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Alumni Altruism in Action

July 11, 2024
President of the Young Professionals of Louisville, Ben Donlon, poses for a professional headshot in front of a gray background.

Ben Donlon, newly appointed YPAL president, leverages community leadership with MBA

Chief Analytics and Operations Officer of Metro United Way, newly appointed Young Professionals Association of Louisville (YPAL) President, and 2016 Professional MBA graduate Ben Donlon is committed to leveraging skills developed throughout his graduate program both in his professional work in the non-profit sector and through his leadership across volunteer organizations in the Louisville area. We had the opportunity to connect with Ben and learn more about how he is utilizing his dual roles and community recognition to develop networking opportunities for young Louisville professionals and his plans for the future.

College of Business: Could you share more of your personal background and what life was like for you growing up?

Ben Donlon: I grew up in Danville, Kentucky, and I lived there my entire childhood. Both my parents were teachers, and I have a younger sister, Emily. I grew up fishing, working on our farm, and playing football and baseball. I came to UofL in 2008 as one of the only people from my high school. In retrospect, I loved my roots, but I wanted to create my own path by coming to UofL. I majored in actuarial math in the College of Arts and Sciences, graduating in 2012. I immediately started working for Metro United Way and worked my way up to the role of Chief Analytics and Operations Officer, leaving that role in April of this year. Dedicated to community service, I have served on the boards of Louisville Alumni, Transcend Credit Union, UPIC Solutions, and Young Professionals of Louisville. I was honored to be named to the 2022 Forty Under 40 class.

College of Business: What made you decide to earn your BS and MBA at UofL?

Ben Donlon: I wanted to stay close to home while still experiencing something new and forging my own path. Coming from a smaller town, the city of Louisville itself was very attractive to me as a high school senior, and I saw UofL as the perfect mix of familiarity and new opportunities. I decided to continue my educational journey at UofL with the MBA program for two main reasons. Firstly, despite earning a degree in actuarial science, my aim was to enter the business world, and I felt that obtaining an MBA would provide the best opportunity for this transition. The program at UofL was very hands-on and had strong ties to the local business community, which was crucial for me. Secondly, my relationship with Vernon Foster at the College of Business was a significant factor. Although I was considering other universities, he convinced me of the value of staying local and continuing to impact the Louisville community. Overall, UofL provided a supportive and dynamic environment that played a big role in my growth, both personally and professionally.

College of Business: How have you stayed connected to the College of Business since earning your MBA?

I have maintained my connection to the College of Business primarily through active engagement in the community. As I’ve mentioned before, the UofL College of Business does an excellent job of integrating itself within the Louisville community, which has provided numerous opportunities for involvement. Additionally, I had the privilege of serving on the alumni council for several years. This role allowed me to have a direct impact on the current student body and future generations, fostering a continuous link between alumni and the College.

College of Business: What about your MBA experience was most memorable for you, and why did that leave the greatest impact?

Ben Donlon: The most memorable part of my MBA experience was definitely the international trip to Seoul and Taiwan. This trip wasn’t just about tourism; it was a deep dive into another country’s economy, providing insights and experiences you simply can’t gain as a typical tourist. The opportunity to immerse ourselves in different business environments and cultures was invaluable. Additionally, the time spent with my cohort team during this trip created some of the best memories of my academic career. These experiences not only broadened my global perspective but also strengthened my bond with my peers, which have had a lasting impact on my life and career. 

College of Business: What were some of the greatest challenges you worked to overcome during your MBA program?

Ben Donlon: Honestly, the biggest challenge was just keeping everything balanced—work, school, and personal life. It was tough managing a job and courses while also making time for family and friends. I had to get really good at managing my time and prioritizing what was most important day by day. That skill has definitely come in handy ever since.

College of Business: How did your MBA faculty most impact you, and why?

Ben Donlon: The faculty at the College of Business really pushed me to think differently. They challenged my preconceived notions and encouraged me to approach problems from multiple angles. This mindset shift was not just about academic growth; it influenced how I handle challenges in my professional life as well. The faculty’s emphasis on critical thinking and innovative problem-solving has stayed with me, shaping how I tackle projects and interact with different stakeholders in my work today.

College of Business: How do you feel individuals can benefit from earning their MBA at UofL?

Ben Donlon: Getting your MBA at UofL is a solid move for a few big reasons. First off, the program isn’t just about hitting the books; it’s super hands-on. You get to dive into real projects, often with local businesses, which really preps you for what’s coming in your career. Plus, you’re not just learning; you’re actually doing.

Then there’s the network. UofL has a strong community of alumni and local business ties. This network can hook you up with job leads, advice, and support long after you graduate. It’s like being part of a club where everyone’s got your back.

College of Business: How did your professional journey lead you to your current role as Chief Analytics & Operations Officer for Metro United Way?

Ben Donlon: My journey to becoming the Chief Analytics & Operations Officer at Metro United Way was a blend of the right timing and leveraging my educational background. After graduating from UofL with a degree in actuarial mathematics and an MBA, I was well-prepared to dive into data-driven roles. I started out at Metro United Way, and over the years, I worked my way up, focusing on how data can inform better decisions and operations. This role was a perfect match for applying my skills in a meaningful way, helping to drive organizational efficiency and impact.

After a rewarding tenure there, I decided to branch out in April this year to explore broader opportunities. Now, I’m using my expertise in analytics and operations as a consultant to help small businesses better utilize their data. This shift allows me to tackle diverse challenges across different industries, helping organizations harness the power of data to innovate and grow. It’s an exciting new chapter where I can apply what I’ve learned on a wider scale and impact more businesses and communities.

College of Business: What do you most enjoy about your current position?

