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Tuition & Costs

It is a fact of life—and business: it costs money to make money.

Next to buying a home, a college education can be the biggest single investment you’ll ever make. It also may be the best investment you’ll ever make. It’s your ticket to great career opportunities, global alumni relationships and a lifetime of shared wisdom.

And unlike your home, your diploma never needs new carpeting or the gutters cleaned. It simply keeps generating more value as you succeed and the college records more achievements.

All tuition cost and payment information for UNDERGRADUATE tuition is available at the UofL Bursar’s Office webpage:

Undergraduate Tuition

When calculating your expenses, don’t forget to visit our Scholarships and Awards pages. Every year generous donors provide more than $300,000 in financial support to College of Business students. You are likely eligible for some, regardless of your need or academic performance.   Check it out and complete the application.

You may also want to visit our External Scholarships page for information on additional resources for funding opportunities.

The University of Louisville also has scholarships and financial aid programs you may be eligible for.

Most students graduate having incurred a financial debt. As a successful College of Business alum, you’ll be well equipped to meet your obligations and quickly expand your financial future.

Graduate tuition information