BorDeauX live

Hello everybody, after having an excellent time here in Bordeaux, I have decided to let you know some really good advice for those of you that are planning to come here.


No matter if you are not sure about coming, reserve your place in advance. Melting Potes, which is the student organization in charge of helping int’l students, can help you with that. They take a while in answering you, so keep sending emails on a constant basis. Personally, I recommend asking for a flat as soon as you decide to come here.  During the first week of the semester there are a lot of student looking for other places to live for several reasons – they do not like their actual flat, or they just want one closer to centre ville (downtown).

Having a good place, in other words, a place centrally located, gives you the advantage of having to walk short distances to stores, and tourist areas in case the tram does not work or is in strike (extremely common here). Also, you would be able to walk home when parties are over, because most of them, plus all clubs and bars are in centre ville.  But if you do not get a flat there, do not worry, it is not the end of the world, and you have several options to compensate for that. For example, you will probably be living closer to the university campus, so you will have more time to sleep before classes.

Public Transportation

Basically, there three ways to move around Bordeaux:  Tram, bus, and public bikes. Tram stops at midnight from Sunday to Wednesday, and at 1:00 am from Thursday to Saturday. After-hours buses usually just work from Thursday to Saturday, which makes it really convenient to use public bikes that are spread around different locations in Bordeaux. In order to have access to all these modes of transportation, I recommend getting the local transportation contract for a year, where you just pay 15 Euros per month to use everything. If you are not staying for a year that is OK, just ask the university administration for a letter saying that you have to depart soon, and you present it in the TBC office (Public transportation bureau) in order to cancel your contract.

Academic Issues

You will hear several times that things here are really easy, and that you will have a lot of free time. Well, they are not lying. Comparing this to the U.S., this is not “easy” it is just “not demanding”. So, I recommend you, during the time that you are not travelling, get enrolled in the French Alliance, which is international private school to learn French. This will cost 100 Euros per month.

If you are coming here for your last semester, you need to know that your final grades will be sent to UofL after one or two months after you are finished here. Just in case you are planning to get your diploma as soon as possible after the graduation ceremony.

Social Life

International students are just great; each one has a different background and different life experiences that makes them really interesting people. But also try to make some French friends, this will make your social integration here easier, and of course, you will learn or improve your French much faster. So try to keep a balance between these people, it is always good to have the best of two worlds.

Bank Account

As soon as you arrive, get a copy of your housing contract and go to any bank to open an account, for almost every bureaucratic procedure here, private or public, that involves money, they will ask you for your bank account number –Gas, electricity, cable, internet, TBC, etc. And as you will notice here in France, everything takes a considerable amount of time, especially taking in consideration the time for things to get done. And you never know when some union will be in strike, which makes things even worse, so be proactive in this aspect.


Since you will have a lot of free time, It is a great idea to travel, so try to plan in advance and try to travel in groups because by doings you will spread the cost of things among friends, which makes thing cheaper for everybody.  Also, take in to consideration that strikes are really common here, so you will probably get stuck in some place, since train or airline unions decide to go on a national strike. Just to mention, if you go to Barcelona, PLEASE, watch your stuff, especially your wallet, these guys are more than thieves they are artists at stealing from you, so be aware of that.


That is all have to say for the moment, in conclusion, this have been an excellent experience. So, I recommend preparing yourself to be really sad when you realize that you are going back home soon.




A little about my travels

As I am starting to settle back into the school mode, I have been preparing myself for the coming semester. I have been traveling on and off through Europe for the past two or so months, and am just now returning to some form of normalcy (though some friends and I are off to Barcelona for a friend’s birthday at the end of the month – some birthday party!). The way that most German universities break up their year is as follows: the summer semester, from about the middle of October through the middle of February; and the winter semester, from about the middle of April through the middle of July – with short breaks and vacations within the semesters, of course! But, this system leaves the students with a substantial block of time (mid Feb. through mid April) to travel, prepare for the upcoming semester, take exams from the previous semester, work or a whole slew of imaginable other time-occupying activities! Aside from my job duties at the university, I was very happy to be left with a great deal of time to travel and enjoy the convenience of living in Germany (within 5 hours of pretty much everything!).

I was lucky enough to have a few friends of mine come over and visit during this break. A great friend of mine from high school and fellow business student, Eric Chapman (University of South Carolina) came over and visited for about a week and we trained to Brussels and Bruges in Belgium, and Amsterdam in the Netherlands, were we met up with a friend of mine from Texas, Katie. After this we went to Stuttgart (in southern Germany). It was definitely really wonderful seeing two of the three Benelux countries (the third is still to come)! It was a very enjoyable experience and wonderful to see my friend Eric again, but I would definitely like to return to Belgium!

Two days after Eric left two friends of mine from UofL flew in and visited for about a week – my friends and coworkers at the Office of the President Megan and Britney. I showed them around Mainz and then we were off to Paris, Strasbourg and Munich! We met up with our friend and other coworker, Patrick in Paris. Patrick is doing the year long exchange in Montpellier, so this is the first that the four of us have been together since sometime in August, so it was a very surreal experience. The four of us all reunited, and in Paris of all places! So that was quite an experience, no doubt about it – and it was great to see my friends again! It was really great to have a few weeks with my friends – the first time I have seen any one from home in a long time, and as I am not going back to visit, it is going to have to last me until August!

After we returned, two friends and I went on a road trip to Vienna and Bratislava – well, we started off for Croatia, but road trips are all about spontaneity and enjoying the ride! It was a very interesting trip – and we met a few very interesting people in Bratislava… but you will have to ask me about that in person when I return! Before my friends came and visited I did a little traveling – Berlin and Hamburg, to name a few. Before christmas I went to Morocco and New Year’s Eve I spent in Venice – that was a pretty amazing experience!

I have been working pretty diligently for the university – I am a Mitarbeiter at the university’s International Office (Abteilung Internationales) and I receive a scholarship to help cover my expenses, which is really helpful and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity. Most of my job entails translating or proofreading documents for the International Office or the President’s Office. The largest task I am responsible for is translating a website for international students to come out soon for the next year. I think that it is going to be a valuable resource for students who will be studying in Mainz in the future (I wish I had it!). Either way, I have been putting in some extensive time and effort translating all of the documents – it is a lot harder that you might imagine! Especially when the original documents have very Mainz-related terms (dialect, for instance!).

Ok, well I have written enough for now!

Liebe Grüße,

Return to Changsha

Since my last blog over three months ago, a lot has happened in China. Things that were planned, such as going to Hong Kong, didn’t play out quite like I had expected. The winter stayed rough, and the homesickness grew stronger with every day that went by. By the time final exams came during the latter part of January, not only myself but many of my classmates had grown quite tired and we had all lost a bit of our motivation. For me however, my attention was focused on my return trip to America that was scheduled for the very end of January. I was fortunate enough to be able to return home for a few weeks during the Spring Festival. After exams had ended and before I left however, there were many changes in the campus and the surrounding area. Since many of the other students had finished their exams before the foreigners, many students had already returned home, and stores began to close. Even in Back Street, the area behind the foreign student dorm that holds many independent shops and restaurants, had begun to shut down some, as people returned to their homes and spent time with their families. Although the campus was getting a bit quiet right before I left, it apparently became much worse after I left, and became eerily similar to a ghost town, as my friends referred to it.

When the day finally came to return to America, I couldn’t have been more excited. It was a really long and tough journey, but I eventually made it. Being back in America was amazing, and so many things that I used to take for granted felt like luxuries to me (such as having heat and a drying machine). I spent a lot of time eating a lot of the foods that I missed, most notably Taco Bell, and seeing a lot of friends again. Even if I was just relaxing at home, the fact that I was at home and in America made it very enjoyable. It really helped to refresh me, both physically and mentally, from the long time spent in China. Most people that go there for a short time, such as a few weeks or even a couple of months, tend to think of it as paradise. While in many ways that may be true, once you spend a bit more time there and really see the country outside of your vacation bubble, it can be quite exhausting sometimes. That said however, China is still a really great place, especially if you’re a foreigner (normally meaning non-Chinese, but in this case it really applies to non-Asians in general).

