After 5-weeks of exciting adventures, I am finally heading back home. I have learned so much more about my own culture and the friendship that exists among Koreans despite the “busy-ness” of city life. In one of my classes, “Globalization & Multicultural Studies,” we studied and analyzed different countries’ cultures based on Hofstede’s dimensions. The one dimension that I felt deeply in Korea was the Individualism & Collectivism. It should catch none of us in surprise to find that US ranked no. 1 in individualism; Korea was on the other spectrum near collectivism. Friendships – no, rather “oojung” (which does not have an english equivalent) – I have made in Korea are bound to last beyond the incredible distances. The four-day Japan trip was an excursion of its own in midst of the heat & ridiculously expensive items. The temples and the gardens were beautiful, but the reflection on the Japanese way of life and the importance of language were more profound.

All in all, among many things I have learned, I have learned few major lessons:
1) Study – both the academics & the culture (which includes language!).
2) Create friendships that will last (be yourself as you do so).
3) Travel more (this includes studying abroad!)- the more you see the world, the higher you’ll go and achieve bigger things.

For anyone in doubt, study through the International Summer School at the University of Seoul. The initial application process may be tedious, but every minute of that grudging work is definitely worth it.

– Esther S. Kim


I’d like to take a minute to describe the city of Seoul in general. This description will be,I’m afraid, mediocre at best, since Seoul is simply way too large to be able to explore in 6 weeks. However my impression so far is that Seoul is a city thats turning into the next hot spot of the world. Everyday as I walk around Seoul, even near campus, buildings are being torn down and rebuilt, and new businesses are opening up. Still, Seoul is so large that one minute you can be walking down a part of the city that seems to replicate photos of downtown New York and then stumble into another part that may remind you of some old photos of Shanghai in the 1930s. Seoul has so much to do, no matter what kind of person you are. You could go to the ancient Gyeongbok Palace shop in the morning and then to Myeongdong in the afternoon, a sprawling section of Korea that is packed with people wanting to buy clothes, jewely, etc. Afterwards you could go to the fish market to try out all kinds of unique types of food, from shark to live octopus. After it gets dark, theres a place called Namsan Seoul Tower  that overlooks the city from the very center of Seoul. When it gets to be about 11 or 12 Gangnam and Hongdae are two of the most popular spots in Seoul. These two places are lit up at night from the lights on various restaurants, bars, or dakpogi stands (small stalls of streets food where you can sit and eat spicy rice cakes or corndogs.) In short, Seoul has so much that after my six weeks here, I hope to be able to come here again to study to explore the rest of this place.          -Warren

A thought about studying abroad…

There are many cool things about Seoul, Korea. Of course, the city-life is vibrant & the traditions are beautiful. There are so many people & just so many things to do. (Please check out the pictures!)

Besides that point, this University of Seoul International Summer School (UOS ISS) allowed me to meet students from all over the world – Sweden, Germany, Canada, China, Japan, Portugal, and so many more. The thing that struck me the most was the linguistic capabilities of the Europeans. They know their native countries’ language, English, and one,two, or even three other European languages near their home country.

Klausurzeit! (that’s right, exam time once again)

I have been preparing for the end of the Summer Semester here in Mainz and I have to say, time is absolutely flying by! I have been here almost a 10 months now and my final days here are just disappearing. I don’t leave until the middle of August (giving me just about 10 days to organize everything for the beginning of of new UofL semester), as I will be working for my boss as a Tutor/Assistant for the International Summer German Course at my university. Not to mention that exams at most (including my) university don’t end until the middle of July.

Well, I have already managed to face two of my final exams: Wissenschaftssprache yesterday, and Christa Wolf’s “Kein Ort. Nirgends” this morning. The first was a course dealing with the construction and use of scientific and generally higher level German (everything from the dangers of over-fertilization to world population growth…). I had actually planned to take a additional German course this semester dealing with Business German, but unfortunately that course was canceled two or three weeks into the semester, but hey, that’s just life! Regardless, I am happy the exam is over, but it is just a step in the right direction for the rest of the semester!

