Where do I start to plan a trip?

Many people have asked me when I started planning my weekend trips in Costa Rica. I started planning my weekend trips around 5 hours after I arrived to my host home. Luckily, my roommate had done her research and had hostel recommendations, and a clear plan. I definitely recommend researching before and compiling a list of what you want to do while in the country. However, even with the numerous hours she spent researching we did not accomplish all we wanted and some of the information was false.

Our tico tour advisor was immensely helpful in getting us deals and recommending hostels for the weekends. We would usually on Monday send Jason a list of what we wanted to accomplish for the following weekend and where we wanted to go. We would list the prices we had found and he would send back cheaper deals for possibly different places. He would also let us know from connections and other students if the ratings were true to the hostels.

For example this past weekend we knew we wanted to go to La Fortuna. We sent him a list with hot springs, waterfall, hiking trails, and the Arenal Volcano. We also sent him the duration we wanted to stay and the bus schedule we had found through online.

He replied reassuring us of the correct bus station and a hotel for one night that we requested that included everything we wanted except for the waterfall for 60 dollars. This was a great deal because hot springs are usually 40 on their own and the hiking trails range from 8-12 dollars. The waterfall was only a extra 8 dollar fee. This also included an all inclusive resort that fed us a buffet breakfast, had HD tv, wifi, ziplining, horse back riding, butterfly garden, alligators, 6 waterslides, 5 hot springs, wet bar, and 4 pools. The deal for 60 dollars was too sweet to pass.

These are the essentials you need to know to plan a trip:

Budget: How much am I willing to spend?

Packing: How much do I need to bring? (For example some places provide towels and shampoo)

Duration: How long do I want to stay there?

Transport: How am I getting there? (Refer to last blog post) How much is the bus and how long is the ride?

Food: Is any food included? (Many tourist areas are very expensive for food… don’t let the menu price trick you they add on an extra 13% and 10% fee after you make that purchase)

References: What have I heard about these places? Are these reliable sources?

*Always ask the tour expert with your university or program if there are any deals or student discounts! These are life savers and money savers!

Now that you have the main questions answered what do you do next?

Consult with your program representative and double check the transportation schedule the day before you leave. Many of the buses can change stations or times because low passenger quantity or bus strikes. Always double check the night before that you can get a bus. Arrive 30-45 minutes earlier than the departure time to ensure you have a seat (sometimes they over sell and you have to stand for hours), and in case there are any last second changes for the stations.

I also recommend if you are timely to get your bus ticket before the day of leaving. Our last trip we had to leave at 6:15 and they usually fill up buses 30 minutes before prior departure. We had to leave our house at 5 am to make it to the bus stop and get our tickets. This is why if you can afford the inconvenience to get the tickets earlier please heed my advice and do so.

Now that you have consulted with the expert and you have your ticket your almost ready to leave. The last step before leaving is packing (assuming you have already booked your hostel). Pack a small backpack or duffel bag for a weekend trip. You will recognize even on weekend trips its easy to over pack. Only take the essentials. You can put duffel bags under the bus so you will not have it in your way. Also if you have Spotify download songs before entering the long bus rides (found this out the hard way).

And with that your ready to embark on your journey!

Enjoy your weekends with these few steps you’ll be a pro weekend planner!


Transportation in Costa Rica

There are 5 main ways to travel in Costa Rica:

1. Bus

2. Taxi

3. Uber

4. Walk

5. Car (Possible to rent)

For long trips to the Pacific Coast or Caribbean I advise taking a bus. Our bus prices have been $4,500 (Manuel Antonio), $2,450 (La Fortuna), and $2,750 (Monte Verde) for the trips. You can also take the public bus to close by towns like Heredia or down town. The bus price for down town is $265 and $600 for Heredia.  (All prices in Colones (mil))

Most people take a taxi around town or to the mall. However, I suggest taking uber instead because it is cheaper and the drivers have to use WAZE which is an app I would suggest you download before coming to Costa Rica. Also download Uber with a card that is able to work out of the country. You may use a taxi but make sure that Maria is on. Maria is the meter that keeps the distance and price in check. Some taxi drivers will give you a flat rate and usually it is more than the actual rate.