In the last week of February, I left America again and returned to China. It was the longest journey I’ve ever made in my life, but after over 30 hours of traveling, I finally made it back to my dorm around 3 A.M., on a particularly warm morning. After I got back, getting used to things again happened very quickly. I was a little worried that my Chinese had gotten rusty while I was back in America, because I didn’t really use it much when I was home and I really didn’t want to much either, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually just about as strong as ever. Class started a few days after I got back, and we all got back into the groove of things.

Since then, a lot of things have happened. As well as strengthening the friendships with many of my current friends here, I’ve made many new friends, and had a chance to experience a lot more of the nightlife in Changsha. I’ve seen many new parts of the city, and discovered some things that I didn’t know existed before. I also just recently returned to my English school to work part-time again. As well as that, I celebrated my 24th birthday here a few weeks ago, and enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day Chinese-style, with some friends from Brazil, India, and Turkmenistan, as well as a few Chinese friends. Definitely one of the more memorable birthdays that I’ve had in my life.

I’ve also been busy planning trips for the near future. Still on the list are Shenzhen and Hong Kong, as well as return trips to Guangzhou, and Shanghai for the 2010 World Expo. As well as that, I’ve been planning my own trip to Beijing sometime in May or June, to visit the the UofL students that go to Bei Wai (Beijing Foreign Studies Univeristy) every summer. I’m actually quite eager to return to Beijing, as it’s a very fun city, and after spending a long time in real China a visit to Beijing is a great way to relax and have some fun. I’m also eager to have some fun with the pirate-like accent found in Beijing, where you can throw r’s onto the ends of words seemingly almost at free will. However, the timing of the trip is a bit difficult, as I’m already quite busy and things will likely only be busier around that time. Despite that, I’m really looking forward to going to Beijing again.

With the HSK exam looming in the distance, I’ve been making every effort to improve my Chinese as much as I can. I’ve found some new ways to expand my vocabulary and understanding, and I feel like I’ve been making a lot of progress. The HSK exam however will be no easy task. As our teachers have informed us, on the HSK exam, there are four sections: Listening, Reading, Grammar, and Comprehensive. I’m not sure what exactly Comprehensive consists of, but I believe it also involves a lot of reading. Thankfully, there is no writing on the HSK exam at all, it’s all multiple choice. However, our teachers have also informed us that the section that you perform the weakest on limits your overall score. So, let’s say you scored an 8 on everything but Listening, and got a 6 on that. From what I understand, that means your overall score is a 6. Which basically means that you need to be really well-prepared for this exam, and you have to work on your weaknesses as much as you can.

In other news, there was a holiday here this past weekend and Monday, known in China as 清明节 (qing ming jie), which literally translates to something like “Clear and Bright Day” but is called “Tomb Sweeping Day” in English. Despite the rather gloomy sound of it, it’s actually not a particularly sad holiday. Qing Ming Jie is all about paying respects to one’s deceased ancestors, and people will travel to where their grandparents or other ancestors are stored, and will sweep and clean their tombs. If they don’t have a tombstone, as many people are cremated and their containers are stored in buildings, then their containers will also be swept and/or cleaned. An interesting holiday, but unfortunately, as a foreigner there wasn’t much for me to do except enjoy the one day off from class.

There are probably an endless number of things and experiences that I can talk about, but I’m going to end this relatively short and just say that a lot has happened in the past few months, and my understanding of and appreciation for China has grown quite a bit. As I spend more time here, I can feel myself growing in ways that I wasn’t able to do back in America. Not only is my Chinese improving more and more, but my understanding of the world and other cultures is growing. It’s not always easy being here, but it’s a truly rewarding experience. And even though I miss home sometimes, I’m really glad that I made the decision to come here and do what I’m doing. It’s an adventure that I will definitely never forget. I would strongly recommend that for anyone who has the opportunity to come to China, do it. But do yourself a favor and take some time to learn about the culture and the people first, because that makes a huge difference.


Well… My semester break is coming to a close – and quickly! I have had the last month and a half off from school, which is our big break between the winter and summer semesters. I will be the first to say that I have been trying to make the best of my time! Throughout the last 6 weeks I have been all over: Berlin, Hamburg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Stuttgart, Paris, Strasbourg, Munich… and that is not the end of it I will be off again tomorrow, hopefully – though I am not sure in which direction (I am thinking east…).

The plan, tentative as it may be, is to head off to Budapest this week, return on the 31st, and then head back out on the 2nd. I would like to head out to Croatia and Slovenia, but heaven only knows where I will really end up! For the rest of the month of April, as classes begin, I plan on being in Mainz – except for a brief trip to London with my friend Pat (who is studying through Sister Cities in Montpellier this year).

Except for all of the traveling things have been… well, still pretty exciting, now that I think about it! I have been working quite a bit lately at for the international office at my university – I have been translating a substantial number of documents for a new website that we are creating for international students, and I am pretty excited about the progress we have made! Not to mention the wonderful experience I have had getting accustomed to a German working environment – though, my office is probably more of an exception to the rule, rather than the rule itself… Either way, I really find it rewarding and interesting.

On a personal note – I met Noam Chomsky yesterday! If you are not familiar with him; he is (arguably) the most famous living linguist (81 years old) and a very well respected political critic. He revolutionized the we understand languages… anyway, he came and gave a guest lecture at my university, of all places, and I was lucky enough to meet him afterwards (although, I was far to intimidated to say anything intelligent).

Nonetheless, I will get back after I am a little more settled in the new semester! After all, I have barely been home 5 days in the last month and a half!

Liebe Grüße

P.S. More to come! I have to run now, but I will write again!

My first week in Beijing!

March, 2, 2010

I have already been in Beijing for a week now.  I cannot believe I have survived the first week!  This is my first time away from home and doing everything on my own.  At first, I was scared about being in a new environment and not knowing anyone, but now I have made several good Chinese friends and everything is coming along very nicely.  This is such a great opportunity and will be a value added to my experience.  The food here is AMAZING!  People are so willing to learn English!  I had a chance to sit in a Microeconomics class taught in Chinese and it was really cool to see the text books and the power point slides (in English) being quite similar to the ones we use back in the state.  These Chinese students are learning materials in English when they are still having trouble comprehending the language itself.  These students spend hours upon hours with the dictionary, trying to understand the meaning of the word while also needing to understand the class materials!  English is one of the hardest major for Chinese students, others being pre-med and engineering.  I just cannot get over the fact that these students are taking classes in English when they don’t fully understand the language!  My classes so far have been very interesting.  We have three students in our class who are from the U.K and it was interesting to see how they conducted businesses.  One example we discussed today was the trend in technology; how the U.S and the Chinese younger generations are fast phase consumers wanting the latest phones and other new gadgets, where as in the U.K, majority of the population are okay with the five year old phone.  There are so much to learn from this culture and many things to see.  Even the local people who live in Beijing have not seen some of the famous attractions.   My goal right now is being as open as possible and trying new things.  I recommend anyone who wants to come to Beijing to study should definitely learn some Chinese because it will help you out greatly in every aspect of daily life!   

I just had an amazing vacation…

Today has been my first day back from an eight-day trip across four different countries. One day in Paris, four days in Barcelona, three days in Amsterdam, and 4.5 hours in Brussels, which blew me away regardless. I can honestly say that studying abroad has been the most rewarding decision I have ever made. Disregarding enough red tape to wrap around the Eiffel Tower, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I have been in Bordeaux for eight weeks now, and I am still blown away by how beautiful a city it is. It is easy to call it home because the size of it feels like Louisville, for all of you “The Ville” natives. The architecture is vibrant and different, and the city center is just plain beautiful when it is lit up at night, and I don’t mean because of the McDonald’s signs that are all over the place.

