Korea Love

Seoul, South Korea – I cannot even begin to express my love for this place! The overall journey began with the 14 hour flight of course…it in itself was an experience of a lifetime into the Asian culture! Asiana Airlines is simply the best flight ever. The first thing that intrigued me was the professional and feminine attire of the flight attendants. It was also Asian inspired from color to style. The next great thing was the three rows of seating. The sight of 95% Asian and 5% other cultures of people on a huge international plane was amazing. On the flight, there were many great “gifts”. We were given slippers, nice blankets, pillows, toothbrush/toothpaste, mouthwash, and three GREAT meals. I made friends on the plane as well, that was a plus. This was just the flight!
My first night in Korea was busy. We unpacked and immediately went to hang out with other ISS students we met at the airport. The city of Seoul is full of lights, people, action, and buildings! It is truly a place for the young and able. LoL. The story of my short living in Korea only gets better. 🙂

Italia – Living Like a Local

Wake up

Espresso and Creme

Dress in most fashionable attire – they really do care




Take a walk around town



When living in Den Haag I had the pleasure of making a friend from Italy and going to visit his family in Tuscany. I stayed with them for 11 days, and I truly learned what it was like to visit a place where no one speaks English, and everyone knows everyone.

My time there was spent in Buoncovento, a small town 20 minutes out of Siena where a beautiful monastery and one of the oldest historical town centers in Italy is located. We also went to Siena, Florence, and Rome.

Siena is famous for its horse racing, much like Louisville, and twice every year the entire city is divided into teams who sponsor a horse to race through the town’s HUGE square. The entire city gets involved and the tradition itself is thousands of years old. You can get your best view of the square from the cupola in the cathedral overlooking it. A few fun facts, the top of this specific bell tower is wider, and heavier than the supporting pillar beneath it, so be sure to see it before it falls, it’s already several hundred years old. Also, the entire “square” is shaped like a seashell, and you need an aerial view to really see it! Siena is full of boutiques and amazing food, as well as a park that overlooks the city. Be sure to check out the backstreets, and you can find the famous horse stalls that house each teams race contender.

Florence, as everyone says, is one of the most artistic, beautiful cities in the world – built on a river, graced by bridges and blooming flowers on every wall. As we were there for one day, we went to the Uffizi, the Academia, walked over the Ponte Vecchio, a bridge built in 1345 housing some of the world’s most beautiful coral jewelry, summited to the top of the city to the Piazzale Michelangelo and went to an Italian bar – which really means a place to sit for hours enjoying a sandwich and wax philosophical about anything and everything – we witnessed to older men still sitting at the same table when we walked by 5 hours later. The Duomo of course is a must see, but my favorite part was the Piazza del Signoria which is one of the most politically famous squares in the city, and also has some of the most amazing statues.



There are no words to describe the city other than – see it, love it, walk everywhere, and do anything within your power to extend the trip. We began in the train station and walked northwest through almost every famous attraction to the Vatican. The people, the sites, the history, the fountains – there is nothing about the city I do not love. My favorites included the Villa di Medici gardens, the Arc of Constantine, and viewing the entire city from the cupola of St. Paul’s cathedral. My best recommendation is to visit with an Italian – you get a first rate tour if they went to secondary school in Italy – and better deals on entrance to everything – it turns out a set price is usually a lot cheaper if they realize you’re not American. 🙂


Final Notes

Visit Italy! The people, the scenery, the cities, the food! Bella!


Culture Shock – It’s Real, and It’s Really Helpful

America – home of apple pie, baseball, HBO, free refills, online music streaming, and “Biggie Sizing”

Going to Europe for the first time alone, I had no idea what to expect when you MOVE to a new place, in a new country. It turns out after 5 months of living there and loving it, you get used to bicycle lanes being more important than motorways, people spitting when they pronounce their G’s, taking your own grocery bag to the supermarket, eating raw herring with onions, and watching countless hours of futbol while someone teaches you AGAIN what “off-sides” means. In case it’s not obvious yet, my study abroad experience was based in Den Haag, NL.

When I flew back into the states, everything looked HUGE! The cars, the food, and the English was so quick! People were in a hurry to get things done, and it honestly took me a few days to get back into the swing of everyday life. However, I noticed a few things about how I act differently. Europe changed me for the better – I’m a lot more relaxed about how I go about doing nearly everything, and I almost prefer mayo to ketchup on my fries these days.