Uber is frowned upon here by the locals because the Taxi drivers have been on strike from uber because people are flooding to use uber. Uber not only uses a gps and is cheaper but you can easily split the fee with another person and you can also get candy and usually a person who speaks some English. This is great for people coming that do not speak Spanish fluently.

For school, I often walk about three blocks. I have walked from the mall and have walked to downtown and it is possible but if you are not good with directions I would not recommend walking to a new place. There are some areas of town that you need to avoid and walking and getting lost is not the best situation. If you are wanting to live a healthier lifestyle while here than I definitely recommend walking every time you have the chance. The distances are fairly long but not difficult. Do take an umbrella or rain jacket with you if you decide to walk anywhere because the rain is unpredictable.

If you are having a long weekend and feel comfortable driving a stick shift I would recommend using a car rented instead of taking the bus. You can make it there with an hour or two to spare because of the various stops the bus makes on its way to the location. Having a car is also convenient if you are staying in a hostel away from town or other activities. The buses have broken down and they do not have A/C. A car can be very handy but also a lot of responsibility. They are around $5 dollars a day.

You should travel when you have the chance and weigh the pros and cons and prices of how you will reach your destination. I have used all of the above methods other than renting a car. However, a friend here has rented a car for ten days to travel the country with her boyfriend and she is nervous. She is from Denmark where they grow up knowing how to drive a stick shift so I highly advise if you are not comfortable driving a stick shift that you hold off on renting a car for safety.

If you have any questions about traveling with transportation in Costa Rica feel free to email me or comment below and I would be more than happier to help!

Small-Town Living

Unlike many exchange experiences, the location of my University is in a tiny town. I’m talking 10,000 people split between 5 villages tiny; median age of 60 (and I’m not sure I’m exaggerating). A few of my friends and I were discussing this the other day; that EBS university wasn’t properly explained or even advertised to us before we came, and that even google maps wasn’t much in terms of a warning. This blog post is about the huge disclaimer to that sentence.

It’s true, when you look at the maps, Frankfurt is about a 30 minute drive away, “right around the corner” by any America standard–but it’s not close. With a car, sure, it’s reachable, but this is from an American perspective (and from what I can tell, Australian and Canadian as well). Here, there are cars, but only the Germans and French have them, and even then, someone has to drive home, right? The actuality of the situation is that you take a train, which takes you an hour and seven minutes, to the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (main train station), and from there you walk or take a bus to your destination. You’re probably thinking, “alright, not ideal but not a deal-breaker.” It’s true! Getting to Frankfurt or Wiesbaden or Mainz is never the issue, it’s about getting home. The last train arrives in oewi (Oestrich-Winkel) at 12:05 from all locations, the last bus leaves Wiesbaden at 2:40, and the last car is few and far between. Sure you can go out, but can you get home? For those who can’t wrap their head around the first train at 6 in the morning (yes clubs are open until then), the last bus is typically the answer, or staying in our lovely town. 

When you think about your dream exchange, you think about travel, you think about adventure, you think about new experiences; you DON’T think about a sleepy village, nuzzled in wine country next to the river Rhine. I’m here to tell you that you should. Big cities are big cities, and yes, they offer more night options, bright lights and bustling streets–but they don’t offer you the opportunity to understand the culture. Here in Oestrich-Winkel, where the curfew is 10pm and the groceries are a 5 minute walk (there are a lot of them), students are a captive audience. There are only a few places to gather, so gather we do. Human interaction becomes your greatest form of entertainment, and personally, I love it. For such a small town, there are NEVER a shortage of things to do, and most of the time, you have TOO MANY options.

So yes, when you get here, you won’t be overwhelmed with city lights, but when you leave, you’ll be overcome with memories, and stories, and friendships. This place becomes your home in a way that a big city never can. You’ll learn to love the lazy Sundays where shops are closer, but you’ll also learn that if you take the train to Wiesbaden, you have a 9 minute turn-around before the train comes back to buy whatever your arms can carry from McDonals and Rossmans. You’ll get the disapproving grandma scolds and stares when you’re crossing a street when the sign is red or being too rowdy past bedtime, but you’ll also learn that your actions impact others, and that social responsibility is something that goes both ways; you’ll learn to covet this and, surprisingly, begin to wonder why your neighbors think that playing music past 22:00 is at all acceptable. There are things about living in a small town that city dwellers never get to experience.

