Project on Excellence in Ethical Leadership
Ethical Leadership
Good For Workplace Culture
and the Bottom Line
A University of Louisville College of Business and Athletics partnership – the Project on Ethical Leadership Excellence utilizes two decades of research and experience to teach virtues-based leadership skills to individuals, leaders, universities, and organizations.
This is made possible by the generosity of Vice-President and Director of Athletics Vince Tyra, who personally invested $100,000 to start the project. The Athletics Department and Adidas have also committed their support over the next ten years.
Dependable traits of ethics and virtue aren’t just an act of giving back, they’re also good for business. An important study on the business impact of virtue and ethics displayed by CEOs* found that firms that were run by executives who exemplified virtue had a greater return on their assets as compared to those who had “ethically-challenged” leaders.
Workforce benefits:
- A more invested workforce
- Decreased HR issues
- Employees that are brand ambassadors
- Customers are aware of your organization’s culture and that affects your brand reputation.
- Companies with a good culture of honesty and fairness have higher customer retention.
Athletic and Academic Partnership
Strategies Proven Through Research and Experience
UofL athletics staff members have already started participating in ethics-related training, which is based on research in moral psychology and other areas. Future plans include training to interested Atlantic Coast Conference schools.
“The long-term goal of the project is to promote scientific inquiry into how character and leadership work and how they can be improved,” said Ryan Quinn, associate professor of management, who is leading the training. “We want this project to be inclusive of the whole university community. Faculty from disciplines including philosophy, education, law, sociology and urban and public affairs are already joining in the conversation.”
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Athletics, College of Business announce partnership on Ethics
The UofL College of Business and Athletics Department announce a new partnership to train athletics’ staff in sound business and ethical practices.
The partnership is part of the COB’s new Project on Ethical Leadership Excellence.

UofL Today with Mark Hebert Radio: Ethical Leadership program with Virginia Denny and Ryan Quin
UofLNews by MARK HEBERT – DECEMBER 04, 2018
Virginia Denny and Ryan Quinn talk about the College of Business’ new program on ethical leadership and its relationship to the UofL Athletics Department. Craig McClain, Vatsalya Vatsalya and Matt Cave discuss UofL’s Alcohol Research Institute.
UofLToday: Ethical Leadership Program
Louisville Cardinal: New program to put ethics first in athletics leadership
By Joseph Lyell —
Director of Athletics Vince Tyra and president Neeli Bendapudi held a press conference Oct. 25 to introduce a program that will promote ethical leadership in athletics.