Teach: Playfulness Tools
The tools on this page can be used to teach agility, adaptability, or flexibility.
• Request tools created by the Project on Positive Leadership
• Tell our community about how you use these tools and ask other users for advice on our LinkedIn groups page.
• If you have tools you like to use and are willing to share them with us, let us know.
Playbook: Bringing Play to Work and Work to Play
- Author: Daniel Montgomery
- Date: January 2023
- Summary: Learn about the transformative nature of play and how engaging in play can require the brain to function better in all contexts with the new Play Identity tool. The playfulness audit can help provide a baseline of where your current habits lie and will help you discover which play personality best describes you and how you can use this knowledge to reintroduce play into your life.
- Play – Leadership Tool Showcase – Daniel Montgomery.pdf