This morning I took my oral exam over the novel “Kein Ort. Nirgends” by Christa Wolf (I believe that the title was translated at some point as “No Place On Earth,” in the off chance that you have read it). The course consisted of reading and analyzing the book while learning the historical figures and appropriate contexts (in this case, Heinrich von Kleist, Karoline von Günderrode, Goethe, and of course, the situations surrounding the Author in former East Berlin etc. etc. etc.). Every week we would prepare about 8 pages of the text and work through the book line by line, every student analyzing and paraphrasing 10 or so lines in his or her turn, working our way around the classroom. The book was particularly interesting, as it takes place across the river from Mainz in the company of some very famous local early 19th century personalities. Though I knew what to expect from the final oral exam, as I had the professor last semester for a play by the Austrian playwright Arthur Schnitzler, I was still put on my toes for some of the questions: (keep in mind that this was, of course, in German) What similarities, if any, could be drawn between the opinions of Christa Wolf and Kleist in regards to their societies, respectively? This lasted about 15-20 minutes with a series of varying question and themes. WELL, maybe it wasn’t too bad… but you get the point, and to be fair, the professor is a genuinely great professor. And hey, I have nothing to complain about, I received a grade of 1.5, a pretty unusual grade… but that’s another story. Either way, a 1.5 is considered to be substantially above average (it is incredibly difficult to get anything ‘above’ a 2.0, as the German system is a reverse scale from 1-5, one being the highest), and I am especially happy with it!! It could end up a 1.7, depending on what happens next week, either way, I couldn’t be more pleased.

Otherwise things have been ‘normal’ here. I have just been busy with the usual day to day affairs, that we tend to take for granted (I will definitely think that next year when I am back in Louisville!). I went to Cologne a few weeks ago to meet up with a few teachers of mine from High School, who were on a trip through Europe with a group of students. I was actually on the last trip that my school went on 5 years ago! Talk about a flash from the past. It was great to see them again – one of whom, appropriately enough, is the German teacher. Nonetheless, it was great to see them!

I recently spoke with Michael and Heidi Boel, from the Sister Cities Louisville organization, and they were kind enough to invite me to come and visit with them as they are spending the summer in Germany! I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to visit with all of my exams, but I will certainly try to work something out.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Last week was Johannisfest here in Mainz – a huge 3 or 4 day festival celebrating the most famous Mainzer of all time (and the namesake of my university), Johannes Gutenberg. The entire old town was covered with stands, rides, book sales, stages and all sorts of other things. From Schillerplatz to the Rhine River (a very very large distance), the town was converted. One of the traditional activities for this festival is the ‘gautschen’ – the dunking of students who have finished studying book making. The students are lifted up and thrown into a giant cask of water on a stage in the shadow of the 1000 year old Cathedral while their names are announced. I found a video of this year’s ceremony: (notice that they took a beer break half way through… dunking students is hard work). Either way, this is really important step in the students lives, and it was a very culturally significant thing to see!


Sevilla, Spain

After studying in Sevilla, Spain for a month, I have mixed feelings about returning home. I lived in a homestay with a Spanish family who did not speak English. It was very interesting considering I have not taken any Spanish classes since preschool. They were very nice, however. They made sure I was well fed. Sevilla was very hot, though, and the families there do not generally use air conditioning. Make sure if you go to Sevilla in the summer you wear light clothing. The best advice I can give is to find the Burger King by the Triana Bridge because it is air conditioned and you can access the free wifi from a cafe across the street. It was a great place to study.

Although my homestay was enjoyable, I had friends who had interesting experiences with their families. One friend of mine saw their Senora naked on the first day! But don’t worry, if you participate in ISA or an independent program they will move you if you do not get along with your family.

Sevilla was a beautiful town, the only downside being that there was no beach. It was very easy to catch a bus to the beach though for only 12 euros. During the week  I went to school for most of the day. After class we would go to a local bar to watch the world cup soccer games. It was nice to sit in a restaurant or bar with locals and cheer for Spain or the U.S.

