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UofL Graduate Business Alumni Council

Working together to grow the value of the graduate programs
and degrees at the University of Louisville.

Join the UofL Graduate Business Alumni Council

Welcome to the Alumni Community

The UofL Graduate Business Alumni Council strives to build and nurture a community of like-minded, high-achieving individuals who are interested in fostering relationships among themselves and in the community, that will drive continued return on investment. These alumni are tied together by their shared experience of completing a graduate business program at the University of Louisville.

All graduate business alumni are welcome to participate in the Council. Other interested parties may include current and former staff, as well as program partnerships.

Connecting Alumni

Cultivate your Network

UofL graduate business alumni are well-connected and influential in many communities – we hope to build connections within this unique and talented group of individuals.

The University as a whole has a strong tradition of cultivating meaningful and lasting relationships with its alumni, and, as such, the Council serves to deepen that relationship.

In an increasingly competitive workforce environment, as an individual, as well as a city-to-city basis, it is important to have a strong Graduate Business Alumni Council that will champion the value of a UofL graduate business degree for current and future graduates. A strong and vibrant Alumni Council has the potential to influence employers already located in Louisville, as well as companies considering the Derby City as a potential new home.


Support Future Graduates

Our fundraising efforts primarily go towards the T. Vernon Foster Endowment, which will provide a yearly scholarship for future graduate business students.


UofL COB alumni graphic