Thank you for your interest in the UofL College of Business Graduate Programs
You are on your way!
We will be contacting you soon to answer any of your questions. In the meantime, we will be sure to keep you informed about our program highlights and admissions details.
UofL Returns to India
The University of Louisville will be returning to India soon. Stay connected with us for more details.
This program makes an immediate impact on your career marketability.
Vernon Foster
Executive Director, Graduate Programs
University of Louisville College of Business
Contact International Student Support
Sudhir Shirigiri
(+91) 86575 65733
or Sudhir.Shirigiri@louisville.edu
Located in Mumbai, India, Sudhir is available to answer your questions (including about internships) and guide you through the application process. Sudhir can also answer your questions about UofL’s other graduate programs including our top-ranked (Best Masters) Full-Time MBA (#45), Master of Accountancy (#32), and Innovation MBA (#13).
Ready to get your application started?
Secure your spot in the next cohort and start your application today. You won’t need everything at once. Admissions counselors will guide you along the way.
Apply now*Internships are competitive and not guaranteed