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Graduate Programs FAQ


  1. Where can I apply?
  2. What do I need to apply?
    You will need a professional resume, personal statement, two (2) letters of recommendation, and transcript. GMAT requirements are optional through the current admission cycle.

    For a limited time, UofL business and UofL STEM seniors with GPAs of 3.0+ are automatically accepted into the MSAA and MBA programs. A GPA of 3.2+ is required for automatic admission into the MSBA program. Submit an application as soon as possible for expedited admission.
  3. When is the application deadline?
    The early deadline is December 1st; the standard deadline is April 1 (domestic) and May 1 (international). Admissions are on a rolling basis.
  4. What does my GPA need to be in order to be qualified for the program?
    There is no exact GPA requirement, but be aware that applicants with lower GPAs will likely need to display strong academic performance elsewhere (internships, work experience). A GPA of less than 2.5 requires a variance form.


  1. When do classes start?
    Classes start in August for all graduate programs. MSBA (seated), MSAA, and Online MBA have January start dates.
  2. What is the curriculum like?
    Visit the Academic Catalog for more information.
  3. Are there any pre-requisites I need to take?
    There are no pre-requisites for the seated MBA programs. The MSBA and Online MBA requires a prep course in statistics that is furnished free to the students before classes start. The MSAA requires at least 18 credit hours of accounting undergraduate work to be considered for admission. Contact a recruiter today if you have additional questions regarding your qualifications.
  4. How big are classes?
    Class sizes vary for each program and range from 20 – 70 students.
  5. When are classes?
    All graduate courses are taught in the evening from 6-9:30 p.m., typically two or three nights per week depending on the program.
  6. What if I’m not a business major?
    You do not have to be a business major to apply (and be admitted) to MBA and MSBA graduate programs. The MSAA program requires an accounting undergraduate degree OR 18 hours of accounting prerequisites.
  7. Do I choose what classes I take?
    Your classes are predetermined, and you will be registered for them by our admissions team. You do have the freedom to chose electives later in the program.
  8. What if I work full-time?
    Many of the students work full-time or have professional jobs outside of class. Our on-campus night classes help students who are working full-time balance their classwork and professional life.


  1. What companies have offered internships in the past?
    Partnering companies include Humana, GE, Adidas, Brown-Forman, El Toro, Yum, UPS, and many other companies based in Louisville.
  2. What qualifications are the top employers looking for?
    Top employers look for experience and skills that can be incorporated into the organization. Some companies do consider GMAT scores.
  3. What GMAT do I need to be considered for an internship?
    There is no specific GMAT requirement for acquiring an internship, but Humana and Adidas take GMAT scores into consideration when searching for potential interns.
  4. How much do internships pay?
    Internship pay traditionally ranges from $18-$28/hr.
  5. What if I don’t get selected for an internship?
    That’s OK—you can search for a job on your own and, if approved, it can be counted toward class credit.
  6. Do the internships count for course credit? What if I don’t/can’t take one?
    Yes, the internships count for credit. They are in addition to the core curriculum of the program and are not required. If you have an internship for the MSBA program, for example, you will complete 33 credit hours instead of the required 30 credit hours. That is one (1) additional internship credit per semester. In the MBA program, the internship credits are applied against the electives, whereas in the MSBA they are in addition to the required program credit hours.

International Trip

  1. Which programs offer an international trip?
    All MBA and MSAA programs.
  2. What are some recent trip locales?
    Recent options have included South Africa, Hungary, Czech Republic, India, Brazil, China, the Republic of Korea, and Argentina. Each cohort will have the opportunity to choose from approximately 6-8 different trips.
  3. What happens if I choose not to travel?
    An alternate non-travel course section must be taken if an optional 10-day international study trip is not undertaken. The MBA program tuition and fees include the cost of the trip – minus airfare, most dinners, and personal incidentals. No refunds or discounts are applied if the trip is not taken.
  4. What is a typical trip itinerary?
    International trips are faculty-led and typically include two different countries. Students prepare in advance for the various business visits that include tours of operations and meeting with senior leaders to discuss their business models, opportunities & challenges, and market analysis. Cultural immersion is a part of the exposure to the rich heritage of each country. Trips are 10 days long, and students are given an opportunity to vote on their choice out of the options presented.


We are currently GMAT optional. Strong GMAT scores of 680 or better will be considered for additional scholarship opportunities.

  1. Graduate Business Programs are GRE/GMAT optional.

Life in Louisville

  1. What is the cost of living in Louisville?
    The cost of living in Louisville, KY is 84% of the national average.
  2. What are some of the living options?
    UofL housing options:
    • Off-campus options:
  3. What is Louisville like?
    Louisville is a big city with a small-town feel. There are plenty of things to do along Bardstown Road, NuLu, and downtown. Churchill Downs, UofL athletics, bourbon tours, and various museums along the museum district downtown will keep students living in the city entertained. Visit for more information.

Questions by Program

For a limited time, UofL business and UofL STEM seniors with GPAs of 3.0+ are automatically accepted into the MSAA and MBA programs. A GPA of 3.2+ is required for automatic admission into the MSBA program. Submit an application as soon as possible for expedited admission.” Change to: “UofL business and UofL STEM seniors with GPAs of 3.0+ and in good standing are guaranteed acceptance into our MBA and MSAA programs. A GPA of 3.2+ is required for automatic admission into the MSBA program. Submit a complete application as soon as possible for expedited admission.


