Teach: Loyalty Tools
The tools on this page can be used to teach agility, adaptability, or flexibility.
• Request tools created by the Project on Positive Leadership
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• If you have tools you like to use and are willing to share them with us, let us know.
The 9 Laws of Loyalty Tools: The Culture of We Index and Loyalty Component Audit
- Author: Dr. Alfred Frager, University of Louisville
- Date: January 2023
Summary: The following Loyalty Tool consists of 2 parts: A Culture of We index, measured at the team level; and an Audit of the 8 additional Loyalty Components, Measured at the organizational level. It is designed this way so that a Senior-level leader can get a quick pulse of the organization without having to survey their entire workforce (saving time and resources). The higher a leader gets in an organization, the more dark they are to all of the surrounding factors impacting an employees’ work life. By using this tool, organizational leaders force themselves to get out of the dark and start seeing the pieces that impact work and employees’ loyalty to it. However, even managers, supervisors, and team leaders can use this tool to gain insights for their own team; or as an additional data point so that they can lead up in their organization.