U of L students studying international trade & finance in Prague!

Greetings — we arrived safe and sound all 26 of us! The students are working hard (seriously) in the international trade and finance course. The city is beautiful and full of rich history and culture….and speaking of culture our African-American students are viewed almost like movie stars here because many people here have commented that they have not ever seen dark skin in person! We are all learning how to use the train/bus/phone/etc…We have managed to also have fun–last night all the students went dancing and today we are going for a Flamenco exhibition and dance lesson with the class professor! Ciao~~~Sharon Kerrick

Partum Group Winnings

The Partum Group, a student team from the College of Business’s IMBA program (the entrepreneurship MBA), has accumulated the awards and winnings listed below throughout the 2007-2008 competition cycle. The college is extremely proud of their accomplishments and hard work. Team members include Divya Cantor MD, Katie Dawson and James Mudd.

2008 Moot Corp Competition
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas
Division III, Best Product
NASDAQ Stock Market Challenge Award, $1,000

2008 Idea State U
Cabinet for Economic Development
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
Graduate Plan 1st Place, $44,660

2008 McGinnis Venture Competition
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Elevator Pitch Winner 1st Place, $1,000

2008 Northwest Venture Championship
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho
Honorable Mention
Limo Pitch Competition Graduate Track, 1st Place, $200

2008 Cardinal Challenge
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
Fast Pitch, 2nd Place, $1,000

2008 Aleris New Venture Competition
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
Best Trade Show, $500
Best Business Plan, $8,000

Other Awards
Vogt Development Award, $10,000

Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation
ICC Concept Award, $25,000

First Judges Give Feedback

Partum Group
The Partum Group was the first presentation in their respective track. The group was surprised that for the first time a fellow physician was a member of the judging panel. For Partum’s benefit, the physician was a former OB/GYN, just like Divya Cantor. This physician was enthusiastic of maternaTRAC that he wished he had it while a practicing OB/GYN (he has since moved to a fertility focus).

As being the first group to present, Partum has the ability to watch other presentations that are occurring during the competition.

Next on the agenda: Judge feedback and results.

Heat: It’s Happening Here

Venture ShowcaseSo that may be the tagline for the University of Louisville, but I must admit that all of the competitors during the venture showcase had the pleasure to setup a table at the venture showcase during extremely warm conditions. The Partum Group did a great job with their booth by displaying their mock-up of maternaTRAC in addition to having a table toper. A few teams were spared the extremely hot (must have been 80 degrees or more) trade show rooms by being in a hallway area. Many of the competitors took down their displays prior to the official end time of 7:30 PM. I can’t say that I blame them.

Serenaded By An Irishman

Katie and Divya being SerandedKatie being Serenaded by an Irishman
A group of 20-30 Irishmen were singing “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash, “Why, why, Delia,” and other football fight songs. As Katie led the Partum Group out of the Irish Pub, one Irishman mentioned something about Austin not having many horses. Katie quickly quipped that “Kentucky has horses!” Apparently “Kentucky has horses!” is Gaelic for “sing to me.” The Irishman pulled Katie to the microphone and sang an Irish ballad. When the ballad talked about a black-haired maiden, Katie humored the crowd and let the singer know she had brown hair. Quickly, the Irishman pulled Divya (who better fit the ballad’s hair description).

Two months later.

Okay so it’s been a while since my last post….what can I say I’m having a great time! Well after spending close to two months in Jinan life just gets easier and easier.

Let’s get started with the class load. If you are coming to Shandong University to study Mandarin be prepared for an intense class load. Depending on your skill level, which is determined by a placement test, you will have roughly 20-25 hours of classes a week. The amount of time spent in the classroom should be a testament to how well your Mandarin improves.

Let’s talk about food. Jinan is way cheaper than other big cities like Beijing and Shanghai; I can honestly say that you can eat three meals a day for about 3-5 US Dollars. Obviously the majority of the cuisine offered in Jinan is Chinese; however, there are variety of other choices such as Italian, Japanese, and Pakistani. Also located on Shandong University’s campus is a four-story cafeteria with a variety of Chinese selections. If you are having a hard time adjusting to authentic Chinese cuisine, there is always McDonalds and KFC both of which are walking distance from the campus. If you want to do grocery shopping there are plenty of grocery stores located in Jinan. The one that most international students go to is Carrefour.

Let’s move on to transportation. The main modes of transportation in China is walking or riding a bike. A bike can be purchased in Jinan for about 100 RMB. Public transportation in Jinan is very cheap and pretty convenient. A bus ride costs 1 RMB and taxi meters start out at 7.50 RMB.

All in all the lifestyle in Jinan is pretty simple. The people in Jinan are very nice and welcoming of foreigners. Though Jinan is quite small, it is located close to major cities like Beijing and Qingdao (three and a half hours by train). If you ever feel the need to get away, you are only a train ride away. Well that’s all for now, until next time. Zai-jian!

A village somewhere in the Shandong Province
Yes, it’s a scorpion!
Yes, I’m about to eat it.
More of the VillageMore of the village

One Presentation Down…

The first presentation at 9 AM went well. The Partum Group presented infront of two judges from Austin. The group performed well and answered some tough questions from the judges.

Partum has made great strides since the initial concept presentation in April 2007. With over $90,000 in funding so far, Partum is looking to take receipt of their prototype within the next month.

James Mudd, VP of Business Development never thought a class project would lead to a business concept competition, or to actual product development.

Next on the agenda: Trade show at 5:30 PM CST.

Local newspaper article: http://www.statesman.com/search/content/business/stories/other/05/01/0501moot.html

And They’re Off

While any people in Louisville are gearing up for the 134th running of the Kentucky Derby, three students from the College of Business’ MBA program are competing in the 2008 Moot Corp competition in Austin, TX. The competition brings nearly 40 teams of MBA students from around the world vying for $100,000 in prize monies and related business services.

The Partum Group, will give their first presentation to a group of venture capitalist judges to receive additional feedback before the competition officially starts on Friday, May 2, 2008. The Partum Group has created a business around a medical device that will enhance patient safety, nursing efficiency, and physician diagnosis in the labor and delivery departments of hospitals.

Members Divya Cantor, MD, Katie Dawson, and James Mudd, will give their first presentation at 9AM CST/10 AM EST. Faculty adviser Van Clouse, PhD, is accompanying the team to Austin, TX.


After a long journey I am finally here in Jinan, CN. The city is a lot older and less modern than I originally thought, but i guess that will be part of the experience. On my first day at Shandong University I basically filled out paperwork all day, opened a bank account, and took a placement test. I opened an account with Bank of China since it is the biggest state run bank in China and is basically everywhere. Anyone that plans on staying in China for a long period of time should definitiely consider opening a bank account. It is a pretty easy process and the employees are very friendly and helpful. Anyways….here are some pictures of my dorm and kind of what to expect if you plan on coming here. I will have more updates later. Zai jian! (good-bye!)


My bathroom/shower
My lovely bed
My living quarters