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Staying Power: A Managers Guide to Keeping Employees Longer

While some of today’s workforce is made up of deep-rooted, dependable staff, a growing number of positions are now a revolving door of employee turnover.

High-performing employees can be difficult and time consuming to replace. Solid employee retention strategies are the key to ensuring turnover rates don’t impact your bottom line.

During this course, you will learn why staffing is so challenging today. You’ll also discover ways you can gain greater staffing stability and improve retention.

Join us to learn how to slow the revolving door of employee turnover, effectively manage the impending shorter-term workforce, and maximize the time you have with each employee.

You will learn how to:

  • Discover current employee retention trends and future staffing projections.
  • Uncover the real reasons employees leave most organizations and ways to encourage them to stay.
  • Become a M.A.G.N.E.T. employer who attracts better applicants and keeps staff longer.
  • Pre-approved for 6.5 credit hours with HRCI
  • This program is valid for 6.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM

Seminar Fee

$430 (includes instruction, seminar manual, refreshments, certificate of completion and parking)

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