms
Isabel Botero. FamilyBusiness.org. December 2022
Long-run growth of ambulatory surgery centers 1990–2015 and Medicare payment policy
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD, M. Richards
Health Services Research. July 2022
Entrepreneurial organizing activities and nascent venture performance
Daniel Bennett, PhD, Long, A., Wood, M.
Small Business Economics. January 2022
Toward a family science perspective on executive compensation in family firms: A review and research agenda
Isabel Botero, PhD, Michiels A., Kidwell, R.
Family Business Review. December 2021
Understanding governance mechanisms in small and medium family firms in Latin America
Isabel Botero, PhD, Arzaga, F., Bullock, K.
Multidisciplinary Business Review. August 2021
The family’s effect on knowledge sharing in family firms
Isabel Botero, PhD, Barroso Martínez, A., Galván, S.,
Binhote, J.
Journal of Knowledge Management. August 2021
Blue laws and other cases of bootleggers/Baptist influence in beer regulation (Chapter)
Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD, Smith, A.
Regulation and Economic Opportunity: Blueprints for Reform. April 2021
Sensegiving in organizations via the use of business analytics
Ghiyoung Im, PhD, Namvar, M., Interzari, A.
Information Technology & People. April 2021
Reducing readmissions by addressing the social determinants of health
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD, Evans, W.N., Kroeger, S., Ortuzar, G., Wagner, K.L.
American Journal of Health Economics. January 2021
Time spent exercising and obesity: An application of Lewbel’s instrumental variables method
Joshua C. Pinkston, PhD, Courtemanche, C., Stewart, J.
Economics & Human Biology. October 2020
What explains the rising share of US men in registered nursing?
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD, A. Wozniak
ILR Review. September 2020
Treatment flows after outsourcing public insurance provision: Evidence from Florida Medicaid
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD, Richards, M. R.
Health Economics. August 2020
Minimum wages, morality, and efficiency: A choice experiment
Jose Manuel Fernandez, PhD, Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD,
K. Teltser
AEA Papers and Proceedings. May 2019
Breaking bad in Bourbon Country: Does alcohol prohibition encourage methamphetamine production?
Joshua C. Pinkston, PhD, Jose Manuel Fernandez, PhD, Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD
Southern Economic Journal. March 2018
Productive versus unproductive entrepreneurship: Industry formation and state economic growth
Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD, B. Hobbs, M. McCrickard
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy. April 2016
Provider turf wars and Medicare payment rules
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD, Alice J. Chen, Stephen T. Parente, Michael R. Richards
Journal of Public Economics. February 2023
Developing your business family strategy: Where to start and what to consider
Isabel Botero. Family Business.org. January 2023
Preparando a la siguiente generación: desarrollando competencias para el exito en la empresa familiar
Isabel Botero. Revista Legado – Tecnologico de Monterrey. December 2022
Do physicians warm up to higher Medicare prices? Evidence from Alaska
Elizabeth Munnich, PhD, Chen A.,Parente S., Richards, M.
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. September 2022
Populist discourse and entrepreneurship: The role of political ideology and institutions
Daniel Bennett, PhD, Bourdreaux, C. Nikolaev, N. Journal of International Business Studies. April 2022
Should we engage in philanthropy and/or impact investing? If so, how should we get started?
Isabel Botero, PhD
Enabling Next Generation Legacies: 35 questions that next generation members in Enterprising Families Ask. December 2021
Consumers’ perceptions of product quality and entrepreneurial survival: Evidence from the craft brewery industry
Jose Manuel Fernandez, PhD, Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD
Small Business and Enterprise Development. November 2021
Family emotional support in the transformation of women entrepreneurs
Isabel Botero, PhD, Kaciak, E.Kopaničová, J.
Journal of Business Research. August 2021
Chances elections, social distancing restrictions, and Kentucky’s early COVID-19 experience
Joshua C. Pinkston, PhD, Courtemanche, C., Garuccio, J., Le, A., Yelowitz, A.
PLOS One. July 2021
With linear pricing, can profit‐maximizing monopoly output be socially efficient?
Yong Chao, PhD, Babu Nahata, PhD
Bulletin of Economic Research. April 2021
Customer perceptions about family firms and their effects on customer behaviors
Isabel Botero, PhD, Litchfield-Moore, S. R.
Journal of Small Business Strategy. April 2021
Coups, regime transitions, and institutional consequences
Daniel Bennett, PhD, Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD,
Bjørnskov, C.
Journal of Comparative Economics. October 2020
Individualism, pro-market institutions, and national innovation
Daniel Bennett, PhD, Nikolaev, B.
Small Business Economics. September 2020
Has economic growth made Americans better off despite rising income inequality? Evidence from subjective well-being data
Daniel Bennett, PhD, Nikolaev, B.
Journal of Private Enterprise. August 2020
Strong social distancing measures in the United States reduced the COVID-19 growth rate
Joshua C. Pinkston, PhD, C. Courtemanche, J. Garuccio, A. Le, A. Yelowitz
Health Affairs. May 2020
The persistence of historical influences on current economic freedom
Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD
Economic freedom and prosperity: The origins and maintenance of liberalization. November 2018
Why are there so few breweries in the south?
Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. September 2016
Requirements fulfillment: The missing link between requirements determination and user acceptance
David J. Faulds, PhD, Jian (Jeff) Guan, PhD, Stephan F. Gohmann, PhD, Robert Michael Barker, PhD
Information Systems Management. January 2013