August 9th

After waking up on the train, Aaron and I ventured out into the city of Barcelona. Perhaps one of the coolest cities I’ve ever seen, Barcelona is a jumble of cultural identities with an authentic Catalonian beach-town vibe. We spent the majority of the afternoon walking around Vila Olympica, where the Olympics were held in ’92 as well as the Mediterranean coastline and the beach (apparently nude…we felt a bit overdressed). Later that evening we went out for drinks with our hosts Bav (from UK) and Michal (from Poland) and fellow couchsurfers from Estonia. The nightlife here is loads of fun and yet again (thanks to couchsurfing) we have already made friends in a city far from home.

August 7th


With Max’s advice we spent the day yesterday roaming through the streets of Toledo. Only the pictures can describe how beautiful this place was. Although I got way more sun than I had bargained for, the weather was breezy and Aaron and I enjoyed a nice picnic lunch we bought at the local grocery store in the plaza by the Cathedral. Later that afternoon, we made our way back to Pinto where we hung our laundry to dry and went with Max and his daughter to a great new park in the city. As we ate our tapas dinner at a restaurant overlooking the pond as people paddled small boats past, I realized that memories like these are what make a journey. However nervous we may have been initially, Aaron and I both know now that couchsurfing was the perfect way to meet local people and experience travel in a completely non-commercial, genuine way. After dinner we climbed high-ropes in the park, 20 or 30 feet up, looking at the lights of Madrid in the distance.

Today we hung out in Pinto with Sammy (Max’s daughter), went to the supermarket to stock up for the next bit of our journey, and watched a bilingual Harry Potter! We made friends with some locals at an internet cafe and made our way to Chamartin to catch the night train to Barcelona. I find myself now in a couchette (sleeping bed on night trains) writing peacefully the brief details of our travels.

August 6th

Day two in Madrid was delightful. We enjoyed a day of rain which cooled down the city, normally 110 degrees in the sun this time of the year. We started our day at the Museo del Prado which had three stories of beautiful artwork and sculptures. I particularly like the main exhibit featuring the artwork of a famous landscape artist (Patinir). Aaron and I had lunch in the oldest bar in Madrid based on the advice of Max. After deciphering the menu, I ended up with the Tortilla Espanola, a local potato omlette. We also visited the Plaza Mayor (very impressive), Catedral de la Almudena, Palacio Real (the palace of Madrid), Parque del Campo del Moro and Templo de Debod (two of the many city parks; great for photos and local entertainment). Our stay in Pinto is great. We managed to find a supermarket as well as get lost for about 20 minutes. Aaron and I rely heavily on asking questions but are finding that the phrase book, although great for asking the question, still leave us confused as to the Spanish response. Altogether, we are managing just fine; found a local bakery this morning and as I eat my breakfast and write this, we are on our way to Toledo, a city to the south of Madrid. P.S. Last night we found ourselves reminiscing about the Jungle Book, as Max had the soundtrack to the film in German and knew the entire story by heart. Talk about memories.


Templo de Debodstudy-abroad-080.jpg

Parque del Campostudy-abroad-073.jpg


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Palacio Realstudy-abroad-066.jpg

August 5th

We made it to Madrid yesterday. The heat is very intense here, but the beer is cold and cheap. Aaron and I are modestly working on our Spanish (he is doing better than I am). We enjoyed our afternoon walking throughout Opera, Sol, Plaza del Prado, and Atocha’s incredible train station complete with turtles. We spent an hour or so in a beautiful botanical garden taking dozens of pictures. We spent our evening in Pinto with our host Max, his daughter Sammy, friends Vanessa and Thomas. He had a barbeque in our honor. We enjoyed great conversation as each of them knew English as well as German and Spanish (that pretty much makes Aaron and I slackers!). Till next time.


Atocha Train Station (Inside)

Atocha Train Station



Aaron, Max, Sammy, and I

August 4th

Amsterdam is amazing. The city is absolutely breath-taking, clean, and quiet. With a population of roughly 700,000, relatively few cars scatter the streets bustling with bikes as far as the eye can see. While in Amsterdam for the day, we saw Dam Square, Reimbradtplein, the Red Light District, the Opera House, the canals of course, and Amsterdam Central Station. Aaron and I are embarking on a three and a half week journey across Western Europe. While we are traveling, we are using a site called to manage our stay in each city. Through this website, you meet people online and request to stay on their couches. Our host Enrico was an incredible first experience to the world of couchsurfing. We went around the whole city, laughed and shared stories of our lives, family, and friends. He helped us finalize some details for our journey in Italy and he even made us sandwiches for the road! All is well in Amsterdam.

Aaron and Enrico

August 3rd

Everything is new. Trains are a foreign language. Food is an incredible experience of curious yet deliciously edible combinations. Aaron and I arrived in Amsterdam, made our way to campus (Den Haag) and back, and ordered some sort of hamburger with egg, pineapple, ketchup, mayo, and cucumber, surprisingly tasty. While enjoying the sites of Amsterdam we realized how tired we were and spent a couple of hours napping in the park. I awoke to the laughter of Dutch children as the crawled behind Aaron to retrieve the ball they were playing with…of course he was completely incoherent. We are now enjoying the Pride Festival in Rembrandtplein Park, the weather, and our new home in Holland.






RJS has made it home safely after a fantastic trip to UT-Austin and Moot Corp. We spent Saturday morning watching the semifinal rounds, where some teams we have seen at previous competitions were presenting. After watching our friends from the University of Illinois-Chicago, Georgia and Manitoba, we headed into town for some Texas barbecue. Then it was time for the finals where we saw 3 of the 4 competitors present, including Mullis Enterprises from Georgia, our rivals Power Prawns from Thammasat University and Omega Sensors from San Diego State University. All of the presentations were great and they all handled the constant interruptions and Q & A from the judges very well.

Trade Show PicRJS received recognition at the awards ceremony for being the wildcard runner-up. We received quite the ovation when our name was announced; one that rivaled all but the finalists’ ovations.

The night was capped off by a big celebration, where all of these teams that have competed against one another multiple times across the country enjoyed each other’s company and conversation before it was time to head home. There is no doubt that all of the ventures at Moot Corp will go on to be successes. For RJS, the academic end of the business plan is over. It is now time to get ready for the launch of Pulse.


Random Thoughts

Well, we have come together as a team and given all the energy that we had to give. We all felt that we gave 110%. We left it all on the table…. No more clichés….

The best part of being at this competition was having the opportunity to see that the University of Louisville prepped RJS as well, if not better, than any other school that we went up against. We are very proud to have been through this program and to have finished 11th in the world for business plans, and soon FIRST in revenue!

This team and this company has what it takes to go forward to raise venture funding and succeed in the global marketplace. We are the class of 2007 for Moot Corp and intend to take this business live this summer, offering the highest quality spirits to the world. PULSE will be remembered at UoL AND UT-Austin as the team that provided enjoyment and excitement during rather stressful, high intensity moments. The next stage is to raise capital, launch the product and watch the whole world Pulse.


RJS First Runner-Up

Eight first runner-up teams from the first round competed in the Muphree Venture Challenge Friday afternoon to determine two teams to move forward to the semi-finals Saturday. RJS was first runner-up in its Muphree Venture Challenge track and has now completed its great run at Moot Corp.

One of our judges in the Murphree Venture Challenge commented that “RJS’ presentation was A+ and one of the best ever in 18 years of investment banking”.

Today we will attend the semi-finals this morning, the finals this afternoon, and the awards ceremony tonight.

The RJS team members will share their thoughts later.

Dr. Clouse