Living Learning Communities (LLC) are residential programs that allow a diverse group of students who share in a common interest to live and form a community together. Students participate in shared courses, and programs as part of their initial transition into the greater college community.
A program within LLC, TILE (Thriving and Innovation through Leadership and Entrepreneurship) is designed for students majoring in business who want to develop individual leadership styles while engaging with leaders, entrepreneurs, and the LLC cohort of future business professionals. TILE also emphasizes the importance of academic engagement, navigating life’s transitions, and how to use innovation to solve problems. Participants of TILE live on the same floor, take classes together, and receive specialized programming focusing on academics, business careers, and social engagement.
The Reinhardt Academic Center coordinates TILE’s activities and living arrangements. From their initial contacts predating Freshmen orientation and through the year, the academic counselors work to ensure this experience is memorable and life-changing for the students.