Walking around can be fun, and I highly recommend it, but when that Charlie horse kicks in, I recommend public transportation. It is truly fantastic here (actually in most of Europe, I have noticed). Three different tram lines that take you to all of the important places as well as back home – for must of us. Then of course there are buses that take you everywhere else.

The first day of class seriously felt like my FIRST day of class. It was very intimidating walking into this building alone filled with people whose language I don’t speak, so god forbid I get lost trying to find my class – especially since I missed orientation. But in a matter of minutes I was already making so many friends, and during lunchtime even more so. Most if not all of international students are very friendly and eager to make meet new people, so being shy is not an issue.

Class sessions here are interesting. One class goes for three weeks (called a sequence) and that is the only class you take that sequence, and then move on to the next one. Sometimes you will have class everyday for three weeks, and sometimes like during the current sequence, some people are in a class that meets for two days this week and then you have a five-day weekend. You can also choose to take a sequence off, as long as you take four. This is what I am currently doing. I don’t have class again until the end of March, which gives me the opportunity to travel.
You go to class for three hours, if not more, with half hour “coffee breaks” every hour and a half. I personally think this makes the day go by faster, because three hours of class here go by much faster than an hour and fifteen minutes at UofL.

The food here is also pretty amazing. Not exactly the fourthmeal you are used to (although kebabs have become a suitable substitute). And the best part, tipping is uncommon and you pretty much don’t do it. Although, food prices here are kind of steep, so it’s like a balance.

Traveling around Europe can be very cheap as long as you know what you are doing several weeks in advance. There are cheap airlines all over Europe, but the train will become your standard mode of transportation. They are cheap, but comfortable. It is somewhat difficult to plan ahead where you want to travel because some of you will not truly get to know each other until you arrive abroad. Even then you will also meet other international students abroad who will want to come with or you will want to go with them.

It is very easy to fall into the same rhythm you may be accustomed at UofL, which is get up, go to class, come home, go to bed, do it again tomorrow. This is why I advise you to join a club at the school – there are lots of them at ours – to keep you busy.

So far my time here has been nothing short of spectacular, and overwhelming in a good way. There is always something to do, and the Melting Potes students always have something going on for the international students. I have made so many amazing friends from all over the world, and seen so many things that I had only ever read about in Wikipedia articles. As I said before, this has been the most rewarding decision I have ever made.

Starting a New Decade in Bordeaux

As I think about my time in Bordeaux, France so far, incredible is only word I can use to describe it. The city is absolutely beautiful, even in the winter. I will admit that it was all a little intimidating at first, as I speak almost no French, but the people of Bordeaux, and the other exchange students from all around the world have made it extremely enjoyable. The lifestyle in France is very different from that of Louisville. Walking distances that would be unheard of back home is an everyday event here, and relying completely on the use of the public transportation system is a totally new experience for me as well. In Bordeaux we are lucky enough to have a tram that covers most corners of the city, and takes us directly to our school.

Our school, Bordeaux ecole de Management (BeM) is completely different from anything I had expected. When comparing BeM with UofL the two seem so far apart. BeM is not in the heart of the city, it actually takes me about 40 minutes to get out to the school in the mornings, between walking and about a 25 minute tram ride. The school day is also completely different. BeM operates on a sequence system instead of the normal semester system that we operate on. I actually just took a final in my first sequence today, It’s hard to believe that I have been here long enough for a sequence to be over already! Because they don’t use semesters for teaching, as you can imagine the class schedule is a little more intensive than we have back home. A day at school can go be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., with a couple coffee breaks, and an hour and half for lunch at noon.

One of the great things about this program is that there are so many other international students here as well. Never in my life would imagine that I would be able to say I have friends from Canada, Mexico, Panama, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, and Russia in my classes. It has been really cool to get to spend time with the other students, and learn about their home countries (what they do for fun, and other aspects of their cultures). Once you get to your study abroad it is definitely worth the effort to come. Even if it does take your bag 17 days to arrive.

I haven’t had the opportunity yet to travel outside of France, but look forward to doing that soon. The european railway system makes the traveling so easy, as well as the very inexpensive flights from country to country over here. Tomorrow I get to experience my first European Soccer game, which from what I hear will a crazy atmosphere!

Winter In Changsha

Now that I have my long introductory post out of the way, I can talk a bit about how things have been since the beginning and especially recently. Well, it’s almost Christmas time, and I’ve been here for about 3 and a half months now. Surprisingly, many people are interested in Christmas here. There are a lot of decorations and Christmas songs being played on the streets. Even all of the McDonald’s and KFC restaurants are putting up a lot of Christmas decorations. I don’t really go into those places a lot back home, but I don’t really remember them doing that much in America, so I was a bit surprised. Nevertheless, Christmas here is still not the same as it is back home, and I have yet to decide exactly how I’d like to spend it. I’ve had several students invite me to Christmas parties, but I really haven’t gotten any specific details yet, so I’m not sure what will happen. Regardless, I shouldn’t be spending it alone, which I was a little worried about at first. Unfortunately, I do have to attend classes still, but only for 4 hours.

Winter here is especially rough… Although the temperature has been more or less around the same as it has been in Louisville, and generally speaking the average temperature in winter is warmer here, it often feels far colder here than I remember feeling back home. The reason for this is that southern China has yet to implement very effective heating or insulation. Simply put, until recent years, it’s been usually warm enough that those things just aren’t really needed that much. So, with terrible heating and insulation, there is really little relief from the cold. There are heaters in the dorm rooms, but a lot of the warmth escapes and the cold still enters. Also, unlike in America, where most of us are used to going outside and getting right in our cars, that doesn’t happen often for a lot of people in China, especially students. We’re forced to be outside in the cold more, which means that we actually have to deal with it, unlike many people in America. Chinese are also much more conservative with their energy, which means that going into a lot of buildings means you keep all of your winter gear on, as the heat isn’t used much. This can be mildly annoying sometimes, such as while eating at a restaurant, but in general it’s not really a big deal, just something to get used to. Students who have been to northern China in the winter, like Beijing, have probably experienced something very similar to this, except that northern China tends to have much better heating and insulation. So while it’s much colder there usually, there is also quite a bit more relief from the cold weather too.

In winter, it is also not uncommon for the water to stop running every so often. Just last night in fact, my water stopped running for several hours. It can be very frustrating because you don’t know when it will shut off, or when it will come back. You can get caught offguard in some very unfortunate situations if you aren’t careful. Usually it doesn’t stay off for very long, and if you really want, you can go down to the first floor with a bucket and bring some water back to your room, but at least for a spoiled American like myself, that’s not very convenient.

Also, this is around the time of year when students start running out of electricity. In my case, I’ve already had my electricity cut off three separate times. The first two times were actually because of a malfunction with my electricity remote. I don’t know the details, but I know it wasn’t my fault. The third time however I had to buy more electricity, which is fairly cheap, but is still a minor inconvenience. The problem is that when this happens, the electric company may not be open and you may have to wait. I’ve spent several very cold nights asleep in my bed, waking up as cold as ice, feeling the cold all the way down to my bones, with no hot shower to revive me. That’s the reality of being here in China during winter, and experiencing the lack of luxuries that many of us in the West are used to.

The classrooms aren’t heated that well either. There is a heater in the room, but it doesn’t always work, and it takes time for the warm air to disperse. Sometimes going to class can be a pretty brutal experience, and for that reason many students skip in the winter. Usually it’s not a problem, but there is one teacher in particular who seems to mind, and while I won’t go into details here, I’ll just say that there have been some times where the office has implemented some strategies that most of us in the West would not agree with very much. So, without much relief from the cold, and with the office occasionally pressuring students to go to class, many students often feel sick here. Thankfully, I’m in a class full of doctors, so I’m always able to get the medical advice that I need.