The main point of this blog is, immerse yourself in the culture you study abroad in, and do things the way they do them. You may learn your way isn’t actually the best, and you may even teach them a few things in the process. No matter the outcome, you will definitely have a new perspective on what “normal” is!

If you have any questions about life in Den Haag, feel free to email me at swcagl01@louisville.edu


Just Call Me Molly Malone

Well, we all know Louisville is full of Irish love – from Irish pubs, to Fighting Irish fans, to one of the biggest St. Patrick’s day blow-outs of all time. However, nothing compares to Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland itself on March 17th.

We began our journey out of Den Haag with a flight to Belfast, and then took a bus to Dublin. Things to keep in mind: Northen Ireland is on Pounds Sterling, and their airport ATM exchange fee is not travel budget friendly – however, it is the fastest way to get cash in your pocket. From the airport to the bus station, we took a taxi with a Dubliner to the bus station. A tip when talking to a Dubliner – never assume what they say is true, if you can understand them. If you CAN understand them, give yourself kudos!

The bus ride was uneventful, and from the station we taxied downtown to find our hostel. Hostels in Dublin on St. Patrick’s day are easily 100 Euro a night for a private, 4 person room, and could be much more if you don’t book in advance. Be prepared, and don’t be afraid to sleep on the floor, the trip is well worth it.

The next morning we took the free Sandeman tour around the city and saw everything from Dublin castle which proudly displayed Themis, the Goddess of Truth/Justice, unmasked and glaring – only in Ireland would a goddess supposedly blindfolded to represent unbiased honesty be waving a sword. We also saw St. Patrick’s cathedral – one of the most beautiful I saw in Europe, made entirely of gorgeous stone and surrounded by the grass that could double as green velvet. The statue of Molly Malone and a trip through Temple Bar – the mercantile and bar district rounded out the tour.

From there we went to the St. Patrick’s day parade, after of course, purchasing green, orange, and white top hats and loads of green beads – always try to blend with the locals. The parade, we found, is always themed around something other than St. Patrick himself. As Dublin was dubbed The City of Science, this year was a nautical, science fiction theme. Sitting on O’Connell street bridge watching the parade was one of the coolest, experiences of the trip not only because the costumes and performers were top-notch, but the people around us were from all over the world, including Louisville!

After the parade we continued our exploration through Temple Bar and the city park finding all sorts of interesting places. Dublin is a very diverse city with everything from a brand new shopping district that reminds you of Rodeo Drive but with riverdance performers on every corner, to some of the oldest pubs in the world, all the way to some of the most exclusive hotels. The city gives a very alive, but charming feeling! Our favorite Temple Bar find was a place called The Mercantile!

The next day we went to Trinity College to wait in line for a siting of the Book of Kells and the historic Phoenix park – I did not expect to see gorgeous palm trees in March. A travel tip when going to see the book, either show up very early in the morning, or book an appointment which cuts your wait time down to about an hour. From there, we took a bus back to Belfast, and flew home.

This was one of my favorite trips the entire 6 months, and I highly recommend visiting the city just once for the biggest, most historic, green party of the year!

Prague, Czech Republic

After spending a few weeks in the city of Prague and travelling in the region I can say that I love this city. There is no shortage of things to do and see here, even a short stroll down the street will lead to some awesome view or random monument. The city itself has an incredible history, the locals like to joke that if a building was built in the last 100 years then it is a baby. The fact that it was once a socialist country (until 1989) also gives it a unique vibe. They have obviously embraced capitalism though, you have to pay for everything from using the bathroom to tap water here. We found a restaurant with free WiFi, refills, and ice and our minds were blown! The classes are solid, the School of Economics is a good one so the professors have been good for the most part. As good as the classes have been I’ve probably learned more just from interaction, observation, and travel than anything else. There is so much to do here during the day and night, and Prague is pretty much dead center of Europe so it’s relatively easy to travel elsewhere from here. All in all I have no regrets so far and would tell anyone to study abroad, this program is definitely a good one but at the very least if you can ever get to Prague, even just for a weekend I would say don’t hesitate, go for it!

