Going to Court


I had the opportunity to visit the International Criminal Court here in The Hague, Netherlands.  The International Criminal Court is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community.  I was able to sit in and listen to the defense of Charles Ghankay Taylor, former President of Liberia.  His 11 count indictment includes

-Acts of terrorism


-Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular murder


-Sexual slavery

-Outrages upon personal dignity

-Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular cruel treatment

-Other inhumane acts

-Conscripting or enlisting under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups, or using them to participate actively in hostilities



Taylor told stories of back dealings with CIA and US Government Departments and tried to paint himself as a savior to Liberia.  I never imagined sitting only a few feet away from a man possible of all these crimes, let alone that he would be a former president.

Steve Zorn

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