Aside from all of that fun stuff, there are a few things that I’ve gotten quite used to in China. One of my favorite drinks here in China is milk tea, or bubble tea as we tend to call it back home. For those of you that haven’t had it, it’s a very Asian drink, and consists of some kind of milk and tea mixture, and often has little black balls of tapioca at the bottom, or sometimes other things such as pieces of fruit. It can come in many, many different flavors though, and I’ve learned how to say the names of fruits in Chinese very well from trying to decipher milk tea menus. It’s also extremely cheap, ranging from as low as 2 RMB for a small cup to 4-5 RMB for a large cup, which is roughly the equivalent of about 30 cents to 60 – 70 cents. It’s great anytime of the year, because you can get it ice cold, or really hot, so it’s been especially helpful for me in the winter. My favorite flavor so far is definitely banana, but I also really like peach and taro flavor. Definitely give this stuff a shot if you ever visit Asia, and fortunately, it’s just about everywhere in most Asian countries.

As well as milk tea, I’ve also gotten very used to attention from Chinese people. As I explained in my previous blog post, I’m kind of a rare person in this city, and I’ve gotten very used to being approached by people, students especially, wanting to treat for me dinner and get to know me and practice English. I’ve also gotten used to a lot of funny comments from children or other surprised people. Children especially for example, when they see you, will shout “Waiguoren!” to their parents, which means foreigner. They also like to stare a lot, and some of them will even try to talk with you in English. Unfortunately with children, the conversation usually consists of a machine-like greeting and asking how you are, and after that they usually revert back to Chinese. Older students will often do this as well though, but they aren’t always as obvious. You can often hear girls whisper “waiguoren” to each other, and more often than not, within a few minutes they’re introducing themselves to you. Just the other night I was shopping at Wal-Mart, looking for some tuna, and I entered an aisle and immediately heard the familiar word from a group of three girls that looked to be high school students. As I walked by, one of them shouted “Hello!” to me, and I responded, but they were a bit shy so the conversation more or less ended with that. As I’m quite used to this by now, and since I was on a mission for food, I didn’t dwell on this too much and I went along my way. But as I continued my search, at least for a little bit, they continued to follow me for a little while, whispering amongst themselves.

That brings me to another point. One of the funniest and most enjoyable experiences about learning Chinese is hearing what they say about you. Thankfully, it’s almost always with good intentions, and very rarely offensive. Aside from “waiguoren”, it’s also very common to hear them whisper “shuai ge”, which is like saying “handsome guy”, even from guys. They also really tend to like commenting on our noses, since Asian noses are generally a bit smaller and not as long, and they’re not used to seeing ones that look different. My nose in particular is a bit pointy, and so the contrast between my nose and theirs is obvious. They never mean to be offensive about it, but they can’t help but comment on it either. It’s really funny being with a group of Chinese that you don’t know well and hearing them whisper “da bizi”, or “big nose”, to each other and then a few minutes later leaning over, and while smiling, saying “Oh, I can speak a bit of Chinese, you know.” There was however one experience on a train, when my friends and I were coming back from visiting Yueyang, that was particularly interesting. We had decided to buy the cheap seats since the train ride was only an hour and a half long (and when I say cheap, I’m talking less than $5). However, it’s very rare to see foreigners in that section of the train, and some people will stare even more than normal because of it. So, we were sitting in a large booth with a Chinese couple and an older Chinese man. Well, the Chinese man stared at us like we were exhibits at a zoo. The entire train ride, he didn’t take his eyes off of us. The man even had some short conversations about us with some nearby Chinese. Eventually, we revealed that we could speak a little Chinese, which made the situation even funnier, but the man still kept staring. At one point, to be funny, my friend offered the man a cookie. He didn’t want it, but my friend insisted, and eventually the man took the cookie, only to promptly place it on the table, and turn his head back to resume staring. That was a fun train ride.

Another interesting thing that often happens because of the fact that I’m American is that whenever something tends to go wrong here at the school, or there is some conflict involving the students and some form of authority, if I’m involved, some of the other students tend to look at me as a bit of a shield. Not because they have no regard for my own well-being, but because of the deep respect that the Chinese have for Americans, and in extreme cases, the fear of having to deal with the American Embassy. It’s no secret that Chinese, including the administration here, treat Americans and other Westerners better than they do other foreigners. So often times it’s better for me to be the person talking to someone when there’s a conflict, because of the difference in treatment. In extreme cases, this is still true, because not only is the American Embassy more feared and respected, but most other foreigners come from countries where the embassies are not taken as seriously, or the embassies themselves won’t even do much to help. Sometimes even the threat of contacting the embassy is enough to get things done. While I personally have not had much problems with the administration here, I do know others who have, and I’ve heard stories involving some major problems as well. Even in situations as simple as waking up the lady in charge of the dorm to open the door and let us in during the middle of the night, which is really not a big deal at all, some students prefer me to be the first person seen, as they know that I will be treated better and probably won’t get yelled at. Even in the unlikely event that there is a major problem, there’s always the threat of the embassy to protect me. I’m not too fond of exercising this semi-invulnerability that I seem to have though, but it is really nice to know that it’s there if I need it.

One of the major downsides to life here is that, once again because I’m a young American and a native English speaker, people always want my time, and so I very rarely feel like I have any free time to spare. On the weekends and on some weeknights, I often go to an English school for young children, and give them reading lessons. This is actually the part-time job I referred to being offered in my last blog post, so I’ve been doing it for quite awhile now. It’s a really easy job, and actually pretty fun, but it does take up a lot of my free time. Fortunately, because it is an English school, it helps me to feel very at home there, as all of the teachers know English very well, and most of them are around my age or slightly older. Also, as part of their obsession with American culture, they often learn about many American things, including the holidays. Halloween and Thanksgiving were practically non-existant in the city, but at that English school, for a little while I actually felt like the spirit of those holidays were there, and it really helped me to feel at home, and like I wasn’t missing out on some of those things. Regardless, between this English school and the many, many students and various other people I’ve met wanting to get to know me better, I don’t have a lot of time to myself.

However, when I do have free time, I really like going out into the city and having fun. There’s actually a cafe here owned by an American, called the Fifth Tone, and on Friday nights they have live music. This place has the highest number of foreigners together in one place that I’ve ever seen in this city. It’s the only place where the number of white people actually rivals, or even outnumbers, that of the Chinese. Usually the Chinese that come in are ones that are really interested in learning English, and so it’s a great place to meet both foreigners and Chinese. I’ve met quite a few foreigners there, but as I’ve mentioned, most of them are older and are always English teachers. I’ve also met a few really nice Chinese people too, including a young guy who has just started his second business. He’s a young Japanese major at a nearby university, but he already owns a milk tea shop and just opened a Japanese-style tea house at his university. When he opened his shop around a month ago, he invited me to attend, saying he was having a little bit of an opening party. What he didn’t tell me was that I was going to be one of the only foreigners there, and that upon arriving, there would be hordes of Chinese students waiting to meet me. Needless to say, that was a fun night, and I met a lot of new people and had a chance to improve my Chinese a lot. I’ve been back a couple times, and every time, he always insists on providing free drinks and finding interested students to chat with. His idea is to turn the place into something similar to the Fifth Tone, and has asked for the help of my Brazilian friend (who also speaks near-native English) and I to come by every so often and practice English with interested students in order to help him do that. Being that he’s just an all-around awesome guy, and it’s really a lot of fun being there, we had no problem with the idea. However, we’re still trying to get a normal schedule set up, since my Brazilian friend and I are both extremely busy.

It’s also a bit weird still being in classes now, and seeing on Facebook (yes, it’s blocked in China, and yes, I know how to get around it) that all of my friends are out of school now, and in fact, many of my former classmates are graduating. I delayed graduation by yet another year to come to China, and while I know that it’s one of the wisest decisions I ever could have made to delay graduation and do this, it is a little sad that when I return and finish my degree that many of my friends will be gone. Either way, that’s that, and I can’t change it now, nor would I want to. While most of them are relaxing now and enjoying their winter break, I still have an entire month of class left, followed by finals. I do get a brief break for New Year’s though, in which my friends and I plan to visit Hong Kong. That should be a fun experience, although it will cost a bit of money. Thankfully, things are cheap enough in China that money is really not an issue at all, even during a trip to a more expensive place like Hong Kong.