So yes, when you get here, you’ll wonder how you ever made the choice to come, but when you leave, you’ll wonder how you will ever bring yourself to go.

Hey Mom! What do I pack for Costa Rica?

Three must brings to Costa Rica:

  1. Umbrella and rain jacket
  2. Bug spray and sun screen
  3. Colones and American dollars

Now why do you need to bring these three things?

Well let’s start with the umbrella and rain jacket; if your coming during the summer at all this is the rainy season for Costa Rica. Although August to September has the most rain it still rains frequently and randomly during May-July. I would not worry about rain boots but instead wear old shoes or Chaco’s / flip flops that can handle the rain.

The bug spray and sun screen are an absolute must. With the amount of bugs that enjoy eating us we have to put bug spray on at least twice a day. The sun screen is mainly for the trips on weekends such a  Manuel Antonio.

Using your card abroad because expensive very fast. I suggest bringing 300 American dollars in colones which you can acquire from any major bank in Kentucky such as pnc or fifth third. If you choose to use your card while in the country make sure that you do not charge in dollars but in the country’s currency,this eliminates some fees for exchanging the currrency. If you decide to pull out money while in the country do so wisely. Do not go weekly to pull out small amounts because the fees for ATMs can be outrageous. Budget correctly and maintain self control and you should be able to pull out larger amounts and eliminate a majority of ATM fees.


My next post will be about planning trips and transportation in Costa Rica. Read on tomorrow to know more about the planning behind trips and the best uses of transportation.

Top 10 things to do while in Costa Rica

These ten things are in my opinion some of the best memories I have had in Costa Rica as I reflect on being half way done with my time abroad.

1. Get to know your tico family and roommates right away. Don’t waste time dilly dalling. Dive into the culture and begin to use the language, no matter how uncomfortable you are.

2. Visit Monte Verde; While in Monte Verde go to the Natural Cloud Forest. You will take pictures literally in the clouds! Below is an example from this past weekend.  IMG_9619

3. Also while in Monte Verde go Zip lining, ATV riding, Horse back riding, whatever your wallet will allow. You must do Zip lining. I recommend 110% Aventura, we got a deal for $40 bucks to do 9 zip lines, 2 superman’s, and the Tarzan swing (which is basically bungee jumping but sitting down). A terrifying experience for someone like me afraid of heights but totally worth the risk and I did live to tell you to do it. So you should try!

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4. Eat REAL Costa Rican food, many places are called Sodas and they provide regular average food, while the sabor tico is to know tico. This is the way to know the culture by eating the food.

5. Visit Manuel Antonio. There is a free public beach which is pretty awesome, but typical like most beaches. I recommend paying $16 bucks to go into the national park where there are private beaches that are beautiful. Almost as blue water as the Bahamas. In the park you will come across lizards, monkeys, sloths, raccoons, and occasionally if lucky like us maybe a snake or two. Make sure not to bring food into the park and keep an eye on your bag because the monkeys will steal your stuff.


6. In Manuel Antonio you should stay in the hostel Vista Serena if traveling in a small group. Its about $15 a night and provides breakfast and a view so incredible. Below is a snip it of what you’ll see.



7. In Manuel Antonio be prepared for over priced food that is taxed with service 10% and another 13% for preparation. I recommend you eat at El Avion. This sight of eating on a cliff and in a plane is pretty neat! There is also a restaurant a few blocks down called the wagon where you can sit in a train and eat. Both restaurants offer great food at an affordable price.


8. If staying close to the airport or San Jose I recommend you visit the land of the strays which is a puppy park essentially. This park has over 900 puppies that are strays waiting to be adopted. If you are getting close to finals and need a stress reliever this is the place to go!

9. One of the most beautiful places we have been is La Fortuna. This scenery of the Arenal Volcano outside and huge waterfall maybe 10 minutes away is gorgeous. While in La Fortuna the tourists (aka us) usually enjoy the hot springs if not offered by your hostel or hotel there are some free ones to the public, however they can be crowded. I recommend you get there early if you go the free way. I also recommend staying at Mayol Lodge (another hostel) in La Fortuna. It is close in proximity to town, the waterfall, hot springs, and volcano.