Florence, Italy

I’ve been in Italy for 2 weeks now! It’s seriously the best time I’ve ever had. Besides my sleeping pattern still not being quite right, I feel totally at home in my tiny apartment in the city. The city itself is absolutely beautiful with bridges and old buildings everywhere. It’s filled with tourists which seems like it would be annoying, but its actually fun because you get to meet people from all over the world.

My parents were in Paris last week so they decided to make a trip to see me for my birthday. We went to a few museums and I got to eat a very nice meal for free =).  It was nice having them here because I got to show them around and I looked really cool.

So far we have made trips to Cinque Terre, Pisa, and some other beach. Cinque Terre is five fisherman cities and it’s gorgeous. You can hike from town to town and the last town is a beach. The hike was about two hours long but it was well worth it. Pisa was fun too; I got to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but that’s pretty much all there is to do there.




Street Chalk artist painting the Medusa!

Leaning Tower of Pisa



View from our bridge!


Ciao! xx

Tips you need to know before going to China

Some tips to consider before going to China:

  1. Bring your own toilet paper everywhere you go. There is no toilet paper in public restroom like in restaurants, at Beiwai, or at some touristic places.
  2. Don’t drink the water directly from the faucet. Boil it or buy mineral water.
  3. For Chinese people is uncommon to drink cold water or water with ice. If you want some cold water some restaurant offer cold bottle of water.
  4. Bring hand sanitizer with you because some restaurant don’t provide customer soap.
  5. If you are planning to go to the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, or other touristic places that you need to buy a ticket, bring your student ID, some places give discount for students.
  6. When buying stuff from street vendors, if they see that you are foreign some try to charge you more than the normal price so be aware of that.
  7. No need to pay tips in restaurant so don’t expect the same customer service from the waitress like in the USA.

Well for now these are the tips I remember. I will continue to update if I recall something else. ^^

Beijing, China

Going to China was a dream I had since I was a little girl. I wanted so bad to go to my parent’s country, to get to know that place they talk so much about in their childhood stories.  With the U of L China study abroad program we got to go Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, and Shangdong. We studied Mandarin at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, also known as Beiwai. The Mandarin program was very intensive compare to what we studied at U of L.  The program consist of 18 hours per week and two parts: oral and written Chinese. Not all the lessons was in the classroom, we got to do projects outside in the park interviewing Chinese people or going to a Book Fair so we can practice speaking and listening our Mandarin. At the back side of the building where we were having our classes, students also called it the street through the small east gate, there was a lot restaurant you can choose and during the night the street is transform to a vivid night life. There are many street vendors selling kebab (vegetable, meat or bread in stick that they fried it), clothes (some of them come with their cars and they park on the sidewalk and start selling the clothes available in their trunk), accessories, and many other things.  Beside studying we went to many touristic places like: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Lama Temple, the Silk Market in Beijing, the Bund and the Wanfujing street in Shanghai, the Silk Factory and the Gardens in Suzhou, the Confucius Temple and his graveyard in Shangdong. We stayed in Shanghai for one week and in Beijing for four weeks. In Beijing the public transportation is very convenient you can take the bus or the subway to go anywhere you want. Just be very careful when crossing the street because people there drive like crazy. Pedestrian doesn’t come first instead cars go first and then you second. Another thing is that you are going to walk a lot, my dorm was located in the west campus and in the six floor, my classes was in the east campus in the fourth floor and from my dorm to my classroom was about 15 min if you walk in a fast pace, but because I am a slow walker it took me about 20 to 25 min to walk to my classes if I walk alone. Now that I am in Louisville at least I feel healthier ^^. About the sport section on campus there are plenty of places to workout, there is a gym, a swimming pool, ping pong tables, a track field, basketball, tennis, soccer, volleyball, and badminton court. Every time I passed by I saw   young people playing sports, older people working out, people doing tai-chi, and the sound of people cheering for their favorite volleyball team. I had the opportunity to play ping pong with my friends and run on the track field. Definitely this was a great experience.