Well, that’s really all I can think of to write for now, but as I spend more time here I’m sure more will come to mind. As I’ve been asked continuously by many different people about my experiences here, I thought that this would be a good place to write about them, and it should save me some time from having to repeat the same information and stories over and over again. With that said…

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

China Study Abroad – Changsha

Originally I intended to write more in continuation of my last blog post, as I mentioned I would in said post, however a lot changed shortly after that. Not only was I busy with my summer class at UofL, which included having quizzes every other day, four exams, and a huge 15+ page paper due all within 4 weeks, but I learned that I received a full scholarship from the Chinese government to study abroad in China for a year. Unlike most students studying abroad however, my study abroad is not connected to UofL in any way whatsoever except for the fact that I have to register for a special course to remain a student until I return, and my purpose for going is purely for language, not for business or anything else related to my major. To make a long story short, there was a lot of confusion and work to be done with the short notice that I was given (I had only a month’s notice ahead of time that I received the scholarship), which involved working with several very helpful staff members at UofL (thanks to everyone for that). In the end, things turned out quite a bit differently than I had imagined. Originally I had planned to return to the Beijing Foreign Studies University in Beijing, as I’ve completed two summer study abroads there, and UofL has quite a good relationship with that university. However fate had other things in store for me, and through some confusion with my scholarship application, I was assigned to a different university, far away from Beijing. Instead, I was to attend Central South University (中南大学), located in Changsha, Hunan province. Now, Central South University is also a very good school and very famous in China, but it wasn’t what I was expecting, and it took some time to get used to the idea. Nevertheless, eventually I decided to accept the scholarship, and on September 3rd I left America for China.

To give a little background information about where exactly I am, Changsha is located in the southern part of China, in Hunan province, while Beijing is located in the northeastern part of the country, roughly 1550 kilometers away. Changsha is in relatively close distance to famous cities such as Guangzhou (Canton), or Hong Kong, with the former being reachable in 7-8 hours by train, or within a mere 3 and a half hours with the new train system that starts operating on December 26th. Changsha is also the capital city of Hunan province, and was once the home of the famous Mao Zedong. That said, Changsha is an important city both in modern times and in recent Chinese history.

When I left for China, I felt really unprepared. I was worried I didn’t pack enough things, and that I may have left something behind. To make matters worse, I was having a difficult time contacting the Overseas Office at CSU, and was unsure whether anyone would be at the airport to help me out when I arrived. Having e-mail as the only method of communication, I had waited several days before leaving to receive a response regarding my request, and at 5:30 the morning of my flight, I had still not received a response and it was time to go. So I took a risk, and got onto the plane and left for China. At this point, a very long adventure began, and things were not as smooth as I had hoped they would be.

While I’ve traveled and flown alone more than a large majority of people my age, this was the first time that I was traveling to another country alone. My previous two trips were with a group of UofL students, with someone in charge to guide us. This time though, I was entirely alone. That being said however, the first part of the trip went fairly well. I went from Louisville to Chicago, and stayed there for a few hours until boarding a flight to Shanghai around 12:45 pm. From there, a long, grueling 14+ hour flight began. I slept quite a bit, having stayed up the entire night before, but I also spent quite a bit of time watching movies, so while it was a very long flight it wasn’t quite as bad as what it may sound like. After I arrived in Shanghai though, the real fun began.

Now, Shanghai has two airports. One mainly used for international flights, and one used for domestic flights. I obviously arrived at the international airport, yet my connecting flight to Changsha was in the other airport. So, it was up to me to figure out a way to get across the city upon arriving in Shanghai. After I got through immigration, I immediately turned on my laptop to check for an e-mail from CSU. Unfortunately, my laptop had no power, and I couldn’t find an outlet nearby. Eventually, I was able to take my laptop to someone at a counter, however I was unable to access the internet without paying. At this point, being in China, I decided to try calling a phone number that came with my admittance letter to CSU, and I had the man at the counter help me out. To our surprise, the number on the letter was partially incorrect, and the call couldn’t be made. Luckily, the man was able to look up the extension for Hunan, and was able to correct the phone number and make the call. I spoke to someone at the Overseas Office who then informed me that he had indeed arranged for his assistant to meet me at the airport to pick me up. When I asked how I would know who they are, he simply said that they would find me, and not to worry. Well, I didn’t recall ever sending them a picture of myself, so I was still a little worried, but I had bigger issues to worry about at the moment, and getting to the other airport in time was crucial. Thankfully, the man at the counter was once again very helpful, and arranged for someone to help me with my bags and to take me to the other airport for a small fee. After about an hour to an hour and a half later, I arrived at the other airport with plenty of time to spare.

I spent a bit of time waiting for my flight to Changsha, and I even tried napping at one point. There wasn’t much to do, and I didn’t have much Chinese money on me either, so it was pretty boring. Eventually, my flight did come though, and I boarded the plane for a short flight, slightly under two hours long. Unfortunately, my flight had been delayed by about an hour, and to my surprise, when I arrived in Changsha I was in an empty section of the airport, separate from the rest. As you may have guessed, there was not an assistant there waiting for me. There were also no other foreigners or English speakers there to help me, and my Chinese was not that good at the time. At this point I was pretty worried, as it was well after 10 PM, and I had no idea where the school was, let alone how to get there or where I needed to go once I arrived at the school. So, I thought for a moment about what to do, and I came up with the only idea I could. Being that I was the only white person on my flight, and taking a gamble and guessing that I was also the only white person in the airport at that hour, I decided to walk around and let my skin color do the work for me. It turns out that was a wise decision, because after walking around the airport for about half an hour, I finally stumbled into the other section of the airport, and I was very quickly approached by two Chinese, one of which was the assistant that was supposed to be there waiting for me. They had become quite worried when they hadn’t seen me, as my flight had not only been delayed but also moved to a different terminal, and without any way for me to inform them of that ahead of time, they had experienced quite a bit of confusion while waiting for me. Fortunately they hadn’t left yet, and shortly after we met, we got into a car and left for the school.

When I arrived at the school, it was almost midnight, and so I had a tough time getting a good view of the area on the ride over, including the school campus. When I got there, the lady who sits near the doorway of the dormitory and keeps track of who enters helped me get my room and had another foreign student show me where it was. While I won’t go into much detail now, I will say that the building is quite old and a bit different from what most people might expect when they think of a dormitory. But, that’s China, and it is the way it is. Fortunately, the foreign student dorm rooms are decent in size, and include bathrooms. Basically, a typical dorm room is like this: upon entry, there is a big main room, with a large wooden bench and a television. Behind that is another room with a big window and wires hanging across the top where you can hang your laundry (rooms on the other side of the building don’t have this laundry room, but instead have a balcony). Next to that is the bathroom and sink, as well as a bedroom. Back in the main room is an entrance to another bedroom. So, there are typically two students to a dorm room, but each has their own private room, which includes a desk, air conditioning, two dressers, and obviously a bed. Not too bad really, but as I’ve come to learn, there are many, many issues to deal with when living in a dorm in China.

I briefly met my new roommate when I arrived, who turned out to be from Vietnam, but I quickly discovered that he didn’t know any English at all. Or Chinese. So things went pretty well that night, and I unpacked a bit of my stuff and got ready for bed, exhausted after a long day of travel. The assistant that I had met offered to show me around campus and help me buy a phone card in the morning, and so I quickly went to sleep so that I would be awake in time. After this began the start of one of the hardest weeks of my life.

Now, I had traveled to China twice before this, and spent a combined 2 and a half months in Beijing, so being in China was nothing new to me. But for those of you that have been on previous UofL trips to China, and/or have only been to mainly big cities like Beijing or Shanghai, just trust me when I say that you know NOTHING about what China is really like. Beijing and Shanghai, as well as a few other cities, are quite different from most of China, and life there can be very different than in other cities. Things are more international, there are more foreigners, more English, more foods and supplies and other things that you might be used to. The services provided are better, and sometimes the customer service is better too. But mostly, the people are different. Sometimes this can be very advantageous, and in other times it can be the opposite. Regardless, I started a long series of experiences that taught me about what China is truly like.