My favorite part of the trip was the excursions that I went to on the weekends. I liked Sevilla, but after a month in the city I was excited to explore other destinations. Our group went to Grenada, Toledo, Cordoba, Jerez, and Morocco. All were unique and beautiful in their own rights. My advice to fellow study abroad students is to save enough money to travel around to nearby cities once you arrive at your destination. After a prolonged period in one place, it is nice to travel around.  Overall Sevilla was a beautiful city with lots of things to do. I would recommend it to anyone wishing to study abroad in Spain!

Arrival in Seoul,Korea (Yonsei University)

      Alright so this is my first time writing a blog so if I do something thats not right or is not the blog norm, please don’t blame me. This first week as been 5 days of blissful chaos. I arrived in the afternoon from Bejing and decided that Id try to take the subway to the place I was staying( P.S. the bus is better but I didn’t know about.) Anyways I arrived at my hotel, and decided to walk around a bit before I realized how bad my Korean really was. It’s something to get used to for sure, but I was able to buy myself some convenince store sushi and ramen. It was the next day when we were to set out on a 3 days field trip across Korea. I woke up and as I went to checkout I found 6 or so other foreign students floating around in the lobby trying to figure out how to get to the university. See their wide eyes in confusion, I decided to confront them and together we set off to try to find Yonsei. I had thankfully scoped out the ways before, and erroneously thought that walking with our luggage would be as easy as when I strolled to the place myself. Unfortunately as we took the underground tunnels the escalators had stopped and everyone had packed enough stuff for a year. And it was really bloody hot……Anyways we got there, went to orientation, and got onto four respective buses to set off to wherever they told us to go. Our tour guide started off with a story that made us all question her sexuality. She gave us all a story about some indonesian girl she met that gave her a gold ring to wear. I would confront her about this later but for now I was simply confused. Our first destination was a Korean folk village which mixed old Korean culture with modern vehicles and shops. Here we got to experience a masked dance, an ancient  wedding ceremony,ancient Korean drumming, and create Hanji(the create of special paper). all of this was fun but Im going to try to keep this blog entry relatively short since its my first one, so if you want details you can ask. Also, Im supposed to keep this blog clean so Ill leave out some of the inappropriate parts of this trip which you can also ask about it you want. So far though, everyone has gotten along with almost no problems, and it seems like everyone just wants to be friends. the atmospheres been great and I havent anyone up to this point I particuraly dislike. I know this blog is dry too but I really dont know what I should be doing to spice it up. Maybe Ill cut out some parts. Anyways Ill guess I should finish up now. After two days at the folk village, we went on to Magoska temple, a small buddhist shrine hidden within the backwoods of Korea. Although, simple and small it had a nice atmosphere of a place not seen by a large majority of eyes. Stream quietly crisscrossed between the temple building, only being able to be crossed by carefully placed stepping stones. It was after this temple, that I went up to our tour guide to ask if she was gay. I was direct with it, which caught her off guard, and she laughed into a no. Still I wasnt convinced but I guess I will never know. The next days we when to some palace in Seoul( I dont remember what it was called) that reminded me of a smaller, dirtier Forbidden City. Those have been my first days, I know its been boring so far, but my follow-up blogs should get better.   -Warren 

Back for a Second Time

Adam and Aurelia in Bregenz 

 Above is a picture of Adam and me on our hike up a hill that overlooks Bregenz, Austria. 

So I’m back for my second time studying abroad in my undergraduate degree! Last year, I studied in Bordeaux, France for six months, and this time around, I am doing a summer study abroad in Bregenz, Austria. When I returned to Louisville last year from France, I couldn’t wait to have the opportunity to study abroad again, and I’m very excited to be back!

So far, Bregenz has been an amazing trip. We have only been here for 3 weeks, and we’ve already traveled to several towns around Bregenz and to Munich, Salzburg, and Vienna. The first weekend we were in Bregenz, we travelled to Feldkirch and Lindau. The second we visited Munich and the Neushwanstein Castle near Munich. The third weekend, we visited Salzburg and Vienna. My favorite of all of these cities has definitely been Salzburg. I didn’t realize how much there was to do in Salzburg, but once we arrived there, I didn’t want to leave. People played music in the streets as we walked the streets where Mozart was born, we visited a castle that overlooked the city, and we visited the beautiful dome in the city center.