10. Lastly, have a good time. Balance the school work and free time and plan ahead for these trips. I hope if you are planning a trip abroad and especially to Costa Rica that you will check out these places and heed some advice. Best wishes to all those who are traveling soon or in the future!

Strong, Independent Woman…. and Abroad?

So I’m finally writing this after being back in my Kentucky home for almost a month. Why did I wait so long? Well how am I supposed to describe the most incredible experience of my life in a short blog? I don’t know either but here’s my best shot at it and I decided the best approach to take was studying abroad as a female, one who always travels alone.IMG_4894

If you knew me before I went to Europe, you would know that I often travel independently all across the nation with my marketing job but it’s not quite the same when you’re gallivanting around Europe and even Africa. So here’s a few tips and stories of my experience as a woman who is too stubborn to travel with anyone else.

  1. DO NOT EVER let anyone tell you to not travel alone because you’re a woman; you just have to take a few more extra precautions to stay safe.
  2. Check out the area of the hostel/Airbnb before you pay to stay there. Even though it’s closer to more attractions, it does not always mean it’s a safe neighborhood. I made that mistake when I traveled to Athens. According to my taxi driver, I was in an area overran with “prostitutes and drug addicts”; he even warned me to not walk alone at night because men would stab me with heroin and then steal all my stuff. Yeah, talk about a warm welcome to Greece. So learn from my experience because even though I didn’t die, I was terrified every time I left my apartment and would run from wherever I was so that I could get back before nightfall.
  3. Get used to guys catcalling you (in multiple different ways). You may think it’s bad in the US but it’s absolutely annoying overseas. Just ignore them and keep walking. They might be bothersome, but they’re harmless.
  4. No matter where you are, try to be back to wherever you’re staying before it gets dark. I don’t know why, but I swear all the real creeps hide during the day. If you do stay out late, just try your best to stay on well-lit streets, even if that dark alley way will cut 15 minutes off of your travel time. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  5. When you’re walking around, act like you know what you’re doing even if you’re completely lost. I promise they will smell your fear and confusion. But as I say that, know it’s always okay to ask for help. For me though, I always ask someone who I feel like can’t easily overpower me (but I’m probably just paranoid).
  6. Watch for pickpocketers– they’re smarter than you think. For most of them, this is their only job and they are very good at it. Keep your eyes peeled 24/7, especially since you’ll most likely be carrying a purse. Children are a concern too, and I speak from experience. While I was in Rome, I caught a 9-year-old girl with her hand down my purse and I even had my hand on the front of my purse. They’re incredibly sneaky. Also watch for planned schemes because they have tons of them. They’ll have kids or a “family” asking for directions and while you’re distracted another person will be pick pocketing you. Also watch for fights in large areas. They’re usually staged to get you focused on something else. Be super careful!! Because you may think that’ll never happen to you but it could; I even got mugged in Venice (which by the way is not even worth the trip, I hated that city, it was disgusting).
  7. Please oh please do not dress like an American tourist. Try to blend in because if not, then you are a bullseye for anyone who wants to rob you.
  8. IF you do go to Africa be EXTRA careful. I went to Morocco and the culture is very different. You are not seen as a human, you are seen as an item and you are especially vulnerable if you do not have a man with you. Do not show any part of your skin. Everywhere you go, keep your head down and do not make eye contact with any male. Do not smile at them, they take that as an invitation to come and talk to you. I even wore a hijab to try and fit in to keep attention off of me. I always came to my hostel at dark, always. If you want to be extra careful, wear a ring to make it seem like you’re married. The men there are very abrasive, so just be careful. I was proposed to five times and I even had a guy ask me how many camels it would take for him to marry me. Just be polite and walk away. Also, always bargain– the price they give you is way above what they’ll take, even bargain with the taxi drivers.
  9. Do not let a man buy you a drink. Yes it may be a custom in the US, but overseas if a man buys you a drink, they expect something in return. To just avoid all confusion, buy your own drinks.
  10. Just relax and enjoy the experience you’re creating. I loved traveling alone and overall I felt pretty safe. Don’t fret; statistically speaking you’re more likely to get assaulted in the US than you are in Europe. Just be smart.

