International Summer School (Seoul, South Korea, 2015)

It was totally a life-changing experience for me!!! Never had more fun and never met such great people and bonded so strongly with them in such a short period of time (5 weeks).

Now I have friends from all across the globe i.e., China, Vietnam, Chile, Thailand, Turkey, Austria, Hawaii, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Sweden, Korea, Germany, England, Portugal, Finland. And the best part about this is that we all still keep in touch and are looking forward to planning another trip to somewhere in the near future again :)))

We did some traveling as a big group but we also had sufficient time to travel by ourselves to anywhere we wanted. For instance, we took a field trip to Jeju Island, which is outside of Seoul and it was about a 45 min flight, for 3 nights and 4 days. Each day was fun, adventurous and exciting. That was just only one of those fun field trips :))) there were a lot more……..

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The foods were FABULOUS!!!The best part about Seoul is that anything delivers there; McDonald’s will be delivered right to your dorm as you please.

Anyway, if you were to ask me what was the best part about the program? I would say that the people that I had met on the trip; traveling would not have been as fun without them. We learned how to share with the people who will be our life-long friends.


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