  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $34,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
    The MSBA is a 1-year program.
  3. Are GMAT scores required?
    Admission is GMAT optional. However, GMAT scores of 680+ will be considered for additional scholarship opportunities.
  4. What forms of financial aid are available?
    We offer merit-based scholarships and competitive-based paid internships to help students finance the cost of the program.
  5. Does MSBA also offer paid internships?
    Competitive-based paid internships are available to qualified students of the program.
  6. Are there any pre-requisites required for the program?
    We ask that students have at least one statistics or calculus course in their undergraduate transcript or display competency in quantitative-based skills. The Statistics for Analytics prep class is required provided free once admitted into the program and before classes start.

Full-Time MBA

  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $38,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
    The Full-Time MBA is a 1-year program.
  3. Are GMAT scores required?
    Admission is GMAT optional. However, GMAT scores of 680+ will be considered for additional scholarship opportunities.
  4. What forms of financial aid are available?
    Domestic students also have access to federal student loans.
  5. Does the Full-time MBA also offer paid internships?
    Competitive-based paid internships are available to qualified students of the program.
  6. How large are the classes?
    Full-Time has approximately 50 students per cohort.
  7. How does the UofL Full-Time MBA vary from the other programs?
    Unlike most programs, UofL offers competitive paid internship opportunities and has exclusive partnerships with major companies based in Louisville.
  8. I work full-time. How can I also do a Full-Time MBA?
    Many of our students work full-time. Classes are held three nights per week by design so they don’t interfere with a typical daytime work schedule.
  9. Are there any pre-requisites I need to take?
    We do not require any particular undergraduate degree. Our program has a wide range of disciplines enrolled.
  10. If I did not study business as an undergrad, will I be at a disadvantage?
    No, but it certainly would not hurt to read material on finance, accounting, economics, or some of the more challenging courses.

Professional MBA

  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $38,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
    The Professional MBA is a 20-month program.
  3. How large are the classes?
    The Professional has approximately 50 students per cohort.
  4. Are GMAT scores required?
    Admission is GMAT optional. However, GMAT scores of 680+ will be considered for additional scholarship opportunities.
  5. What forms of financial aid are available?
    Domestic students also have access to federal student loans.
  6. I work full-time. How can I also do a Professional MBA?
    Many of our students work full-time. Classes are held two nights per week by design so they don’t interfere with a typical daytime work schedule.
  7. Are there any prerequisites I need to take?
    We do not require any particular undergraduate degree. Our program has a wide range of disciplines enrolled.
  8. If I did not study business as an undergrad, will I be at a disadvantage?
    No, but it certainly would not hurt to read material on finance, accounting, economics, or some of the more challenging courses.

Innovation MBA (IMBA)

  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $38,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
    The Innovation MBA is a 1-year program, similar to the Full-Time MBA. IMBA electives are focused on business innovation and entrepreneurship.
  3. Are GMAT scores required?
    Admission is GMAT optional. However, GMAT scores of 680+ will be considered for additional scholarship opportunities.
  4. What is the focus of the Innovation MBA versus a traditional MBA?
    The Innovation MBA is geared toward both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. It differs from a traditional MBA by developing skills in business creativity, problem-solving, and innovation.

Online MBA

  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $38,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
    The Online MBA is a 20-month program (5 concurrent semesters).
  3. How is it different from on-campus MBA programs?
    This is the same high-quality curriculum as in our seated MBA programs, except it is offered in an online and asynchronous format, taking one course at a time as opposed to at least 2 in the seated programs. Online courses grant 24/7 access to all courses, homework, and study materials.
  4. Will my degree say online on it?
    No, your degree will say you received your MBA from the University of Louisville College of Business.
  5. What classes are taught online?
    The online MBA retains the same classes required by the Professional MBA. Lecture material is posted online rather than being presented in person.
  6. Can I still take electives on campus?
    Absolutely! You will have the freedom to take in-person elective classes if you choose to do so, even though this is not a requirement.
  7. Do online students qualify for an international trip?
    Yes. The only graduate Master’s program that does not participate in the international trip is the MSBA.

Master of Science in Accounting Analytics (MSAA)

  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $28,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
  3. When are classes?
    Classes are two to four nights per week (6:00–9:30 p.m.).
  4. Is the international trip available for the MSAA?
  5. Are the MSAA requirements for admission different from the MBA/MSBA?
    Admission is GMAT optional. However, GMAT scores of 680+ will be considered for additional scholarship opportunities.

Online MSBA

  1. What is the cost of the program?
    $34,500 (tuition and fees).
  2. How long is the program?
    The Online MSBA is a 1-year program.
  3. How is it different from on-campus MBA programs?
    This is the same high-quality curriculum as in our seated MBA programs, except it is offered online and asynchronous, taking one course at a time every 5 weeks as opposed to at least 2 in the seated programs. Online courses grant 24/7 access to all courses, homework, and study materials.
  4. Will my degree say online on it?
    No, your degree will say you received your MSBA from the University of Louisville College of Business.
  5. What classes are taught online?
    The online MSBA retains the same classes required by the in-person MSBA. Lecture material is posted online rather than being presented in person.
  6. Can I still take electives on campus?
    Absolutely! You will have the freedom to take in-person elective classes if you choose to do so, even though this is not a requirement.