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OMBA Program Faculty & Staff

Robert M. Barker, PhD
Associate Dean of Operations and Administration, Dean's Office
Sophonie Bazile
Coordinator Online Student Support & Community, OMBA
Jay T. Brandi, PhD, CVA
Professor, Finance
Matt Elder, EdD
Coordinator Online Instructional Support, OMBA
Richard Germain, PhD
Challenge for Excellence Chair in Supply Chain Management, Marketing
Zachary W. Goldman, PhD
Director of Online Teaching and Learning, Program Director, Online MBA and Associate Professor of Practice, Management & Entrepreneurship
Sandeep Goyal, PhD
Professor and Brown & Williamson Chair, Director MSBA Programs, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Kim Hamilton
Enrollment Coordinator, Graduate Programs
Julie (Ying) Huang, PhD
Associate Professor, Accountancy
Alexei I. Izyumov, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Audrey D. Kline, PhD
Associate Professor, Economics
Kristen Lucas, PhD
Associate Professor, Management & Entrepreneurship
Andrew S. Manikas, PhD
Professor, Information Systems, Analytics & Operations
Ryan W. Quinn, PhD
Department Chair for Management and Entrepreneurship, Academic Director, Project on Positive Leadership, Assistant Dean of Innovation & Strategy, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship PhD
Trisha Townsend
Coordinator of Online Student Support & Community, OMBA
Michael F. Wade, MAC, CPA
Director of the School of Accountancy and Instructor, Accountancy