Research team photo

The University and the College of Business pride themselves on real-world experience and the depth of our research. We value innovation, critical thinking, and the exchange of new ideas. Our distinguished faculty adds to the overall knowledge base for industry and education.

Along with the research and knowledge generated by our faculty, UofL’s Ekstrom Library provides access to extensive industry resources, including business plans, market, product, and consumer research, as well as other business-related databases.

$10M of RESEARCH RESOURCES working for your company

The University of Louisville allocates over $10M in business-specific research resources, publication subscriptions, and database access. That’s more resource power than most any knowledge base in the area. Our dedicated business & entrepreneurship research librarian is a rich resource for our researchers, and capstone consulting teams, working on behalf of our corporate partners.

Ways to Utilize our research power:

  • Hire capstone teams to solve your business issues and optimize your profit strategies
  • Hire interns in our business majors such as marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, finance, computer and data science, economics, and management
    • Skills include professional communication, data analysis, business plan, and investor creation, consumer behavior, logistics, project management, accounting, and more.