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K. Amy Lawyer, New Equine Department Chair

October 27, 2022
K. Amy Lawyer

K. Amy Lawyer, PhD, was recently appointed Department Chair of Equine Administration, and as an alum, it was a full-circle moment. “Being a graduate of the UofL Equine Industry Program, this new appointment is very special to me,” says Lawyer. “This program gave me knowledge and experience that has been invaluable to my career, and I am excited to be able to give back to students and the equine industry.” According to Equine Industry Program Coordinator Terri Burch, Dr. Lawyer’s return to UofL is a major win, one which will benefit the College and its students.

“We are delighted to have Amy return to the Equine Industry Program as its new chair,” says Burch. “She brings a broad knowledge base to the classroom and makes a genuine connection with our students. Her ability to engage students in the classroom to bring them into discussions is magical. She is a student-first professor, which will pay dividends to our students as they graduate to the marketplace.”

We sat with Dr. Lawyer to discuss her new appointment and UofL experience.

UofL: What excites you most about this new appointment at the University of Louisville College of Business?

Lawyer: The UofL Equine Industry Program is positioned at this point to grow and expand in new ways that will provide more learning opportunities for our students and increase support and leadership to the equine industry. This program has existed for 35 years and has been built by excellent people with great passion. I’m glad I get to be a part of the next phase of the venture. 

UofL: What fuels your passion for the equine industry?

Lawyer: I have always loved horses—their power, athleticism, and elegance. There is something about horses that can simultaneously keep you alert and focused while also being relaxed and calm. The equine industry is a passion industry. It is filled with people who also feel this connection and draw to these magnificent animals. You rarely find someone who just took a job in the equine industry. Most positions are sought by people wanting to make a career out of their love of the horse. This makes for a dynamic group of individuals, who may not always agree on issues, but can find commonality in their shared motivation and passion for horses.

UofL: What do you enjoy most about teaching in the Equine Industry Program at UofL?

Lawyer: I enjoy the chance to get to know our students. They come from different backgrounds and from all over the country, but their passion for horses is a common bond that allows for engaging classroom discussion. 

UofL: What do you hope is your students’ most significant takeaway from your classes?

Lawyer: I hope that they learn to be independent critical thinkers. Decision-making and leadership qualities are some of the most desirable character traits in the current job market. I hope my students can consume information, use it to make sound, rational decisions, and then find innovative ways to apply it to industry needs. Our students get the extra practice of application in all of our equine classes. It is one thing to learn a theory or strategy; it’s even more important to get a chance to apply it to real-world scenarios. 

UofL: What has been the most rewarding aspect of your time so far at the College?

Lawyer: Our program has great faculty and staff with real equine industry experience. Because of this, we can teach valuable lessons in the classroom and build long-term relationships with our students that provide support while in College and after graduating.  It is great to see students who start with passion and who finish with direction and goals.