Honestly, I could go on and on about my experience abroad but I’ll keep it short. Just don’t take even a second for granted. Barcelona has my heart and I definitely plan on returning. Hopefully you’ll find a city that you love just as much. Just remember safety so that you make it back in one piece and to not be afraid to go on adventures because that’s what you’re going to cherish in the long run.

Den Haag – Spring Semester

When you come to the Netherlands during the Spring there are two must do activities everyone must do.

1) Kings Day. This is a national holiday on April 27 to celebrate the kings birthday. Everyone is out at festivals wearing orange and celebrating Dutch culture. This something you don’t want to miss.

2) Keukenhof. When people think of the Netherlands most people think of tulip fields. Well Keukenhof is the ultimate spring garden experience. You can spend all day here and never want to leave. I suggest to bring a picnic and find a nice sunny spot and enjoy the flowers and nature around you. It truly is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I have seen. If you are in the Netherlands or anywhere in Europe for that matter, make sure to visit. You will not regret it.

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Flocking together in Costa Rica


Costa Rica

One of the things they tell you not to do is get comfortable with the other international students because that is your first thing to cling to. Other people who know English. Other people from the united states or your own state. This is VERY GOOD advice. I have only been abroad for 4 days and I find everyone I am hanging out with are Americans. I am in Costa Rica to study Spanish and although having those friends to hangout with and explore areas like the supermercado (super market) and centro (downtown) is awesome, having ticos (natives) to talk with and help show you where to go is even better. I would recommend you listen to the advice that the faculty give you about the trend to be with other Americans. Luckily, I have a service program with all natives and that will stretch me and challenge me to use Spanish more, I would advise that you in your first week get a tico friend or national that you build a relationship with.

Don’t be stuck flocking together with other birds like you in another country. We study abroad not only for the cool sites and getting away from American culture, but for the differences. Embrace the differences. For example here we are on tico time. Meaning everything takes up to an extra hour. Rushing is not a thing in Costa Rica. For someone who rushes and is busy often embracing tico time has been sort of awesome! I would suggest you embrace the culture you live in. Don’t try to fight it, but embrace it.

Not only do you flock with those similar to you, but you flock with those who you are comfortable around. Even if you begin to build relationships with locals, I would challenge you to go another step beyond that. Continue to push yourself out of the comfort bubble. For example, I am not a dancer, nor have I ever taken a dance class, however I am taking a dance class with ticos and international students on Thursdays while in costa rica to learn the salsa and other ballroom dances. This is something completely out of my comfort zone. I would challenge others to do the same whether it be yoga, cooking, dance classes, riding a bus, etc. Continue to push yourself.

Lastly, I would share with those traveling abroad and living with host families to get to know their family. My tico mama is dona Rosa. She is 76 and she has one sibling and many children and grandchildren. Your families will not only help you to learn a language and culture but they can become helpful for directions, and many other things. Have dinner or breakfast with your family. Share a meal daily and maybe watch a show together once a week. This will help you not to flock to Netflix, books, facetime, etc.

Together lets flock in all kinds of directions.

10 things to know while studying in the Netherlands (in Den Haag.)

I have been in the Netherlands for about a month an a half now. I decided my first post should be information I wish I knew about the Netherlands before I came, but didn’t.

1) OV-Chipkaart: When you arrive in the Amsterdam airport, the first thing you should do is go to the information counter (on your left once you leave customs) and purchase the OV-Chipkaart. It costs 7.50 euros, but makes public transportation half the price it normally would be. Load 50 euros onto it is my recommendation. On Busses and trams you scan your card on sensors inside the doors when you get in and when you leave. Trains require you to scan your card at yellow poles before and after you go to the trains. You need at least 20 euros on the card to use the trains.

2) Ulmon City Maps: This is an app that allows you to download the map of almost any city and star places of interest or importance. The best part is it tracks where you are even offline.

3) Size of the Netherlands: The Netherlands is about 1/3 of the size of Kentucky. Take advantage of this. Make some friends and take day trips to different cities. So far I have been to Delft, Haarlam, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Den Haag (Obviously).

4) Places to go out: Miller’s, Havana, Fiddler’s, and Grotemarkt are all nice bars/clubs.

