About Cardinal Careers
Cardinal Careers is a comprehensive career management tool available to College of Business students and alumni and free for employers to use. Students and alumni can use Cardinal Careers to search and apply for temporary, part-time, and full-time positions or part- and full-time co-ops and internships.
Students and Alumni
Cardinal Careers helps you to create a personal profile and post your resume which you could then make available to local, regional, and national recruiters. Cardinal Careers is your best resource to learn about upcoming Ulmer Career Center events and to connect with employers interested in College of Business students and alumni. It is available only to College of Business students and alumni and a one stop resource for job postings, upcoming event registration, and more! You can review and apply for positions instantly and if an employer is interviewing on campus, schedule the interview through Cardinal Careers.
To access Cardinal Careers you’ll need to log into your Cardinal Careers account. You can log into your Cardinal Careers account using your Ulink userID and password. Once logged in you’ll want to update your profile and upload your resume. Be sure to check out the announcements as they are constantly changing as well as RSVP for upcoming events! Jobs are posted daily so be sure to check back often.
Link to Cardinal Careers for studentsFor additional opportunities, check out our other online career tool, CareerShift.
Co-ops and Internships on Cardinal Careers
Undergraduate students can use Cardinal Careers as one of their search options when applying for a co-op or internship. Internships posted on Cardinal Careers will indicate the semester the internship will start and which majors or minors have approved it for academic credit. Be sure to filter your results to part- or full-time co-ops and internships while searching. Internships posted on Cardinal Careers will only be advertised as such if they are eligible for academic credit unless otherwise indicated. Through Cardinal Careers students can search and apply for co-ops and internships, request academic credit for an internship, and complete their report if receiving credit for the internship. Contact the Ulmer Career Center for specific instructions if you need help in any of these areas.
Employers can use Cardinal Careers to post temporary, part-time, and full-time positions or part- and full-time co-ops and internships. It can also be used to register for upcoming career fairs, schedule info sessions, coordinate on campus interviews, and review resume books. It is completely free for employers to use!
Link to Cardinal Careers for Employers