China, here I come

Getting to China is a very long and exhausting process. We arrived at the airport at 5:15am since our flight was at 7:15 and they recommend arriving two hours before international flights. I say we because I am participating in an A&S International diversity program and there are nine students and one U of L professor. The trip is called the summer study abroad in China program. This is the 10th year for this program and we are the largest group thus far. Every student on this trip has studied Chinese for at least two semesters with the exception of one girl who has actually never studied Chinese before. Back to the trip; we flew from Louisville to Chicago and then to Shanghai. The flight from Chicago to Shanghai was around 14 hours nonstop. Thankfully we were flying Delta Airlines, because they have individual entertainment centers for each passenger on certain planes, I’m thinking mostly on the planes reserved for long flights. If you’re not sure what this is, I will explain it to you. So, there are individual T.V. screens mounted in the back of the head rests and each passenger can control their own screen. Through this touch screen you can pick movies, T.V. shows, listen to music, play games, and I’m sure something else that I’m forgetting. I would definitely recommend flying Delta Airlines for long trips. It is so nice to have something to occupy your time on a 14 hour flight, but be sure to get up to stretch and get your blood circulating through your legs often. Upon arriving in Shanghai we had to clear customs, which was rather simple and easy. We only had to wait in line for maybe 5 to 10 minutes before seeing a customs agent. Once we made it to the agent, he just checked our visa and then took a picture of us, and that was pretty much it.
We came to China to study at Beijing Foreign Studies University, but we flew into Shanghai to visit for around five days before going to Beijing. One day we took a trip to nearby SuZhou to visit the silk market and see its canals. The silk market was interesting and educational in a non-boring way. We got to go through the factory and watch the workers in action. We saw every stage of production, from the silk worms themselves all the way to them spreading the silk to make a comforter. At the end of the tour there are a couple of shops where you can buy anything silk at wholesale prices. We also went to the Yuyuan Garden which is an old part of Shanghai where all of the buildings look like what you see in movies that are set in traditional old times. There are many shops and places to eat in this area. We also went the harbor and took a one hour boat cruise. On one side of the harbor is all the modern buildings some of which you might have seen on a postcard or some other picture that represents Shanghai, and on the other side is all the buildings that were built in the early part of 20th century between the last emperor and the current Chinese government. All of these buildings are interesting because they were built by various European countries and you can see the difference in style from one building to the next, e.g. one building built with German architecture and the next with French architecture. After five days of exploring Shanghai we took an 11 hour overnight train ride to Beijing to begin our studies. Each room on the train had two sets of bunk beds. While the beds were not the most comfortable, they are better than the alternative of sleeping in a chair. That’s all of this post, more to follow soon.

Transportation in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Unlike out beloved Louisville, Buenos Aires has a bus system that does not require one to wait long in the blistering heat or freezing cold. Truthfully, the city has three options for transportation – buses, train, and subway. The trains and buses bring people into the city from parts of the provencia – think, Bullit County – while the subway or subte has much more concentrated lines of transport limited to the certain parts of the city. Recently the city has created a new system of paying for the buses, so now it is easy to pass a card over the monitor to pay for the subte or bus. Before, it was necessary to have a few coins or monedas to get on the bus and aren’t always easy to find. A ticket for the bus costs between $1.10  and 1.25 argentine pesos, depending on how far you’re traveling. So, it is very cheap, but there are also no discounts for students. Nor do students ride free like we do with our UofL ID cards. Also, there are no transfer tickets, so you are required to pay again if you need to change buses. Perhaps this is why people here walk so much. In any case, the bus transport system is extremely good and much more efficient than our system. Buses can travel far into the provencia for just $1.25, they come just about every fifteen minutes or less, and there are about 50 different bus lines. But, the city here is a really big place and can be really confusing at times it’s necessary to carry around a Guía T that is a guide to all the buses, including maps of where they go. The maps are so good that I sometimes use them to just walk around the city when I’m in neighborhoods I don’t usually visit.

Meanwhile, there are still plenty of cars on the streets. Of course the buses, trains, and subtes are filled with people during rush-hour, but there are also plenty of cars on the street during this same time. My host family tells me that the streets weren’t always so filled with people like they are now, but with the economic crisis that has continued since the turn of the century and now created a crisis of inflation here, there are many more people traveling into the city for work. It is important to understand that many of these people do not travel by car, but by bus or train, and also that they sometimes travel for a couple hours to get to their jobs. Meanwhile, since the public transportation has become more crowded, it has become more common for people who live in the city to use their cars. In any case, whether car or bus, it’s really important to be careful when crossing the street here. There aren’t many traffic rules that people follow here. Really, it’s like watching some movie depicting typical Italian driving.