The first thing I have to mention about the city is that it is HOT. It’s known for being one of the hottest cities in China, and since it was still September, the temperatures were blistering hot still. Not only that, but Changsha is an especially humid city, and so being outside was really not that fun at all. Despite that, the next morning I awoke and met the assistant from the night before. Thankfully, she was an English major, and spoke English very well, so she was able to help me with many of my questions and concerns. One of my immediate questions was regarding the internet, and how and when I might be able to get it. Unfortunately she wasn’t really able to give me much of an answer. She did however take me to an area behind the foreigner dorm called Back Street, where there are tons and tons of little stores and shops with food, supplies, all sorts of things. She took me to a phone store, upon which I was able to buy a phone card, which would enable me to communicate with friends I had previously met in China, as well as anyone else that I might encounter. After that, she showed me around the campus some, and I got a good look at what it was like. However, the campus is humongous, and as someone later commented, it resembles a small city. So as I quickly discovered, I really only saw a small portion of the campus. I also discovered later that there are several other campuses that belong to CSU, making things quite confusing sometimes. That said, the campus is actually really beautiful. It lies on the hills of a mountain, called Yuelu Mountain, and so a simple look outside the window in my dorm reveals a very large and very close mountain. The campus has quite a bit of trees and even a large lake in front of the library, near the front of a campus. Next to that is a large grassy area where students and couples often come to sit and talk, and sometimes people bring guitars and live music is played. Anyway, after quite awhile in the heat, the assistant left me to attend to other business, and I returned to my dorm. At this point it was almost 11 in the morning, and the day was young. So, I went to sleep.

Although I didn’t actually feel that tired, I really had absolutely nothing else to do. I had no internet (and believe me, I tried VERY hard to steal some wireless internet), I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t know my way around the surrounding area, and I couldn’t really communicate with my roommate either. So I pretty much went to sleep, and that day was basically wasted away, although the jetlag fortunately helped me sleep very well. The next day I did go out and explore a little, and learned a little bit about the bus system, as well as where the nearest KFC and McDonald’s were, but I really didn’t do much, and I still didn’t really know anyone. So my first weekend in Changsha wasn’t too exciting, but this was really the last of the excessive free time I would have, as things changed very rapidly the next day.

The next day I was supposed to go to the Overseas Office to meet with the staff and receive my textbooks. Well, I woke up early the next morning, and quickly realized that no one had actually told me where the building was or where to go, and as I spent the next 45 minutes or so walking around, I discovered it’s not that easy to find a building like that in a huge campus. Eventually I called the assistant that I had met and asked her if she could help, but she had her own classes to attend and could only tell me the name of the building and the general area that it was in. So, I spent a little while longer walking around, going down every passageway I could find. After getting pretty frustrated, I finally stumbled down a path I hadn’t noticed before, and I found the building. When I arrived and went into the office, I was the only student there, and the staff quickly took my passport and information and gave me my textbooks. I had a look, and what do you know… no less than 16 textbooks. Yes, that’s right, 16 textbooks. How many classes do I have? Only 4. Now, to be fair, not all of those textbooks are intended to be used simultaneously. As it turns out, the 4 classes that I have are: Grammar, Writing/Reading, Listening, and Conversation. Most of the books are a series of books, intended to be used one level at a time. For example, the Grammar class has 6 books. These books are divided into 3 levels, so there are 2 books per level, and within each level is a beginning and an end book (上 and 下 for those of you that can read Chinese). Each book has about 15 chapters, so there’s quite a lot of material to cover for just that one class. Aside from Grammar, the Writing class has 3 books, the Listening class has 4 books, although one is just an answer book, and the Conversation class has 3 books as well, all with roughly around 30 chapters each. So normally, only 4 textbooks are used at a time, which is reasonable. But there’s still a lot of material to cover, and things move very quickly in most classes, so you don’t usually stick with one book for more than about 2 or 3 months.

Anyway, after I received my books, and while I was still waiting, a large group of new students came in. I started speaking with them, grateful to have someone to speak English with, and discovered that the majority of them came from various countries within Africa, the exception being two girls that came from Jamaica. Two of the students had been there for awhile, and were helping the newer students with what they needed to do. They offered to help me out as well, and so I spent the day tagging along with them. The first stop was the bank, as we needed to set up a bank account so that the school could deposit our scholarship stipends into our accounts each month, which is 1700 RMB, or roughly $255. After that, we went to a street near the dorms called Business Street, where there are also a lot of small shops and stores, and we picked up some supplies before heading back to the dorm. Then, since it was almost time for lunch, one of the Jamaican girls that was an older student offered to take me and the newer Jamaican girl into the city for some lunch and shopping, along with an African guy who was also an older student. Eager to see more of the city, I went along.

Changsha is divided in two by a river, called Xiang Jiang. CSU happens to lie on the western side of the river, while the downtown area happens to lie on the eastern side, with some islands in the middle of the river. So, we took a taxi into downtown, and ended up only spending a little over $2 for the entire ride. Not per person, altogether. The first stop happened to be a place I was very grateful to see: Subway. There’s only one Subway in Changsha, but that’s all I need. The food is almost identical to the way it is back home, in contrast to the KFCs and Pizza Huts in China, which are vastly different. So, naturally I was very grateful to find this place. After lunch, the next stop was yet another familiar place: Wal-Mart. Although the Wal-Mart here is quite different from the Wal-Marts from back home, the idea is the same, and I was able to find many useful things, as well as certain types of food that are difficult to find elsewhere. While I was here, I was approached by a lady who offered me a part-time job teaching English to children. While I was naturally a bit surprised to have been offered a job on my 3rd day in China, at Wal-Mart of all places, I later discovered that the situation was actually not that weird at all, which I’ll get into later.

After this, we left Wal-Mart and came back to the dorm, at which point I was informed that due to the fact that I am on scholarship while my roommate is not, it was advised that I move to a different room to avoid financial complications regarding electricity. Basically, once electricity runs out, students have to pay for more until the school recharges their electricity account every 3 months. This move was in order to prevent any complications that might arise from the situation. So, after relaxing for a little bit and going to get dinner, that evening I started the long process of moving everything in my room from the 5th floor of one building to the 5th floor of another building. Inside of the foreigner dormitory there are a series of buildings very close to each other, each with 6 floors. To get to each building, you have to be on the first floor and walk through a very small outside courtyard. My new building was a few buildings down, so needless to say, transferring everything I owned was not very fun. Eventually I did complete the task however, and I discovered that I didn’t have a roommate, and that my room was larger. It seemed like a pretty good switch to me. However, as I quickly discovered, there were other issues… such as a lack of working air conditioning. Thankfully, some Indonesian students that live in my building were able to help me communicate my problems, and although they did not get fixed, someone was at least aware of the problem.

The rest of the week was a brutal and depressing one. Classes weren’t scheduled to start until the following week, and so I had more free time than I knew what to do with. I had little relief from the sweltering heat (just a ceiling fan), I really didn’t know many people, I still had no internet, and homesickness was starting to set in, with no real way to contact anyone from home. By the end of the week I was more lonely and depressed than I’d ever been in my entire life, and probably ever will be. Without a roommate, the only real people I could talk to were old friends from other places in China, and even then, it was really only through text messages. You might think it would be easy to find people to talk with. In some ways, it is, because most of the foreigners do speak English. However, there is a big difference between the foreigners in Beijing and Shanghai and in the rest of China: the number of foreigners are much lower, and their countries of origin are quite different. Even though I live in a foreigner dormitory, I am the ONLY American around. The closest person to that is a Brazilian guy who happened to live in London for a little while. The majority of students are from Africa or the Middle East, with some from a few places in Asia such as South Korea or Indonesia. But as for Westerners, I am unfortunately very alone, and so the cultures between myself and others are immensely different. So while yes, communication with others was possible, and in fact most of the foreigners are very friendly, most people in the world tend to form cliques and feel more comfortable with people similar to them. Since I was the only one of my kind, it made it difficult to find someone to really talk to and feel comfortable with, and so to put it simply, the week was extremely depressing, without any real way to contact my friends or family. I never felt so alone. I spent a lot of my time taking walks around the campus or other nearby areas, getting familiar with my surroundings. I discovered that there is a lot of beautiful scenery here, and many interesting areas worth exploring. However, I was still alone, and that made things hard sometimes.

