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2020 Family Business Summit

February 1, 2020 Jill Wegenast
Howdy Holmes, President & CEO of Chelsea Mills Company

The University of Louisville Family Business Center hosts The Family Summit annually. This event confronts timely and relevant topics to draw on real life examples illustrated by case studies and expertise. It celebrates the outstanding legacy and leadership of family-owned firms, and strengthens the family business community by allowing family businesses to share ideas, personal stories, and learn from one another.

This years’ event, From the Brickyard to the Mill Stone: Keeping Family in the Mix with Jiffy, was held at the Galt House on January 22, 2020, and featured Howdy Holmes, CEO & President of Chelsea Milling Company, makers of “Jiffy” mix, a family-owned business.

“The Summit was a great opportunity to meet the UofL Family Business Community. I was really surprised by such a positive welcome by all,” said FBC Director Dr. Isabel Botero. The 2020 Summit was the Center’s first event since Botero was named director. “FBC Members made me feel right at home and were very open with suggestions and ideas for how to make the Center a success. One aspect that really caught my attention was the unique interest that all members have on research about family firms. I was surprised that the majority were interested in participating and learning about translational research. The Summit was a great beginning for what I hope will be a long-lasting relationship with our members and the UofL community.”