Resume Assistance
There is no stronger statement that can be made to introduce you to a prospective employer than a concise, solid resume. A resume consists of components such as contact information, job objective, education, employment history, skills and abilities, activities, and honors. The resume serves as a marketing tool to sell yourself to potential employers. The primary objective of a resume is to get an interview in order to sell your product – YOU!
Resume Review Days
All business students and alumni are invited to come to Resume Review Days for resume assistance, tips, and guidance. On a walk-in basis, bring your resume to the Ulmer Career Center between 9AM-6PM and get it reviewed – no appointment needed on these days.
Resume Review DaysCustomized Resume Assistance
Individual appointments with an Ulmer Career Center staff member are available to help you create a resume or review an existing document. Call (502) 852-7756 or stop by the Ulmer Center to schedule an appointment.