Eventually I did get a roommate, from Turkey. Exactly 2 weeks later, he disappeared back to his country and has yet to return. But after that week, things did get much better. Classes started, and I was able to make some friends. I was finally able to get the internet after about a week of waiting, and after about 3 weeks my air conditioning did actually get fixed. Once again, for those of you who only know what the big cities are like, things in the rest of China tend to get done very slowly. For spoiled Americans like myself, that takes quite a bit of getting used to. I’ve lived in Beijing for 2 and a half months and have yet to experience anything remotely similar to the slowness in service that I’ve experienced here in just my first few weeks. As the foreigners here often say, “Welcome to China!”

Life improved enormously during that time. Things got fixed, I settled in and got used to things, I made some new friends, and I learned the layout of the city pretty well. Classes were pretty interesting too. However, there were quite a few surprises to get accustomed to when classes started. First of all, I have to explain the system in place for foreign students at CSU. Most foreign students here come with the intention of completing a graduate degree of some sort, not with the intention of learning Chinese. As I’ll say plenty times more, that’s another difference between Beijing and Shanghai and the rest of China. In those big cities, many foreign students are mostly from America or Europe or other similar places, with the intention of studying Chinese. Some do come for a full degree, but there are quite a few that don’t. That’s because those cities are regarded as better for learning Chinese. I’ve come to strongly disagree with that however, which I’ll get into later. In the rest of China, many of the foreign students come from countries that don’t have strong universities, and so they come to China for better education. Therefore, many foreign students that come here don’t know any Chinese at all. The school then requires that foreign students completing a major that is to be taught in Chinese must complete a year-long course in Chinese. This also involves completing an exam called the HSK at the end of the school year, similar to the TOEFL for English. Upon completion of the HSK, and obtaining a satisfactory score, one is granted with a certificate stating that they are able to communicate in Chinese, and are able to obtain a degree that is taught in Chinese (it can also be used for jobs). Some students have majors that are taught in English, and are exempt from this, but many are required to take it.

With that said, since most new students don’t know any Chinese, the classes basically start at the very beginning. I, on the other hand, had studied it at UofL for 3 years prior, as well as two summer study abroads in Beijing. Needless to say, I was not a beginner. I spoke to my teachers and the office about this, and requested to be moved to a higher level class, but I was told that no such thing existed at the school. However, they did mention that the classes move very quickly and that the material covered is quite extensive, and that before long there would be many new things for me to learn. It turns out they were quite right, and although things were very slow and boring at first, they did pick up and after a couple of months, I started learning a lot of new things. In a way, this was actually incredibly beneficial for me, because it forced me to review many things that I had already learned, and so I was able to improve upon the basics tremendously, greatly enhancing my control of tone usage and writing characters especially, things that were only briefly covered at UofL. Had I gone to Beijing as I originally expected, I would not have had this opportunity, and may have struggled to master some of the later parts of Chinese. Looking back, I’m really glad that I had the opportunity, as I think it has and will definitely hlep me in my future studies in Chinese.

Another difference between the classes that I’m in now and the classes that I would have had in Beijing is that, as I mentioned, the students in my class here are here for a real degree, and need to be able to communicate in Chinese very well within just 1 year. The classes in Beijing are designed for students who have the luxury of time, and thus things do not always move as quickly or as efficiently, simply because those students do not have a pressing need to learn the language. If they don’t get to complete the textbook by the end of the semester, or the students don’t learn the language well, it’s really not hurting anyone. But here, if the students can’t communicate well by the end of the year, they have to complete another year-long course of Chinese, and have to delay completing their degree by another year as well. That’s not really good for anyone, and so the classes are taken pretty seriously here and a lot of material is covered in a short amount of time. With the HSK always in mind, many students prepare far in advance for the test to come.

Next I’ll talk about my classmates a little bit. If I had to pick one word to describe my classmates, it would be: doctors. Just about every single one of them is a doctor or studying medicine of some kind. Therefore, most of them are highly intelligent and well-educated, and thankfully for me, most of them can speak English pretty well. Some of them are a bit older, with many of the women being married and having kids. The men range in age, with the youngest being around 19, and the oldest being in his 40’s. Also, most of them are from the Middle East, with quite a few being from Yemen, but there are also students from various countries in Africa, as well as Mauritius, and there’s even an Indian guy and my old Vietnamese roommate. There’s another class for students learning Chinese as well, and they also consist of a similar group of students, although they have greater variety, including my Brazilian friend, the Jamaican girl I met, several Koreans, students from other parts of Asia, some Africans, and a few guys from Turkmenistan. As I said before though, I am the only American around, and also one of the only white people in the area, and so I stick out like a sore thumb in these classes.

As for friends, I have a core group of guys that I spend a lot of time with. The Brazilian guy is naturally one of my closest friends, as he is one of the few Westerners around and one of the only people that I can speak English with freely. With him, I can communicate just like I would back home. With anyone else, I have to be more careful with my English and often times I have to explain some things that I say, or slow down when I speak. His roommate is from Bangladesh, and although he speaks English very well, he doesn’t know all of the slang or cultural references that the Brazilian guy and I speak about. He is one of the students studying a major taught in English, therefore he knows no Chinese and isn’t learning any either. Many humorous situations occur as a result of this. The last guy is a classmate of mine from Egypt, and due to his doctor status, we like to call him Doctor. He is by far one of the most unique people I’ve ever met, but he is also one of the most polite and genuinely nicest guys I’ve ever met as well. I have quite a few hilarious stories thanks to this guy, but now is not the time to share those. Altogether, we have a pretty diverse group of guys.

There were several other differences to get used to here in Changsha. One of the biggest differences is the food. Anyone who knows much about China will tell you that two provinces in particular are famous for spicy food: Sichuan, and Hunan. Here’s a little bit of trivia for most of you: while both provinces are famous for exceptionally spicy food, Hunan’s food is generally considered to be spicier and hotter in temperature, due to their liberal use of chili peppers in cooking, whereas Sichuan’s food uses peppers that have a more mouth-numbing effect. So, getting used to spicy food has been quite a task. Thankfully, you can usually tell them not to use peppers, and the food is still basically the same. But part of the experience of being in a foreign country is trying the food the way the locals cook it, and so I’ve spent a lot of time eating spicy food too. While I’m not particularly fond of spicy food, I have begun to grow a taste for it. Aside from spicy food, there are tons of other dishes to try. The food differs quite a lot depending on the region of China, and so food that I got used to in Beijing isn’t as common here, and vice versa. And of course if I ever get sick of that stuff, there are more McDonald’s and KFCs around than I’ve ever seen in America, as well as Subway and a few other places. All in all, the food is one of the more enjoyable experiences of being in China.

