OMBA Program Academics Preview
The OMBA is a 20-month, five-semester, 45-credit hours program. Each semester is broken down into three academic terms. For the most part, students will take one 3.0-credit hour core class each term that lasts five weeks at a time for a total of 36 core credit hours. A couple of semesters will vary. There will be one semester when students will take electives with the option of pursuing a graduate business certificate. During the elective semester, students will take two 1.5-credit hour classes simultaneously per term that also last five weeks for a total of nine elective credit hours.
Course Registration
There are some great perks to being a graduate student in the College of Business; one is that students will never have to navigate a time-consuming registration process. Each semester, the graduate enrollment coordinator/academic advisor will submit enrollment on students’ behalf to the Registrar’s Office.
After the Registrar’s Office processes the enrollment, courses will appear in ULink within 24 hours. Courses will populate in Blackboard two weeks before their start dates. Do not be alarmed if three courses are listed on ULink but only one on Blackboard. Additional information about the curriculum and sequence of courses will be provided at Orientation.
View the Online MBA curriculum

Cohort Model & Student Teams
The OMBA program utilizes a cohort model: Students who begin the program simultaneously will take all core courses together in the same sequence. The meaningful experiences that will develop as students travel the OMBA journey together is amazing. Students will also be assigned to teams based on demographics, professional experience, and the Predictive Index assessment. For many students, their team serves as a support system throughout the program.
Cardinal Choice Assignment
The University of Louisville’s Online MBA program is committed to offering students an integrated curriculum where learners can make meaningful choices throughout their core classes to apply course content to their interests and professional aspirations consistently. The Cardinal Choice assignment will be implemented into the Online MBA curriculum for all incoming cohorts to integrate individual Online MBA courses into a large-scale, student-centered assignment that provides meaningful and consistent opportunities to apply course concepts to an area of student interest.
To begin the Cardinal Choice Assignment, students will first select their focal area: Career, Industry, or Issue. These tracks will subsequently influence and guide the assignments students will complete in each of their core classes and allow them to apply a portion of every core course toward their career, industry, or specific issue they or their organization may encounter.
Electives, Certificates, and International Travel
Students may utilize the elective courses to apply toward one of the five graduate business certificates in Distilled Spirits, Horse Racing Industry, Family Business Management and Advising, Franchise Management, or Managerial Analytics. There is no additional charge for the certificate credential if it is completed while enrolled in the OMBA program. Cohorts that begin the OMBA program in the fall will receive information about electives in their fourth semester while cohorts that begin the program in the spring will receive information about electives during their third semester.

Certificate Programs
Gain unique skills and enhance your experience with specialty certificates from the College of Business.
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MBA/MSAA International Study Trip
Our students are required to enroll in a global learning course that includes study of international business, trade, and culture. This course also provides the option to travel internationally as a class on a 10-day global residency to experience international business environments, and to learn from business leaders and MBA/MSAA students of different cultures.
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