At the Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence, we are committed to empowering communities to create and sustain generational wealth through franchising. As a world-class leader in franchise education and research, our mission is to unlock entrepreneurial opportunities, particularly for underrepresented populations, by providing industry-leading instruction that equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in franchising.
Read our press release announcing the College of Business' partnership with Yum! Brands.
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Degree and Non-Degree Programs
Franchise EducationThe franchise educational content is available online asynchronously in three formats: graduate, undergraduate, or executive education (non-credit). All formats provide the same rich content that prepares someone to work in franchising in any capacity. All three versions provide CFE credit for those earning this IFA credential.
Yum! & UofL: Your Partners in Potential
Yum! CGFE News
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Yum! CGFE Faculty & Staff Directory
Meet the team and professors behind the Center.
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YUM! CGFE Board of Advisors
Meet the people guiding the Center's research and educational efforts.
FranchiseU! Podcast
FranchiseU! provides education and inspiration to those in, or considering careers within, franchising.
Small Bites Of Business Insights
Small Bites Of Business Insights provides valuable lessons that will help you improve your business practices.
Yum! CGFE Student Successes
Yum! CGFE stokes the fires of student success through
world-class education.
Yum! Brands
Building global, iconic brands people trust and champion.