Ben Donlon: What I love most about consulting is the opportunity to help people and companies grow. Growth is a core value of mine, and there’s something incredibly rewarding about using my skills to help good companies become great. Each project brings new challenges and learning opportunities, which keeps the work exciting and fulfilling. Being able to see the tangible results of my efforts and knowing I’ve made a positive impact is what drives me every day.

College of Business: What other professional goals do you hope to achieve, and why?

Ben Donlon: In the short term, I’m focused on expanding my consulting business. I plan to dive deeper into specific industries where I can make a significant impact. This aligns perfectly with my passion for helping businesses leverage data to grow and improve. I’m also always looking toward new ventures that disrupt historic industries with innovation. I walk around constantly thinking of how to improve different aspects of life, and I even have a running note on my phone that tracks these ideas. Starting new businesses that can introduce fresh ideas and technologies excites me, as it allows for creative and strategic thinking.

In the long term, my goal is to buy and transform existing businesses. I see great potential in revitalizing companies with untapped opportunities and applying strategic changes to unlock their full capabilities. This approach not only promises substantial growth for the businesses involved but also for my professional journey, offering continuous learning and new challenges.

College of Business: How did you first become involved in YPAL?

Ben Donlon: I first became involved in YPAL through the Ambassador program a few years ago. It was a great opportunity to dive into what YPAL was all about and really see the impact the organization has on the community. Joining as an Ambassador allowed me to meet other young professionals and get hands-on experience with the various initiatives and events that YPAL supports.

College of Business: What have you enjoyed most about your experience in YPAL?

Ben Donlon: What I’ve enjoyed most about my experience with YPAL is the sense of community and shared purpose. Similar to my time at UofL, being part of YPAL allows me to work alongside a diverse group of people, all striving to make Louisville a better place. It’s incredibly rewarding to be surrounded by individuals from various backgrounds, each bringing their unique perspectives and ideas to the table. Learning from each other and collectively pushing for positive change in our community is what I find most fulfilling about being involved with YPAL.

College of Business: What led you to the decision to take on this leadership role in YPAL? Have you previously held positions on the Board of Directors, and if so, what position(s)?

Ben Donlon: Before becoming President, I served as the President-Elect for the past year, which is part of the organization’s structure. Prior to that, I was on the board as the Director of Technology. The decision to take on the role of president was driven by my desire to impact the local community, something I’m very passionate about. Leadership is a key interest of mine, and I relish the opportunity to bring together a diverse group of individuals to work toward a common goal. I believe YPAL offers immense opportunities not only to support young professionals but also to make a positive impact on the entire Louisville community.

College of Business: What do you hope to achieve during your tenure as YPAL president?

Ben Donlon: During my tenure as YPAL President, my main focus will be on continuing to execute our three-year strategic plan, of which we are now in the second year. There’s been a lot of learning so far, and I’m excited about what’s ahead. One of my key goals is to amplify the voice of young professionals in the Louisville community. Too often, we are an afterthought in important conversations. I want to ensure that the young professional perspective becomes essential in discussions that shape the future of Louisville. By doing so, we can contribute to making Louisville a better place for everyone.

College of Business: Why do you feel young professionals in the Louisville area could benefit from joining YPAL?

Ben Donlon: I believe young professionals should join YPAL because there is truly something for everyone. Whether it’s attending events at cool places, meeting people with similar or diverse backgrounds, getting involved in boards, or volunteering in the community, YPAL offers a range of opportunities to make an impact. We’re very intentional about providing these opportunities to everyone, whether you’ve lived in Louisville your entire life or it’s your first week in town. YPAL helps young professionals connect, grow, and contribute to making Louisville a better place.

College of Business: What other organizations or networking opportunities would you recommend to area professionals, and why?

Ben Donlon: I really believe in the power of volunteering, so plugging into any nonprofit that aligns with your goals and values is always a great place to start. The University of Louisville also does a great job of providing opportunities to get involved, whether through education or community involvement. Additionally, finding places and events that match your interests can be really beneficial. If you love bourbon, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with other bourbon enthusiasts, like tasting events at local distilleries, for example. Attending a Bats game, visiting Churchill Downs, or exploring the parks are all great ways to meet people with similar interests. Louisville has a lot of opportunities to plug in, but it’s really about finding what works for you personally. And if you’re not sure where to start, YPAL is always a great place to begin.

College of Business: When you are not working or volunteering your time, what hobbies, sports, or other things do you enjoy doing to relax?

Ben Donlon: When I’m not working or volunteering, I love to spend my free time exploring new breakfast spots around town. I’m passionate about breakfast and even have an Instagram account dedicated to it, @eatmorebreakfast. Traveling is another big hobby of mine—I’ve visited 34 countries so far, with Thailand, Cuba, and Iceland being some of my favorites. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it’s hiking or just enjoying the local parks. Additionally, I love spending time with my wife, Micah, and our pup, Zion. We often find ourselves brainstorming startup ideas over a good bourbon.

College of Business: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Ben Donlon: I would encourage everyone to pursue their passions and take advantage of every opportunity that comes their way. Whether you’re a student, a young professional, or someone looking to make a career change, never underestimate the power of hard work and dedication. Surround yourself with supportive people, stay curious, and always be willing to learn. Remember that every experience, whether good or challenging, contributes to your growth. Louisville is a fantastic place to live and work, with so many opportunities to make a positive impact. I’m grateful for the support and opportunities I’ve received, and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

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Founded in 1953, the UofL College of Business fosters intellectual and economic vitality in our city, region, and the global business landscape. Our academic programs, research, community outreach initiatives, and commitment to student success inspire lives and businesses to flourish through entrepreneurship, innovation, critical thinking, diversity, and the power of people.

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