Board of Advisors
Scholarship Fund
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Empowering Communities
Unlocking Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Scholarship applications are now open
The Board of Advisors Scholarship Fund was created to support the Center’s vision of empowering communities to create and sustain generational wealth through franchising and to advance the Center’s mission of unlocking entrepreneurial opportunities for historically underrepresented populations. As industry leaders across a range of franchises, our Board understands the transformative power of education. Our scholarship fund will reward deserving learners seeking to further their franchise business education by taking graduate, undergraduate, or executive education (non-credit) courses in the College of Business at the University of Louisville. All are encouraged to apply.
Scholarships Available
Graduate Scholarship Award
Award Amount: Up to $3000
The Graduate Level Scholarship will be awarded to help students cover the cost of enrollment in the Online Franchise Management Certificate for the 2023-24 academic year. Courses include FRAN 601, FRAN 610, FRAN 620, FRAN 630, FRAN 640, and FRAN 650.
Eligibility: This scholarship is open to graduate students in good academic standing (3.0 GPA or higher), currently enrolled in the College of Business at the University of Louisville. *Preference is given to underrepresented populations.
Renewable: No
Undergraduate Scholarship Award
Award Amount: $1500
The Undergraduate Level Scholarship will be awarded to help students cover the cost of enrollment in the Undergraduate Franchise Program for the 2023-24 academic year. Courses include MGMT 409, MGMT 410, MGMT 413, and MGMT 414.
Eligibility: This scholarship is open to undergraduate students in good academic standing (2.8 GPA or higher), currently enrolled in the College of Business at the University of Louisville. *Preference is given to underrepresented populations.
Renewable: No
Executive Education (Bootcamp) Scholarship Opportunities
Award Value: Up to $2400
Online Franchise Management Certificate Bootcamp, IFA Foundations of Franchising Bootcamp, and Foundations of International Franchising Course.
Eligibility: This scholarship is open to any learner wanting to enroll in either of our Executive Education courses.
Renewable: No
*Please be advised that our scholarship program operates on a finite budget, and once the available funds have been allocated for the 2023-24 Academic Year, the application process will be closed.