EBS Update

It’s been over a month now and I finally have started to adjust to life in Oestrich-Winkel. There have been so many obstacles to overcome, but things are becoming much easier. Let begin with the commute. It’s been quite the change to go from driving to school everyday to hoping on a bike in the mornings. It’s still a little too cold out for my liking but you can’t beat the view. Next there is the need to eat. This seems to be a simple task but trying to find food in the grocery store when you can’t read german makes certain items had to find. For a while I stuck to eating at the pizza place next door but now I have some german studies under my belt so the grocery is no longer a daughting task.

Another different thing about living here is the schedule of classes. I have already completed two courses and in another I just have to take the exam before it’s complete. Attached you’ll see a picture from the first course I took in Asset Backed Securities. (Future CEOs) You’ll notice what a large variety of international students come to EBS. While there are lots of French students there are also students from Canada, Sweeden, Singapore, Hong Kong, Norway, Britian, Uruguay, Chile, Spain, Italy, and many more.

My trip has been a blast so far and I’ll post again soon. For now, I’ve gotta run and get ready for my trip to London on Monday.

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