One of the other major differences that I’ve had to get used to in living here, and is something that I never experienced when I studied in Beijing, is the importance of religion to the foreign students. Most people know that China is considered an atheist nation, and most people don’t practice any religion in particular. Despite that, at least in Changsha, there are quite a large number of Muslims, and that is without a doubt the dominant religion of the foreign students in Changsha. Being here, I have learned far more about Islam than I ever thought I would know. My Egyptian and Bangladeshi friend are both very religious Muslims, as well as most of my classmates. Thus, when I spend time with them, I learn quite a bit about their habits and many times have to be accepting of them as they differ from my own. Most people know that Muslims don’t eat pork. However, that is only the tip of the iceberg. As I’ve come to learn, food is a very particular issue for many Muslims. Not only do they not eat pork, but with any other meat that they eat, the animal MUST have been killed in the Muslim way, or you cannot eat it. If there is any sort of pork or alcohol used in any of the ingredients, or even if a pot or pan that cooked something with pork in it earlier is used, Muslims will not eat it. I’ve actually witnessed my friend ask a worker at a cake shop if there was any pork in the cake. Now, I’m not saying that it’s impossible for there to be pork in the cake, but I’ve never seen or heard of such a thing. That just goes to show you how careful some are willing to be. Most of my Muslim friends are very particular about food, and generally eat from only Muslim restaurants. Which means in a typical schoolweek, they eat the same food twice a day, every day. Not all of the Muslim students are this particular, and in fact some will even drink alcohol, but my friends at least are fairly devoted to their beliefs. Food is not the only issue however, there are many social habits that my friends have that neither I nor the Chinese are familiar with, however to go into detail with that would take far more time than I am willing to at this time. I’ll simply say that in many situations, I feel far more relaxed with Chinese friends than I do around my Muslim friends.

Finally, one of the biggest differences between life in Changsha and the rest of China as opposed to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai is the way the people treat you. In Beijing and Shanghai, as many of my fellow classmates will agree with, you do get stares, and you do get people coming up to you wanting to be your friend or just speak with you because you look foreign and speak English. But outside of those cities, you might as well multiply that by 10 or 20. Foreigners are much more rare in other parts of China, and so the people are not nearly as used to them. Changsha for example is a very large city (with around 6 million inhabitants in its adminsitrative area), and is even the capital of its province, yet walking in the streets people will still stare at you regularly, and young people especially will come up and speak with you. The attention that one receives here is beyond anything that I have ever come close to experiencing in my life, even in Beijing. Many times, just walking in the street makes you feel like a celebrity, and in my case this is especially true. As I mentioned several times already, I am one of the only Americans around. There are even very few white people around, as most foreigners here come from Africa or the Middle East. Those that are American or white are all English teachers, and most are a bit older. There are very, very few young, white Americans around here. So when I’m out and walking around, I really stand out, and people take advantage of that. This has really helped me to see how people outside of America, specifically those in China, really view us. I have no idea why they like us so much, but I will say that the Chinese people in China are some of the friendliest people that I have ever met. I specify that they’re in China because naturally, most Chinese elsewhere have been influenced by their environment and are vastly different from Chinese people within China, to the point that in many ways it’s pointless to compare the two, they’re just so different. That’s not a jab at overseas Chinese however, as I’m very fond of them and they are also very friendly, but there’s simply no denying that there are enormous differences between them.

Anytime I leave the dorm, even if it’s just walking around campus, people will look at me, and even though they’re often very shy and try to hide it, it’s usually not very difficult to notice. Anywhere I go, people will randomly come up and talk to me, ranging from the more common young, attractive girls to even older men and women. Most of the time the people that approach me are young students, bewildered at the fact that there’s actually a native English speaker around their age in the city. Most Chinese are fascinated by English, and the students are forced to learn a great deal of it, and so naturally they’re very excited to make friends with someone their age who can really help them with it. The downside to this is that I’ve met far more people and received more phone numbers than I can keep track of, and while I love meeting new people and practicing English with them, there is simply not enough time to spend with them all, and sometimes it’s even difficult to remember the person if you only met them briefly one time. What’s even funnier is that when you meet one person, especially if it’s a girl, it’s not uncommon for them to give several of their friends your contact information as well. So it’s really not uncommon at all to recieve phone calls or text messages from people you don’t know. Chinese also use a program for instant messaging called QQ, which is pretty similar to MSN. There have been many times where I’ll meet a person, exchange QQ numbers, and then later on that night I’ll receive 5+ requests on QQ for permission to add me to someone’s friends list, usually friends of the person I met. However it’s also very common for completely random people to add you on QQ as well, as there is a function for searching for people by age and location. This is always a humorous experience, as the person that sends me a message starts asking why I’m speaking in English, and is then amazed and surprised that I’m American, and even more surprised that out of all the people they could have added, they found me. Of course I know enough Chinese to communicate with them in Chinese, and often times I do, but I have to admit that a lot of times it’s really fun to use English initially and to see their excitement and surprise. It’s a really fun experience getting to meet all of these new people, and I’ve made some amazing friends out of it. Unfortunately, every now and then it can be a little overwhelming and even a little annoying, as there’s only so much of me to go around, and sometimes I really do have things of my own to worry about. But, being that I am one of the only young Americans around, I have to accept that I am a bit of a diamond in the rough here, and these things will happen whether I like it or not. Fortunately, for the most part I really do like it, and I truly do enjoy meeting and helping people as much as I can.

Often times I look at my life now, and think about what it would have been like had I gone back to Beijing, like I had planned and as just about every other UofL student that comes to China does. I can say without a doubt in my mind, I am glad and grateful that I did not return there. While I love Beijing, and it’s definitely one of my favorite cities, life in the rest of China is so much different and so rich in new experiences. Had I returned to Beijing, I likely would not have had a chance to see the southern part of China anytime soon. Coming to China and not seeing the southern part is a sad experience, because there is a lot of history and a lot of unique things to be found here. I’ve already had the pleasure of visiting Guangzhou and and a smaller city called Yueyang, and I plan to spend New Year’s in Hong Kong, and I can’t wait for more. Not only the amazing cities and different foods and different kinds of people to meet, but also my experiences learning Chinese are quite different than what they would have been in Beijing. While it’s true that those in Beijing speak “proper” Mandarin (the dialect of Chinese that most people speak, and what I’m learning), which is largely why it’s considered to be the best place to learn Chinese, there are also a lot of foreigners, and a lot of English there, in stores and shops as well as with the people that you meet. In other places in China, not nearly as many people speak English, and thus you’re forced to use Chinese quite a bit more. In Beijing I could get by with English surprisingly easy, but in Changsha, unless it’s with foreign friends or Chinese English majors, I’m not so lucky. I’m a shy person when it comes to speaking Chinese, and this kind of environment is perfect for forcing me to use what I know. I can say that I’ve improved tremendously because of it. Many will say though that those in other places in China, particularly the south, don’t speak proper Mandarin, and most places have their own dialect. This is definitely true, and I’ve had many painful experiences trying to decipher Changshahua, the local dialect here. But the truth is, most people do speak Mandarin pretty well, and once you get used to deciphering the differences in pronounciation (such as the southern part of China’s very liberal mispronunciation of their sh and zh sounds), everything is smooth. And, the teachers and students in universities usually speak Mandarin very well (it’s required for students to learn and use Mandarin in schools all the way from the beginning, so they get quite good at it), and so the environment for learning it inside of the university is really no different than it would be in Beijing or elsewhere. Most young people speak Mandarin fine, just without the goofy pirate-like accent that Beijingers often use. As well as this, foreign students learning Chinese in China use pretty much the same textbooks, as they all tend to come from the Beijing Language and Culture Univeristy. Therefore, the lessons and types of learning methods are generally the same regardless of which university you’re in. Rather, it’s the environment around you that makes the most difference. These reasons are why I strongly disagree with the idea that Beijing or Shanghai are the best places for learning Chinese. For me, a place like this is much better, because it’s far more immersive and I HAVE to use Chinese. If I don’t, I don’t get to eat. I don’t get the things that I need. In Beijing, this might occasionally be a problem, but as I said before, getting by with English there is surprisingly easy. This is a good environment, both for learning Chinese, and experiencing a world that is entirely new and exciting to me.

While things were rough at first, I’ve really come to enjoy my time here, and I’m truly glad that I had the opportunity to come. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it for everyone though, only for those that truly have a passion for Chinese language and culture, and are alright with giving up many of the luxuries that we’re used to in the West. This is a really great place, and there’s still a long way to go for me.