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Fall 2022 Dean’s Message

November 2, 2022 Jill Wegenast
Jeff Guan headshot in UofL esssance backdrop

Anyone who lives, learns, and works on a college campus (online or in person) knows that fall is the season of renewal. It’s the start of more than an academic year. All the promise and potential we bring to the classroom fills the air with hope. Change often accompanies hope, and as we begin another school year at the College of Business, both arrive right on time.

The business of higher education is the business of change, and at the College of Business, we are fortunate to see the direct impact of our work and the life-changing potential our school provides every student. We cannot ever know when that pivotal moment or turning point will happen in the lives of our students, but we give them the tools and insight to embrace the opportunity.

I am incredibly optimistic about our future and the people who define it. The anchor in a transformative time is always people. We are excited to introduce you to our new and returning students, our staff and faculty, including those who have just joined our Cardinal Community and those who have stepped into new roles. It’s exhilarating to see this much talent join our College of Business.

Those changes and transitions include me. It is truly an honor to be appointed as the Interim Dean at the College of Business. The last five years have provided a foundation for the work ahead and we are committed to building upon this momentum. 

On behalf of the College, I welcome you as we return to the work that inspires and changes lives.