5) Classes: Most classes only meet once a week. They can also change rooms every week and sometimes the time of the class. Check the schedule every morning. Most classes only have a final exam.

6) Groceries: There is two main grocery stores. Jumbo (megastore on the school side of Station HS) is the most reasonable and has the best selection personally. Albert Heijns (is across from Station HS) and while it is more expensive, it is convenient if you live in the Student Hotel. No matter what store you go to, you have to buy a reusable bag.

7) Bike: While you can get by without a bike, it is easier to get one. You have to have white lights on the front and red lights on the back as well as a bell. You can rent a bicycle from a company called Be-Cycle-It or buy your own.

8) Router: Most places will provide internet, but if you want wifi (and you will) you need to purchase a router. You can get one from the Megastore or city center.

9) PayPal: In order to load money on your washing card or school card, you will need an account. Credit cards won’t work for these.

10) Money: I should have put this first, but bring at least 500 euros over with you. Also if you can pay with a credit card at meals (one with a 0% conversion fee) and have the rest of the table pay you with cash. It will save you ATM fees.

Lighting Up The Dark – Edinburgh


21 years I’ve been alive. And for 21 years I have lived in the great city of Louisville. I have been to the odd state here and there, and even the Bahamas once, but never have I ventured for more than 10 days away from my home. I have only seen the light from a very small fraction of our amazing planet. To me, the rest of the world was dark. But now it is time to see more of the light. It is time to study abroad.

I landed in my new home for the next 5 months, Edinburgh, in early January. And after being here a month, I am already in love. Since “study” comes first in “study abroad,” I’ll touch on my the academics real quick (skip to the next paragraph if you want a more interesting read). The University of Edinburgh is one of four ancient  universities in Scotland, which to me sounds pretty bad ass. I will definitely be telling people I attended an ancient uni (such a simple slang word to adopt and use) when I come back home. Anyway, the way the classes are set up here are a bit different than back home. The semester is 10 class weeks long, with a few study weeks and spring break thrown in there. Typically a class meets 2 times a week in a lecture format. But then you have a smaller class size once a week called a tutorial. I enjoy this style because tutorials are where the fascinating discussion happens. Lastly, the grading here is a bit different with a 70 being a pretty good grade and a 40 being a pass grade. Having said that, the grading is pretty tough so you must bring your A game.

Now to the more fun stuff. Edinburgh is a city with many universities and as such is a city that is very college kid friendly. Almost everywhere you go you can find a student discount and the people are very friendly to the student population. It is also riddled with pubs and clubs that suit any mood you are in or music you want to listen to. The city also has ethnic food from all over the world on any street. I like to say that almost every street in Edinburgh is it’s own Bardstown Rd, having a multitude of shops and restaurants to fulfill any need. All of this is packed into a city which isn’t really that big, which means you can walk pretty much anywhere worth going within 30 to 40 minutes. And sometimes you’ll wish the walk was longer with the amount of beauty the city has to offer (on a non rainy day of course). A port on one side, castle in the middle, and fantastic architecture between, a walk in Edinburgh is always pleasing to the eyes. All in all I love this city and the it’s culture.

But it would not be complete without the amazing people I have met along the way. These are the people I enjoy this amazing city with. And maybe the most important aspect of study abroad is the people you meet and getting to know their story. So I’d like to give a highlight to some of them and let you know just a little bit about them.

Flatmates (all from England)

Sofia – an absolutely fantastic chef and mastermind behind a great wine and cheese night.

Robyn – Always has a bright smile and a “how was your day today?”

Sophie – Perfect companion to grab and beer and share a laugh.


Rishabh – Travel companion, financial adviser, fellow American. Pretty much do everything with him.

Belinda – Met through Rishabh, fellow traveler, laid back fun person.

Ward – Hands down one of the coolest people I have ever met. From the Netherlands, he may deserve his own blog post later.

I have met many others, especially during Business Society events such as Pub Golf (which I won… well tied for first), and in my classes and project groups. Bottom line, the people here are great, and we are having an amazing time while together.

This has just been the Edinburgh first chapter, there is much more to come, such as, kilt wearing and haggis/whiskey tasting. Just wanted to give a brief introduction to my new life for this semester. Currently, I am traveling in Spain with Rishabh and will make my next post about finding all the light here. Until next time.