This coming weekend, Adam (the other UofL student on this trip) and a few of the other students from the KIIS program and I are going to Interlaken, Switzerland and Stresa, Italy. Interlaken is in the Alps, and we will be taking a train to the tallest mountain in Europe. Stresa is a small town on the Italian Lakes but near Switzerland. There, we will take a boat tour to an island and take a cable car to a mountain that overlooks the town and lake. I can’t wait!

The program in Bregenz ends in a week, but I can’t believe it! It seems like we arrived here just a few days ago! The two classes I’m taking here are International Business and German 100. I love my International Business class because we’ve been learning about business practices in different cultures, and I’m definitely enjoying my German class. The two languages I speak fluently are English and French, but I’m excited to learn German and hopefully be fluent one day. As regards to the German language, being around people who don’t understand me and where I can’t express myself has definitely put me out of my comfort zone. Although it has been difficult, it has been an opportunity for me to learn a new language! I had never been interested in learning German as a third language before this trip, but after these past few weeks of speaking German in Austria, I am planning on taking classes when I get back to Louisville!

Travels in Spain.

Hello all, this is my first post. I have a lot to say but I’ll try and keep it short and sweet.

I arrived in Madrid a few days before my program started, and I recommend this to everyone. I stayed in a hostel with guys from venezuela, australia, and south korea. We explored the city by ourselves, and had a blast. You learn so much more and enjoy things more when a tour guide is not leading you around everywhere with 80 other students. We got lost for a while, but it didn’t matter as we had no schedule to keep.

After a few days of doing whatever I pleased, the rest of my group arrived and we had a a lot of fun in Madrid and Toledo before going south to Sevilla where we met our host families for the first time. One thing I was looking forward to most was trying new foods at my homestay. The first night scared me a little, as I was served pasta with sauce that tasted way too much like spagettios. After that though, things got much better. One thing to keep in mind as you travel abroad, TRY EVERYTHING!! The food will be different than at home, even the Ketchup, but look through the menu and order the wildest thing you can find, usually you will not be disappointed.

Another recommendation, bring more money than you are told you will need! If other programs are anything like mine, you will spend every night out with others in your program, as no one wants to stay at home doing nothing – we only have so much time here and want to enjoy it as much as possible. You may also meet many other American students in you city with other programs who are also out every night so plan on running into them many places you go.

Sevilla is a lot of fun, as is Lagos, Portugal. I spent a weekend on the beaches there, and will never forget it. If you study in europe, try as hard as you can to get to Lagos, It is a great place. Do not worry if you know absolutely no portugese, the locals know a lot of english, and dislike it very much if you try to speak spanish to them. One last thing, although the Irish pubs are plentiful in europe, avoid them, there are enough back home. Experience the local places, which are cheaper anyway.

If you hate the rain, Sevilla is the place for you, have had nothing but clear skies.


Host family

I got to meet my host family two days ago finally and they’ve been very great.  Everyone is really nice and they make sure I’m never hungry.  At dinner they just keep the food coming until I’m full.  They don’t speak English but they want to learn so we’re all teaching each other our language.  There’s a family friend who drops in from time to time and he knows some English so he acts as somewhat of a translator.  There are still some things he can’t explain or understand in the English language.  For the most part though I’m really enjoying myself.  I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better family to be matched with.  I look forward to the weekend where all of the KIIS students are supposed to spend the whole day doing activities with their families.

china trip

i have already been in beijing for three weeks. before beijing i went to shanghai for a week to go to the world expo. on the day i went with my group there were approximately 300,000 people there. now there are suppose to be a million each day. i can’t believe that. it was fun to see all of the country’s expos and to see people from all of the world i normally wouldnt see. after a couple of days in shanghai we came back to beijing and started classes. it is so much fun here. i would love to come back and do a semester if it is possible. the dorms are really nice and are close to a lot of things especially shopping malls. this past weekend we went to xi’an to see the terracotta warriors which was advertised as one of the “eight wonders of the world”. we have gone to see so many things here in beijing like tiannamen square and the great wall. i never imagined i would see all of this in my lifetime.