American Chamber of Commerce Meeting in Dusseldorf

On Monday, June 8th, I visited Dusseldorf, Germany and represented King & Mayr at the American Chamber of Commerce meeting. Many CEO’s from Europe and America were there. I met the CEO of Ford Europe as well as many other corporate leaders. After meeting with the leaders for about an hour, we sat down to a four course meal and listened to a panel of three speakers that discussed the T-TIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). The discussion focused on why there might be objections to the new trade partnership and how it can be beneficial for Transatlantic commerce. Over all the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is designed to reduce red tape and legal barriers to trade between the United States and Europe. The law is similar to NAFTA. After the four course meal I was able to end the evening by securing a few contacts for the company. Over all it was interesting to represent a company on my own and see how Germans conduct formal business events.Dusseldorf, Germany

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